SW Sleeping

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by kellnerp, Jan 28, 2004.

  1. kellnerp

    kellnerp Guest

    I am running SW2003. On one of my seats SW will "go to sleep" when loading
    an assembly. Reinstalling SW will fix the problem. Using Outlook from
    Office 2000 will cause the problem to reappear. By "go to sleep" I mean
    that the hour glass will show when loading and assembly, but the task
    manager will show minimal cpu utilization (3-4%) when it should be showing

    Has anybody seen problems with Office 2000 and SW2003?
    kellnerp, Jan 28, 2004
  2. kellnerp

    Scott Guest

    Hello Paul!

    I have seen something similar to this but I didn't need to reinstall. I only
    have to shut SW down let it rest a moment and make sure the Task Manager is
    cleaned out. Then restart SW and it's fine.

    Scott, Jan 28, 2004
  3. Hi Paul,

    Yes, but this didn't seem to happen to us until we installed 2004.
    Also, I can no longer open a drawing ( multi sheet assembly ) without first opening the assembly and setting all
    components to resolved. I get pretty much the same results. The CPU shows 1-2% usage. Normally we just kill the SWX task
    and start over.
    Just for shits & giggles, I left it going one evening when I left work. I came in the next morning and the drawing had
    finally opened.

    We're on SWX 2004 SP1.0, Outlook 2002 SP2.

    Malcolm_Tempt, Jan 28, 2004
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