SW Books

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by thestew, May 1, 2007.

  1. thestew

    thestew Guest

    Anyone suggest some good SW books. I have been doing SW for about 3
    years. I am lookin to learn some more about design tables.

    I am new to the forum so any tips would help.

    thestew, May 1, 2007
  2. thestew

    matt Guest

    Well, I've got a book, which is finally in stock, which covers most SW
    topics. Check it out at http://dezignstuff.com/blog/solidworks-2007-bible/

    You can also get free stuff on my website, like user group presentations.


    Go to the User Groups link on the left.

    Good luck,

    matt, May 1, 2007
  3. thestew

    fcsuper Guest


    Oddly ironic that this request comes on the heals of your grand
    release, Matt? ;)

    fcsuper, May 1, 2007
  4. thestew

    matt Guest

    Yeah, I know, it looks like a cheesy set up, but I didn't do it. If I
    were going to be self promoting, I just do it blatantly, and come right
    out and say "buy my stuff". I debated replying because either way it was
    going to look like I did it, especially since it was right before my
    response to another thread. It's a tough thing to not look cheesy no
    matter what you do when you suddenly have something to sell. Maybe
    people will remember that for the last 10 years I've given away a lot of
    stuff on this newsgroup too.
    matt, May 1, 2007
  5. Hey, you wrote it, stand up & hawk it to the world! Don't be ashamed!
    Here, repeat after me - "Hey, I just wrote an excellent book on the subject.
    Check it out and buy it if it looks good." Now, don't you feel better??

    Wayne Tiffany, May 1, 2007
  6. thestew

    pete Guest

    I agree with Wayne,

    Be VERY cheesy, Let the world know!
    Blog everything that moves, lol

    This will ensure that every solidworks user will be, not just good, but
    great at their job!
    That's good isn't it?

    pete, May 2, 2007
  7. thestew

    thestew Guest

    Thanks, for the tip. I will go check it out. Did you really write the
    book? That is awsome..
    thestew, May 2, 2007
  8. thestew

    matt Guest

    Yeah, I really wrote the book. That or I blacked out for 5 months.
    Anyway, I hope you like it.
    matt, May 2, 2007
  9. thestew

    Chris Dubea Guest

    Nice work. I wonder if we can get SolidWorks to send us a copy for
    our measly $1,300 maintenance fee now that we don't get printed

    Chris Dubea, May 3, 2007
  10. thestew

    Diego Guest

    Matt, my copy of the SW bible is in transit from Amazon and I'm
    looking forward to using it. I've always found your advice interesting
    and frequently helpful. I wish my co-workers would get interested in
    learning more than the bare minimum. It's hard to get them to even
    check the help files, let alone get a reference book on SW. After
    seven years I'm getting tired of answering questions on how to cut a
    hole near a bend line and explaining the difference between flatten
    and unfold/fold.

    Aside from that, the books by the Planchards that I used on drawings
    and assemblies (2003 version) have been great. Others are worthwhile
    going thru as well; you can always pick up another helpful tip and
    best practices info.

    Diego, May 4, 2007
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