SW- Drawing Font Issue - Easy One for the Guru's out there

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by lmar, May 22, 2008.

  1. lmar

    lmar Guest


    How do I set the font for dimensions added manually in a drawing to
    the same "darkness" as an automatic dimension?

    Example: Use automated dimensions to generate ordinate dimensions (or
    any other type) and dimensions come out fine (per dimension font).
    Go and change geometry and add a single hole. RMB to "Add ordinate"
    dimension and dimension new hole.

    Problem: The new dimensions are "lighter" in colour than the original
    ones. Printing the SW drawing is no problem. However, when generating
    a PDF of the SW drawing the "shade" of the font is displayed in the
    I always used SW drawings so it hasn't been an issue. Must now use

    I need dimensions to be the same no matter how they were "created".

    I remember changing this way back in 2000 or 2001. Can't for the life
    of me figure out how I did it.

    Any suggestions?

    lmar, May 22, 2008
  2. lmar

    jlbeen Guest

    Tools, options, colors, dimensions etc.
    You can set any type of dimension color here. I think that will take
    care of you.
    jlbeen, May 23, 2008
  3. lmar

    Krister_L Guest

    Just create a new layer in Your template, call it dimension or
    something like that and keep the color black. Activate it whenever You
    insert dimensions.

    // Krister
    Krister_L, May 23, 2008
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