SW Manufacturing Network

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Diego, Feb 21, 2006.

  1. Diego

    Diego Guest

    Are any of you using the SW Manufacturing Network? Any new referrals or
    comments from existing customers? Have you located suppliers this way?
    Do you think it's worthwhile based on your results? Any hassles?

    Thanks for your input. Diego
    Diego, Feb 21, 2006
  2. Diego

    ken.maren Guest

    I have located suppliers this way. It's been helpful to say the least.

    ken.maren, Feb 21, 2006
  3. Diego

    TOP Guest

    In the six years I have been in it I have received one inquiry. At one
    point I attempted to update some of my information. It didn't happen.

    I just had a new look at it.

    1. If you didn't know it was there on the SW homepage you would never
    find it.
    2. I tried to generate a dummy RFQ for my company and couldn't. This
    would certainly work against me.
    3. The quote process is geared towards mfg houses not design houses.
    4. There is no information or entry portal on the Mfg Network web page
    for those in the network. Just a well hidden email address.
    5. I don't receive any other information from the network like emails
    regarding changes.
    6. This really torques my chain.
    Question: How are vendors ranked on the Manufacturing Network?
    Answer: Until additional criteria are established, vendors listed on
    the Manufacturing Network will be ranked by the resources they have
    available as measured by the number of seats they have and the number
    of Certified SolidWorks Professionals (CSWPs) they have on staff.
    Companies with equal resources are ranked in alphabetical order. At
    this time, we do not have a customer feedback system in place to affect
    ranking, though this may be available in the future.

    I suppose it helps some people but it sure seems awkward.
    TOP, Feb 22, 2006
  4. TOP, just to clarify, it hasn't been up for 6 years. More like 4. :)
    jimfrancis2000, Feb 22, 2006
  5. Diego

    TOP Guest

    Chomp (Eating hat) chomp, chomp. You are right, the first record I have
    of it is Jun 2002 which would make 3 3/4 years not 6 and I have been in
    for 3.
    TOP, Feb 22, 2006
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