SW animator

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by sid, Mar 6, 2008.

  1. sid

    sid Guest


    I am a begineer in SW animation and I had the foll. questions:

    1] I have a simple rail and a carriage (sliding on the rail). When I
    call out the linear motor, the carriage slides along the rail, but
    doesnt stop. How do I make it stop at a particular location?

    2] If I have this rail and carriage subassembly in another assembly,
    how do I make the carriage slide in this top level assy.?

    I am using SW2006.

    Please help.
    sid, Mar 6, 2008
  2. sid

    Engineer Guest

    Hi Sid,

    You need to two things over here.

    1 Put a stopper kind of thing on the carriage so that linear motor can
    calculate that at this point it has to stop.
    2 Right click this assembly in the top level assembly, select
    properties from the menu and select the option flexible from the

    Engineer, Mar 11, 2008
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