SW Bible

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by thestew, Jun 25, 2007.

  1. thestew

    thestew Guest

    Finally orrded my SolidWorks bible from Amazon. Man, it sure is taking
    a while to get here, usually amazon ships rather quickly. Oh well...
    thestew, Jun 25, 2007
  2. thestew

    jon_banquer Guest

    "Finally orrded my SolidWorks bible from Amazon. Man, it sure is
    taking a while to get here, usually amazon ships rather quickly. Oh

    Mine took 5 days from Borders Books... special order. Spent $6 to
    spiral bind it into 2 books with heavy covers. I dislike perfect

    Will be ordering 2 more SolidWorks Bibles in the next few weeks to
    give to others I work with.

    I still don't see a place to discuss the SolidWorks Bible on the
    authors blog. I do see a place to report errors but that's all.

    I suspect the author is forced to use the "Bible" format. I'd rather
    see a more intense hands on tutorial approach rather than have the
    tutorials follow at the end of the chapters. I suspect the author has
    no choice but to adhere to this format and does an admirable job of
    still creating a very readable and helpful book... it's just that like
    many who work with their hands, like I do, prefer an immediate hands
    on approach. IOW, 100% tutorial.

    I just spent $600 for the SolidProfessor Professional Bundle.
    SolidProfessor pretty much adheres to a 100 percent hands on tutorial
    approach. So far I'm very happy with the SolidProfessor video
    tutorials and feel it's money well spent.

    I'm sure you will like the book and it will be worth the wait.

    Jon Banquer
    San Diego, CA
    jon_banquer, Jun 25, 2007
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