SW BOM and Balloons

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by TOP, Jul 7, 2005.

  1. TOP

    TOP Guest

    I just tossed a drawing with a SWBOM over the wall this afternoon and
    got it tossed back at me.

    The SWBOM numbering was all screwed up. I attached balloons to each
    part in the assembly (relatively simple assy.) and then counted the
    balloon numbers; they didn't add up to the number of a particular part
    in the BOM. After saving and reloading the drawing the BOM was even
    more screwed up.

    I switched to an excel based BOM and everything worked as it should
    including the balloon numbers.

    Has anyone else seen this?
    SW2004 SP5.0
    TOP, Jul 7, 2005
  2. TOP

    pete Guest

    Top, I have also seen this, an assembly with 24 parts with 25 balloons
    numbered 1 to 25, lol
    Adding any more balloons, continued with the number 25, no matter what part
    I selected. So I had two balloons on one part with two different numbers for
    it. I also went back to the excel bom template.
    pete, Jul 7, 2005
  3. Check to make sure that the view with the balloons is tied to the BOM. If
    you did some changing around, I can see a chance that the view is looking at
    a different config, or something.

    Wayne Tiffany, Jul 7, 2005
  4. TOP

    TOP Guest

    Only one config in the assembly. But many of the parts had multiple
    configs. The Excel BOM had no problem. But when I deleted and recreated
    the SWBOM things just got worse.

    I made the assumption that such a basic functionality was checked,
    tested and would work without question. Wrong again.
    TOP, Jul 8, 2005
  5. TOP

    \\/\\/im Guest

    In the drawing view with the balloons: RMB, properties, select "Keep
    linked to BOM"
    This helps for me in SW2005 and stops the Balloons giving strange numbers.
    \\/\\/im, Jul 8, 2005
  6. Believe me it has not improved on 2005 sp3.1 or 4ev.
    Just today for about the 3rd time in a week I've had SW BOMs and ballons
    screwing themselves.
    I've had the extra Balloon number trick, that should not be there.
    Today new one ...
    A balloon placed on a SMC Air Cylinder downloaded from their Website,
    refuses to come up with a item number,
    just a asterisk *
    Now I do know that this behaviour occurs if the check box
    "do not include in BOM"
    is ticked in properties of sub assy, but it was not checked.
    No way could I force the item number that appeared in the BOM to show up in
    just this frigging * .......!#&%$
    Neville Williams, Jul 8, 2005
  7. The * shows up if the item that's ballooned is not in the config that is
    shown. OR,,,,,, if the item with the balloon is of the same part, but a
    different config in that subpart.

    Wayne Tiffany, Jul 8, 2005
  8. TOP

    Daquifsta Guest

    I've seen this kind of thing if it is a multi- body part, too. Until
    recently, all my 'O' rings contained an extra spherical body to allow
    tangent mates with valve poppets etc. This was the only workaround my
    VAR and I could find in 2001plus to get the mates to work. Whenever I
    came to balloon up one of these multi-body 'O' rings I would get the
    trouble you guys are seeing. SW2005 doesnt seem to have the same mating
    restrictions, so I've suppressed the mating sphere in all my 'O' ring
    configs. Note that I've only suppressed and not deleted the feature - I
    fully expect mates to get messed up in the next release.......or the
    one after that ;)
    Daquifsta, Jul 8, 2005
  9. TOP

    ifalu Guest


    How big is the assembly, perhaps you can send it to me and I can take a
    look at it.

    Ian Falu
    QA Engineer
    ifalu, Jul 8, 2005
  10. TOP

    pete Guest

    I still have it, it's quite small, but at work, I am back there on Tuesday,
    I will send it to you then.
    Thanks for taking the effort.
    pete, Jul 8, 2005
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