SW Installation

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Engineer, Nov 25, 2006.

  1. Engineer

    Engineer Guest

    Just want to check if this is possible.

    Well say i have copy of all the four cd (copy and pasted)on a hard
    drive and want to do the installation. Is it possible as i believe that
    only 1st cd can be run this way and when it will ask for 2nd cd it will
    gve errors.

    any idea


    Engineer, Nov 25, 2006
  2. For our installations here, the first thing I usually do is copy the CDs to
    a location on the server. When it prompts that some of the files already
    exist (from the previous CD) then tell it to go ahead and copy. Then to do
    a new install on a machine, I can run a batch file that installs off the
    network drive. No more CD shuffle. Also, when applying a service pack, you
    don't have to do the shuffle - it will find the necessary files on the
    network drive.

    Wayne Tiffany, Nov 25, 2006
  3. Engineer

    Eddy Hicks Guest

    Speaking from past experience it used to work to copy all the cd's to a
    folder in the root of a drive, like c:\swinstall, or something like that.
    If it is in a folder deeper than the root it will fail. I don't beleive in
    that scenerio that it even prompts you for the next cd (but my memory
    fades). I don't know if it still works with current versions but it did
    back in the early days. I had tried this method to allow for easy updates
    on a laptop. I ultimately decided to bite the bullet and simply create an
    Admin image, which has it's trade-offs but is the official method of what
    you seek...

    Admin image pros:
    .. admin image folder can live anywhere on a drive, not just off the root
    .. the keycodes etc. are already enterered so you don't have to keep track of
    them at install time
    .. system configs can be "seeded" and made part of the image, but you must
    learn how to keep track or you could end up goofing up your install (for
    example: network admin image designed for network sharing is inappropriate
    for local install only, etc. - hint: edit the
    "SolidWorks_2007_SP0_client_options.ini" and "swsetup.ini" files to control
    install folders, toolbox and shared folders, etc.)

    Admin image cons:
    .. takes up more space because all those nicely compressed cd cab files are
    expanded and you end up with a bunch of alternate languages and stuff that
    eat drive space with little advantage to the average setup
    .. anytime you want to update Solidworks you must first update the admin
    image. Seems silly on a laptop or single user desktop but that's how it is.
    To get the pros you accept the cons.

    For a desktop or laptop for which you can live with a folder off the root
    dedicated to the SW cd's then it's worth a try. It's worth mentioning that
    this folder can be moved to a different location and put back for updates,
    etc. if you're willing to manage it that way. If you want to be politically
    correct to the SW vision, then create an admin image :)

    - Eddy
    Eddy Hicks, Nov 30, 2006
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