SW API Macro Programmers--SW World 2005 Presentation posted

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by customsolids, Feb 7, 2005.

  1. customsolids

    customsolids Guest

    Those of you who dabble in the SolidWorks API may be interested in
    this. I just posted the presentation I did at SW World last week for
    download. The topic may appeal to a somewhat narrow segment of the
    SolidWorks community, but I figured this is the place to find that
    segment. It's really not targeted at those just beginning to play with
    the API, but more for those who have been doing it a while and want to
    take it to the next level. It's posted without guarantees, tech
    support, etc., etc. But go ahead and download if you think it will be
    useful to you.

    Thanks to those of you who came to the presentation. You may also want
    to download, since the version that will be coming out on the
    conference CD is missing some of the tweaks and additions that came
    after the submission deadline. (Just couldn't resist!)

    The presentation is on http://www.customsolids.com/Products.html and is
    accessible via the "Download" button next to "SolidWorks World 2005

    The description of the content is as follows: Shows how to take
    SolidWorks Macro programming beyond the beginner stage with some
    powerful programming techniques not often taught in beginning
    programming references. Topics include using the FileSystemObject to
    move and copy files along with the SW API to properly Re-reference
    them. The presentation also shows how to add Common dialogs through
    the Windows Shell and Windows API, since Common Dialogs are not
    included in the SW VBA toolbox. Finally, an introduction to Regular
    Expressions provides some ultra-powerful string matching capabilities
    that will make your code compact and efficient. Download includes
    Powerpoint presentation with extensive notes, as well as screen-capture
    movie segments to illustrate.

    Thanks again to those of you who came and offered your own
    contributions to the discussion!

    Brenda D. Bosley
    customsolids, Feb 7, 2005
  2. customsolids

    CS Guest

    I appreciate it Brenda
    Downloading now
    Thank you for sharing with those of us who couldn't make it.

    CS, Feb 7, 2005
  3. customsolids

    KCS Company Guest

    The evidence of your knowledge on the subject is quite well expressed
    in your Propa-Gator product. Thanks for your contribution.

    KCS Company, Feb 8, 2005
  4. Got it. I did a bit more reading on the Regular Expressions, and now will
    try to remember to use them next time. Thanks.

    Wayne Tiffany, Feb 8, 2005
  5. customsolids

    customsolids Guest

    You're welcome! Hope it's helpful.

    customsolids, Feb 8, 2005
  6. customsolids

    P. Guest

    After a slow, but not entirely unprofitable, start on Monday your
    session was a big plus.
    P., Feb 8, 2005
  7. customsolids

    P. Guest

    How to open the swf files?
    P., Feb 8, 2005
  8. customsolids

    CS Guest

    OK Brenda I already had use for the Regular Expressions. It works great
    opens up a whole new world.

    CS, Feb 9, 2005
  9. customsolids

    customsolids Guest

    The html/swf files should have unzipped into a sub-folder named
    "Supporting Files". If they are there, the hyper-links on the
    Powerpoint slides should launch them. (I haven't tested it on a non-IE
    browser, tho.) The .swf files are flash files and should load
    automatically in the .html files of the identical name.

    customsolids, Feb 10, 2005
  10. customsolids

    customsolids Guest

    Pretty useful once you know about 'em! Funny-looking, but powerful.

    customsolids, Feb 10, 2005
  11. customsolids

    CS Guest

    Brenda could you help me out. I have run into a bit of a problem and was
    wondering if you could help me around it.

    The situation
    Creating a VBA program for AutoCAD 2000.
    All I really want to do is use the Split function but it isn't available in
    the version of VBA that AutoCAD 2000 attaches to it's Macros. I tried to
    switch the reference to a current version of VBA but it won't allow me to
    remove the reference.
    So I decided to try Regular Expressions.
    I include the vbscript.dll and it comes up as Microsoft VBScript Global.
    and dosen't seem to have a reference to Regular Expressions.
    Though it does have a call to Split but I can't instantiate the GlobalObj to
    get to it.
    I tried using New and Createobject but can't figure out what the class name
    is to do this.

    Please help.

    CS, Feb 10, 2005
  12. customsolids

    customsolids Guest


    Sorry...didn't see your question right away.

    I'm actually not all that familiar with working in the AutoCAD VBA
    development environment, although I've done some things with the ACad
    API from an external application.

    VBScript Global is NOT the reference you want, even tho both may be in
    the same file. You do want one that says "Regular Expressions" in the
    name. Seems strange that it wouldn't show up in the available
    references. As I remember there were some non-standard quirks in the
    Acad API calls as well.

    If all you're really after is a split function, can you do a
    work-around with a function that parses off each segment and returns an
    array or collection of the segments? (Let me know if this needs
    further explanation)

    Good Luck!
    customsolids, Feb 12, 2005
  13. customsolids

    CS Guest

    Thanks Brenda I could figure that out I was just being lazy. In my own
    wierd way.

    CS, Feb 14, 2005
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