SW DOC Manager Issue

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Dataman, Jan 25, 2007.

  1. Dataman

    Dataman Guest

    I am using a compiled program incorporating the Doc Manager to pull the
    XML stream of hierarchial data from assembly structures without opening
    the assemblies into memory. It has works extremly well and is very very
    fast. However I have run into what I think may be an API bug. I have
    an assembly which has one sub assembly that is set to Flexible. When
    the program I created runs against the parent assembly it does capture
    the top level sub assembly (the one set to flexible) in the output, but
    none of that subs children or parts are in the output at all. Anyone
    run into this? I know what Flexible does, but for the life of me I
    cannot figure out how it messes up assembly data stored in the file.
    Dataman, Jan 25, 2007
  2. Dataman

    Dataman Guest

    Solved the problem - the assembly configurations stored on disk where
    not Rebuilt and the Flexible assembly gets left out in this situation.
    Choosing a configuration that is rebuilt will result in a correct data
    extraction. Appears no bug after all.
    Dataman, Jan 31, 2007
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