SW Corp, another problem with Fill Surface.... crap curvature!!

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Paul Salvador, Nov 8, 2003.

  1. Paul Salvador, Nov 8, 2003
  2. Paul Salvador

    bill a Guest

    Yeah, I just tried some simple surface fills and it was pretty much hosed.
    Weird tangencies, wouldn't knit, wouldn't thicken, etc.

    Built the same part in 2003sp4 with no problem, wham, bam.

    2004 seems to be in that familiar trainwreck mode like their last several
    releases in the early going. 2004+ next summer, maybe?


    bill a, Nov 9, 2003
  3. Tripod Data Systems


    Was this part OK in 2004 sp0? Since 2004 seemed to be in pretty good shape
    and some of the parts that were broken in 2003 are OK in 2004, we decided to
    make the switch. Now, a few weeks later, it looks like maybe we were
    premature. We'll stay at SP0.0 since SP1.0 looks like a loser for surfaces.

    Jerry Steiger
    Jerry Steiger, Nov 10, 2003
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