SW can't handle motion in this simple assembly?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by mitch, Jun 9, 2005.

  1. mitch

    mitch Guest

    Maybe I'm doing something wrong, but it seems SW can't correctly handle
    motion in this simple assembly?

    In simplified terms I need to create a square sheet of material made up
    of 4 identical smaller square pieces butted up together to make the
    larger square.

    The big square needs to have the small pieces mated on their edges to
    make a vertical hinged joint and a horizontal hinged joint so that the
    big sheet can "fold" on either the vertical or horizontal joint axis.
    (Providing always that one starts from a position where all the pieces
    lie exactly flat in the same plane).

    Whay cant SW handle this? It will only ever allow me to "fold" on one
    particular axis, never the other axis.

    My procedure for making this is as follows:

    1. Arrange 4 identical square flat sheet parts into a large square.

    2. Mate each edge to its adjacent butting edge (4 mates).

    3. Mate each edge face to align to its neighbour so that the fold lines
    stay aligned in the same plane while allowing motion in the required
    directions (4 mates).

    Any ideas for making this work, anyone?


    mitch, Jun 9, 2005
  2. I just tried it and I could make it rotate in both directions. What I saw
    was that just lifting one of the parts did rotate some of it, but I didn't
    know which way it would go first. To make it start to rotate on the other
    axis, I had to lock in the first direction so that the parts were coincident
    across the top. This then made the other axis exactly a straight line, and
    therefore let it rotate on the other axis. Make sense?

    Wayne Tiffany, Jun 9, 2005
  3. mitch

    mitch Guest

    Yes Wayne, you are right. Mating two parts seems to allow SW to then
    decide which direction to rotate in.

    Its a bit irritating to have to use a superfluous mate to get it to do
    this. I was hoping to be able to manipulate it as it would be in real

    Many thanks.

    mitch, Jun 10, 2005
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