SW and multiple cores

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Jean Marc, Mar 4, 2008.

  1. Jean Marc

    brewertr Guest

    No Jon its a forgery, a Banqueer family trait it seems.

    brewertr, Mar 8, 2008
  2. Jean Marc

    jon_banquer Guest

    "Jon Banquer has never been convicted of forgery or any other felony.
    On the other had I have been convicted of terminal stupidity and am
    currently serving a life sentence. This is because I'm both an
    ignorant idiot and a liar. I'm also an obsessed Usenet stalker like my
    mentor and hero Cliff Huprich. My wife likes that I'm a Usenet stalker
    and obsessed with Jon Banquer because it keeps me away from her.


    Now it's correct, Brewer


    "Jon, I never forgot any of your postings about SDRC I made the wrong
    decision in spite of what you said. There have been a number of times
    that my Wife has told me to be careful in dealing with someone and
    after words says "I told you so". She earned the right to say it as
    well as you have earned the right to say I TOLD YOU SO. I made a
    decision that went against my better judgment and as usual it turned
    out poorly." .... Tom Brewer


    "I do not purchase programs unless I know before hand that they are
    what I want and/ or need."... Tom Brewer who can't follow his own
    advice. See above.


    Tom Brewer thinking he and his pals like Joe788 can play their Usenet
    staking games, lie on a repeated basis and suffer no consequences for
    doing so.


    "I have shot myself in the foot, not an easy thing to do when it is
    in your mouth and your head is in your ass."... Tom Brewer admitting
    what he's often like.


    Someone who has a proven track record of not being able to deal with
    or accept the kind of change that occurs in the cadcam market... now
    that's ignorant or should we say that's Tom Brewer.


    Someone who doesn't live in San Diego yet insists there is no shortage
    of CNC machinists here... now that's ignorant or should we say that's
    Tom Brewer.


    Someone who criticizes someone on SolidWorks but has never helped
    anyone with specific SolidWorks answers. Someone who is not able to
    answer any questions that "Vinny" had on master modeling or skeletal
    modeling. Someone who has never posted any models they have done...
    now that's ignorant or should we say that's Tom Brewer.


    Tom Brewer's failure to understand who Matt Lombard really is.


    Tom Brewer's unable to comprehend what's on the cover of the
    SolidWorks Bible:

    "Whether you're a new, intermediate, ...."


    Someone who can't understand more than a simple "I love it!" or "I
    hate it!" type of comment ... now that's ignorant or should we say
    that's Tom Brewer.


    Tom Brewer implies that because you acknowledge that the $25
    SolidWorks course covers subjects / topics that the $650 SolidWorks
    course didn't that you're now somehow an idiot and got screwed when
    you decided to purchase the $650 SolidWorks course.

    Tom Brewer Writing About SmartCAM:

    "I ended up paying a consultant $40.00 per hour for two weeks."

    "FYI, when I said "Solid modeling" in reference to SmartCam it was
    tongue in cheek. What you could not see is that when I was typing that
    I was laughing to myself. Anyone that uses SmartCam and Solid
    Modeling in the same sentence cannot be taken seriously."

    Recently Tom Brewer said SmartCAM had no user interface problems and
    yet the record shows Tom Brewer thinks SmartCAM does indeed have user
    interface problems:

    "The only real problem that I run into is that the screen can get
    cluttered and it becomes difficult to pick and choose elements in Free
    Form. I just use the utility masking feature to hide what is in the
    way, that cures the problem but it does add work (I tried the snap
    filtering and snap options but for me it was not the best way), I
    have seen other packages that handle picking and choosing in better."


    Tom Brewer thinks he's a SolidWorks expert. A SolidWorks expert is
    someone who knows more and more about less and less until he knows
    absolutely everything about nothing.
    jon_banquer, Mar 8, 2008
  3. Jean Marc

    jon_banquer Guest

    " Well Jon it seems you keep making me look like the ignorant idiot
    that I truly am. I know it's not very hard to do. I will keep trying
    to make your responsible for a woman you haven't been with for many,
    many years because I'm a desperate Usenet stalker who will do anything
    to try and discredit you just like my hero and mentor Cliff Huprich
    who has zero credibility. Cliff Huprich has been so discredited that
    almost no one responds to any of his posts on alt.machines.cnc because
    he's not worth the time. I know this only shows how desperate I truly
    am but I've got to do something. I'm tired of being made a complete
    fool of.


    Now it's correct, Brewer

    Jon Banquer
    San Diego, CA
    jon_banquer, Mar 8, 2008
  4. Jean Marc

    jon_banquer Guest

    Being ignorant and stupid is a Brewer family trait.
    Now it's correct, Brewer.


    "Jon, I never forgot any of your postings about SDRC I made the wrong
    decision in spite of what you said. There have been a number of times
    that my Wife has told me to be careful in dealing with someone and
    after words says "I told you so". She earned the right to say it as
    well as you have earned the right to say I TOLD YOU SO. I made a
    decision that went against my better judgment and as usual it turned
    out poorly." .... Tom Brewer


    "I do not purchase programs unless I know before hand that they are
    what I want and/ or need."... Tom Brewer who can't follow his own
    advice. See above.


    Tom Brewer thinking he and his pals like Joe788 can play their Usenet
    staking games, lie on a repeated basis and suffer no consequences for
    doing so.


    "I have shot myself in the foot, not an easy thing to do when it is
    in your mouth and your head is in your ass."... Tom Brewer admitting
    what he's often like.


    Someone who has a proven track record of not being able to deal with
    or accept the kind of change that occurs in the cadcam market... now
    that's ignorant or should we say that's Tom Brewer.


    Someone who doesn't live in San Diego yet insists there is no shortage
    of CNC machinists here... now that's ignorant or should we say that's
    Tom Brewer.


    Someone who criticizes someone on SolidWorks but has never helped
    anyone with specific SolidWorks answers. Someone who is not able to
    answer any questions that "Vinny" had on master modeling or skeletal
    modeling. Someone who has never posted any models they have done...
    now that's ignorant or should we say that's Tom Brewer.


    Tom Brewer's failure to understand who Matt Lombard really is.


    Tom Brewer's unable to comprehend what's on the cover of the
    SolidWorks Bible:

    "Whether you're a new, intermediate, ...."


    Someone who can't understand more than a simple "I love it!" or "I
    hate it!" type of comment ... now that's ignorant or should we say
    that's Tom Brewer.


    Tom Brewer implies that because you acknowledge that the $25
    SolidWorks course covers subjects / topics that the $650 SolidWorks
    course didn't that you're now somehow an idiot and got screwed when
    you decided to purchase the $650 SolidWorks course.

    Tom Brewer Writing About SmartCAM:

    "I ended up paying a consultant $40.00 per hour for two weeks."

    "FYI, when I said "Solid modeling" in reference to SmartCam it was
    tongue in cheek. What you could not see is that when I was typing that
    I was laughing to myself. Anyone that uses SmartCam and Solid
    Modeling in the same sentence cannot be taken seriously."

    Recently Tom Brewer said SmartCAM had no user interface problems and
    yet the record shows Tom Brewer thinks SmartCAM does indeed have user
    interface problems:

    "The only real problem that I run into is that the screen can get
    cluttered and it becomes difficult to pick and choose elements in Free
    Form. I just use the utility masking feature to hide what is in the
    way, that cures the problem but it does add work (I tried the snap
    filtering and snap options but for me it was not the best way), I
    have seen other packages that handle picking and choosing in better."


    Tom Brewer thinks he's a SolidWorks expert. A SolidWorks expert is
    someone who knows more and more about less and less until he knows
    absolutely everything about nothing.
    jon_banquer, Mar 8, 2008
  5. Jean Marc

    brewertr Guest

    How many felonies have you committed and gotten away with?
    brewertr, Mar 8, 2008
  6. Jean Marc

    brewertr Guest

    Well you've done it and gotten away with it at least a few hundred
    times so far here on Google groups?

    Even you wife hasn't done that and she IS a convicted felon who spent
    years in prison for forgery & ID theft.

    brewertr, Mar 8, 2008
  7. Jean Marc

    brewertr Guest

    Well she is a convicted forger and here you are forging posts. Now
    that she's out of prison and you have so much in common.........who

    brewertr, Mar 8, 2008
  8. Jean Marc

    jon_banquer Guest

    "How many other stupid-ignorant things have I done and not admitted.
    There are so many it's hard to keep track.


    Now it's correct, Brewer


    "Jon, I never forgot any of your postings about SDRC I made the wrong
    decision in spite of what you said. There have been a number of times
    that my Wife has told me to be careful in dealing with someone and
    after words says "I told you so". She earned the right to say it as
    well as you have earned the right to say I TOLD YOU SO. I made a
    decision that went against my better judgment and as usual it turned
    out poorly." .... Tom Brewer


    "I do not purchase programs unless I know before hand that they are
    what I want and/ or need."... Tom Brewer who can't follow his own
    advice. See above.


    Tom Brewer thinking he and his pals like Joe788 can play their Usenet
    staking games, lie on a repeated basis and suffer no consequences for
    doing so.


    "I have shot myself in the foot, not an easy thing to do when it is
    in your mouth and your head is in your ass."... Tom Brewer admitting
    what he's often like.


    Someone who has a proven track record of not being able to deal with
    or accept the kind of change that occurs in the cadcam market... now
    that's ignorant or should we say that's Tom Brewer.


    Someone who doesn't live in San Diego yet insists there is no shortage
    of CNC machinists here... now that's ignorant or should we say that's
    Tom Brewer.


    Someone who criticizes someone on SolidWorks but has never helped
    anyone with specific SolidWorks answers. Someone who is not able to
    answer any questions that "Vinny" had on master modeling or skeletal
    modeling. Someone who has never posted any models they have done...
    now that's ignorant or should we say that's Tom Brewer.


    Tom Brewer's failure to understand who Matt Lombard really is.


    Tom Brewer's unable to comprehend what's on the cover of the
    SolidWorks Bible:

    "Whether you're a new, intermediate, ...."


    Someone who can't understand more than a simple "I love it!" or "I
    hate it!" type of comment ... now that's ignorant or should we say
    that's Tom Brewer.


    Tom Brewer implies that because you acknowledge that the $25
    SolidWorks course covers subjects / topics that the $650 SolidWorks
    course didn't that you're now somehow an idiot and got screwed when
    you decided to purchase the $650 SolidWorks course.

    Tom Brewer Writing About SmartCAM:

    "I ended up paying a consultant $40.00 per hour for two weeks."

    "FYI, when I said "Solid modeling" in reference to SmartCam it was
    tongue in cheek. What you could not see is that when I was typing that
    I was laughing to myself. Anyone that uses SmartCam and Solid
    Modeling in the same sentence cannot be taken seriously."

    Recently Tom Brewer said SmartCAM had no user interface problems and
    yet the record shows Tom Brewer thinks SmartCAM does indeed have user
    interface problems:

    "The only real problem that I run into is that the screen can get
    cluttered and it becomes difficult to pick and choose elements in Free
    Form. I just use the utility masking feature to hide what is in the
    way, that cures the problem but it does add work (I tried the snap
    filtering and snap options but for me it was not the best way), I
    have seen other packages that handle picking and choosing in better."


    Tom Brewer thinks he's a SolidWorks expert. A SolidWorks expert is
    someone who knows more and more about less and less until he knows
    absolutely everything about nothing.
    jon_banquer, Mar 8, 2008
  9. Jean Marc

    jon_banquer Guest

    I'm convicted idiot and here I am showing why I suffer from terminal stupidity.
    Now it's correct, Brewer.


    "Jon, I never forgot any of your postings about SDRC I made the wrong
    decision in spite of what you said. There have been a number of times
    that my Wife has told me to be careful in dealing with someone and
    after words says "I told you so". She earned the right to say it as
    well as you have earned the right to say I TOLD YOU SO. I made a
    decision that went against my better judgment and as usual it turned
    out poorly." .... Tom Brewer


    "I do not purchase programs unless I know before hand that they are
    what I want and/ or need."... Tom Brewer who can't follow his own
    advice. See above.


    Tom Brewer thinking he and his pals like Joe788 can play their Usenet
    staking games, lie on a repeated basis and suffer no consequences for
    doing so.


    "I have shot myself in the foot, not an easy thing to do when it is
    in your mouth and your head is in your ass."... Tom Brewer admitting
    what he's often like.


    Someone who has a proven track record of not being able to deal with
    or accept the kind of change that occurs in the cadcam market... now
    that's ignorant or should we say that's Tom Brewer.


    Someone who doesn't live in San Diego yet insists there is no shortage
    of CNC machinists here... now that's ignorant or should we say that's
    Tom Brewer.


    Someone who criticizes someone on SolidWorks but has never helped
    anyone with specific SolidWorks answers. Someone who is not able to
    answer any questions that "Vinny" had on master modeling or skeletal
    modeling. Someone who has never posted any models they have done...
    now that's ignorant or should we say that's Tom Brewer.


    Tom Brewer's failure to understand who Matt Lombard really is.


    Tom Brewer's unable to comprehend what's on the cover of the
    SolidWorks Bible:

    "Whether you're a new, intermediate, ...."


    Someone who can't understand more than a simple "I love it!" or "I
    hate it!" type of comment ... now that's ignorant or should we say
    that's Tom Brewer.


    Tom Brewer implies that because you acknowledge that the $25
    SolidWorks course covers subjects / topics that the $650 SolidWorks
    course didn't that you're now somehow an idiot and got screwed when
    you decided to purchase the $650 SolidWorks course.

    Tom Brewer Writing About SmartCAM:

    "I ended up paying a consultant $40.00 per hour for two weeks."

    "FYI, when I said "Solid modeling" in reference to SmartCam it was
    tongue in cheek. What you could not see is that when I was typing that
    I was laughing to myself. Anyone that uses SmartCam and Solid
    Modeling in the same sentence cannot be taken seriously."

    Recently Tom Brewer said SmartCAM had no user interface problems and
    yet the record shows Tom Brewer thinks SmartCAM does indeed have user
    interface problems:

    "The only real problem that I run into is that the screen can get
    cluttered and it becomes difficult to pick and choose elements in Free
    Form. I just use the utility masking feature to hide what is in the
    way, that cures the problem but it does add work (I tried the snap
    filtering and snap options but for me it was not the best way), I
    have seen other packages that handle picking and choosing in better."


    Tom Brewer thinks he's a SolidWorks expert. A SolidWorks expert is
    someone who knows more and more about less and less until he knows
    absolutely everything about nothing.
    jon_banquer, Mar 8, 2008
  10. Jean Marc

    gk Guest

    Jonnie, you do an admirable job of discrediting yourself without any help.

    To determine the approximate IQ of a person, start at 120, then
    subtract one for each time he says "****" or a similar crass

    On Wed, 19 Dec 2007 20:02:08 -0800 (PST), jon_banquer

    All of the above are direct quotes from Jonnie. Great command of the
    English language, Jonnie.

    gk, Mar 9, 2008
  11. Jean Marc

    jon_banquer Guest

    "Well I've done it and proved beyond a shadow of a doubt what a
    ignorant and stupid Usenet stalker I am. I've made myself into the
    same kind of stalker that my hero and mentor Cliff Huprich is.


    Now it's correct, Brewer.

    Jon Banquer
    San Diego, CA
    jon_banquer, Mar 9, 2008
  12. Jean Marc

    gk Guest

    Forgery alert!!!! This is yet another blatant Banquer forgery. Connie
    must have arrived to help.

    gk, Mar 9, 2008
  13. Jean Marc

    gk Guest

    Jonnie, Jonnie, sloooow down, your losing you train of thought (I'm
    giving you credit this time for having one).

    gk, Mar 9, 2008
  14. Jean Marc

    brewertr Guest

    Good for you Jon,

    Normal lame comeback but at least you didn't post another
    forgery......OPPS~! it is a forgery.....lame just the same.

    brewertr, Mar 9, 2008
  15. Jean Marc

    brewertr Guest

    Here are but a few:


    All the racing head valve seats I saw being done were cut and then
    ]- Jon Banquer -

    When I worked in Tucson, Arizona in a race engine shop we cut all our
    cylinder seats. We sometimes lapped the values in.
    ]- Jon Banquer -


    I use BobCAD/CAM DOS on the shop floor to quickly figure out points
    for manual programming.
    ]- jon banquer

    How does using a CAD/CAM program constitute "manual programming"?

    I like and use lowly BobCAD DOS on the shop floor when I need to find
    the points for a lathe toolpath."
    ] jon banquer

    What does Gibbscam have to do with BobCRAP?
    ] Jon Banquer


    "it's amazing how much better SmartCAM's UI still is." - Jon Banquer -

    "SmartCAM badly needs a UI makeover" -Jon Banquer -


    You never chain geometry in Gibbs or SmartCAM. It's not necessary.
    ] - Jon Banquer - May 20, 2005

    Create the elements in any order, and sequence them later, using
    modeling tools such as Chain.
    ] -SmartCAM Manual -

    I hope I provided some good info on Gibbs Machining Markers and the
    FACT that Gibbs doesn't have chaining tools.
    ]-Jon Banquer-

    Can you show us how you "chained" that geometry in Gibbscam, Bob?
    ] - Jon Banquer-

    Jon did you even read Bob's post, the one you copied above?

    I can show you how the geometry in GibbsCAM is chained. Here you go,
    the program needs to know this as a minimum to chain:

    1) profile start
    2) profile end
    3) direction
    4) offset

    So lets look at machining markers and what Bottle Bob describes:

    1) start:
    "The white round marker is where the toolpath starts,"

    2) end:
    "the black round marker is where it ends."

    3) direction:
    "blue arrow is the direction"

    4) offset:
    "they tell the tool to either go on the outside of the
    geometry, the inside of the geometry, OR centered on the geometry."
    Now if BB clicks on the blue arrow and reverses it he just reversed
    the chain direction. If BB clicks on the white box and drags it to
    another position he just edited the chains start point.
    You can call it "Chaining" (since that is the original widely accepted
    term) or you can call it "Machining Markers", hell you can even
    call it "Santa Clause" if you want as long as it tells the CAM program
    where the profile start, end, direction and offset is. All CAM
    programs have to know that information in order to calculate the
    offset tool path by any other name it's still "chaining".
    ] -Tom-


    I think it depends on how you use the Flex feature <snip> For
    bending things like brackets, hangers, suspension components, etc.
    I think it's great and saves a lot of time.
    ]- Jon Banquer- September 2007

    To answer your question I have never worked in a sheet metal shop. I'm
    not using the SolidWorks Flex Feature for sheet metal parts.
    ] - Jon Banquer- September 2007

    The items you described bending Jon, where you recommend using the
    Flex Feature "brackets, hangers" and other like suspension parts ARE
    sheet metal parts.
    ] -Tom-


    Speaking of opportunity fucktard shouldn't you be asking for
    suggestions on how to improve your SolidWorks Bible
    ]- Jon Banquer - July 14, 2007

    SolidWorks 2007 Bible "the content is just superb!
    ] - Jon Banquer - Aug 8, 2007

    (I'm at page 500... I needed a break for a week because it's often so
    fucking boring because of how it's laid out and because you refuse to
    make it more tutorial based.) I should knock down 200 or so pages this
    week. Which still won't get me to Multibodies! Just fucking
    ridiculous, Matt.
    ] - Jon Banquer - Aug 19-2007

    I would strongly suggest you buy The SolidWorks Bible. It will give
    you many insights into how SolidWorks works
    ]- Jon Banquer - Aug 19, 2007


    I don't give a shit becaus"OneCNC looks good.
    ] - Jon Banquer - Aug 31 2003

    OneCNC he has delivered on creating a good CADCAM system.
    ]- Jon Banquer - Aug 23, 2003

    My advice would be to get your feet wet with a bargain basement
    CAD/CAM system such as OneCNC.
    ]- Jon Banquer - May 7, 2005

    OneCNC needs *major* work!
    ]- Jon Banquer - Jan 14, 2007

    It seems that OneCNC is so bad" "Since I've had to use this piece of
    ]- Jon Banquer - June 30, 2007

    You deserve to get fucked if you think Onecnc can hold a candle to any
    of the packages you named.
    ]- Jon Banquer - Aug 19, 2007


    Franco Folini Novedge: UPDATE -- July 8, 2007 --

    "Jon didn't respect our agreement, posting comments under fake
    names. Jon's authentic and fake comments are all posted from the same
    IP address, <snipped IP Address> I can now see that my trust in Jon
    was misplaced."

    Then when Jon got caught and exposed for violating his agreement with
    the author he couldn't keep his excuses straight:

    Because it can't be done without wasting massive amounts of my time!
    ] - Jon Banquer on Jul 9 2007

    I figured for once I'd give these posters a taste or their own
    medicine which seemed to anger the host of the Blog who had elected to
    go with an unmoderated format.
    ] -Jon Banquer- July 18, 2007-

    getting even with a CADCAM salesman
    ] -Jon Banquer - March 4, 2008

    So Jon, out of your three separate and distinctly different excuses,
    which one is the truth?


    I'm committed to working with HSMWorks to doing just that. Shouldn't
    be too hard because their head of US operations and I see things in
    almost the exact same way and because HSMWorks is interested in what I
    have to say and wants to work with me.
    ]- Jon Banquer -

    Who I'm working with to deliver what truly will be the next generation
    of CAM: www.hsmworks.com
    ]-Jon Banquer-

    Jon is not affiliated with HSMWorks ApS in any way and that we cannot
    control what people are writing on the web. Anybody can get
    evaluation licenses of HSMWorks and test it themselves. I hope this
    clarifies any doubt.
    ] - HSMWorks ApS -


    I dropped out of high school to pursue my dream of making a lot of
    money and never went back
    ] - Jon Banquer


    SolidWorks can't make you, a machine operator into a designer/engineer
    anymore than MS Word could make a Simi-functional illiterate (you)
    into a writer.

    CAD programs can't make up for your lack of a foundation built by
    education and/or experience in this field you repeatedly attempt to
    pose as an expert where you are simply a clueless beginner.

    Without a doubt SaladWorks is a complete piece of shit
    ]- Jon Banquer - May 21, 2006

    I've been away from SolidWorks for almost ten years.
    ]- Jon Banquer - Aug 2007

    SolidWorks is consuming every available minute of my learning time
    right now.
    ]- Jon Banquer - Aug 12, 2007

    The program has changed so much in ten years that I'm still way behind
    where I need to be.
    ]- Jon Banquer - Aug. 26, 2007


    Need I remind you that it's you who is too much of a pussy to say a
    word to Bill Gibbs on how you really feel about his claims of no
    ]- Jon Banquer - July 15, 2007

    Last time I saw Bill Gibbs at a trade show he almost pissed in his
    pants... I went out of my way to be polite and not disturb his
    ]- Jon Banquer - Aug 11, 2007

    brewertr, Mar 9, 2008
  16. Jean Marc

    brewertr Guest

    "Bend over and let you're crack whore mother sodomize you harder till
    what little you have for a brain starts to work." - Jon Banquer-

    "Try a doughnut with you pathetic whining you obnoxious stupid little
    ****" - Jon Banquer

    "And to think I owned 2 Honda Civics. By any chance did you start
    banging Joe788's crack whore mother?"-Jon Banquer-

    "Your right gk....LOL can I suck your dick now." -Jon Banquer-

    "It fits tighter than a nuns ****." -Jon Banquer-

    "My mother is a crack whore" -Jon Banquer-

    "What an inconsiderate **** that little stalker bitch is." -Jon

    "**** off and die asshole."-Jon Banquer-

    "Get use to being owned, bitch."-Jon Banquer-

    "How many more dicks will you be begging to suck?" -Jon Banquer-

    "Jam it up your ass, Looghe. Not everyone is Christian and not
    everybody wants to be a Christian Numb Nutz Putz. Suggest you go back
    to sodomizing dairy cows, Pete."-Jon Banquer -
    "Shove your double standards up your fucking ass, It's would be better
    if you died... soon." -Jon Banquer-

    "If someone doesn't understand where I'm coming from by now (you for
    instance) they can go **** themselves as well." - Jon Banquer - Chula

    "suggest you get back on your knees where a lying **** like you
    belongs." -Jon Banquer-

    "How much money do you OWE not including your outstanding tab with
    crack whore mother?"-Jon Banquer-

    "You don't love what your crack whore mother does to you? Does it have
    something to do with how much your father laughs at you while your
    bent over taking it in the ass? Being on your knees taking it in the
    ass is your natural position. Suggest you be proud of who you and your
    mother are." -Jon Banquer-

    " I backup what I post on a daily basis. You back up when your crack
    whore mother fucks you in the ass with here strap-on." - Jon Banquer-

    "Speaking of sharing. Your father shares your crack whore mother with
    anyone who has $5." -Jon Banquer -

    "How about using your crack whore mother? Everyone else does." -Jon

    "I OWN you! You ain't worth much but I make the most of your worthless
    ass. Now get back on your knees you dumb ****." -Jon Banquer -

    "Suggest you shut the **** up already and take what your crack whore
    mother is giving you without squealing like a little pig. You're my
    bitch and I own you. Suggest you accept reality for once and deal with
    it." -Jon Banquer-

    "Has something to do with being born to a crack whore mother and
    having no idea who his daddy really is. At least he knows he's my
    bitch and I enjoy using him on a daily
    basis." -Jon Banquer -

    "inches of strap-on dildo that your crack whore mother shoved up your
    ass as you begged you father to tell her to stop." -Jon Banquer-

    "The only thing bottom of the barrel is where these motherfuckers will
    be found by the time I'm done fucking with them." -Jon Banquer-

    "Figure it out for yourself or have your worthless crack whore mother
    explain it to you while your father is pimping her out to John
    Carroll." - Jon Banquer-

    "Here is your "apology": **** off and die you worthless, lying fucking
    drunk." -Jon Banquer-

    "Yeah, I'll get right on spending my time educating a dumb mother
    fucker like you right away. You will get what I choose to give you
    when I choose to give it to you, bitch. -Jon Banquer-

    "You really need to stop sucking dick Numb Nutz. Seriously you're a
    major loser" Jon Banquer

    "Your crack whore mother going down on anyone who might give her $5"
    -Jon Banquer-

    "Let me explain what humiliation is to you since you're so fucking
    stupid that you have no clue what humiliation really is. Humiliation
    is you being sodomized by your mother wearing a strap-on.
    Did your father suck off your mother's strap-on before she sodomized
    you?" - Jon Banquer-

    "Now do what you do best and go back to playing with your nuts, son."
    - Jon Banquer

    "Seems like you wanna talk about you crack addicted whore of a mother
    who fucks you in the ass with her strap-on instead." -Jon Banquer-

    "I'm sure your crack addicted whore mother always tells you she loves
    you when you're bent over and hiding your face in shame in the corner.
    Do you tell her how successful you are and how many seats Mastercam
    has sold? Do you think she cares? Is this the reason you now prefer
    men? " -Jon Banquer-

    "WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa... the sound you make
    when your cracked addicted whore mother rapes you over and over and
    over again." -Jon Banquer-

    "Are you happy with the position your crack addicted whore mother puts
    you in when she fucks you in the ass with her strap-on? You like being
    bent over and taking it in the ass don't you? " -Jon Banquer-

    "Why? You prefer men. The only exception you make is for your crack
    addicted whore of a mother. " -Jon Banquer-

    "Squeal like the raped little bitch your crack addicted whore mother
    turned you into. It's so you! " -Jon Banquer-

    "Your crack addicted whore mother cums hard when she has you in the
    position she loves you to be in... on your knees in a corner squealing
    like the lying little pig that you are. " -Jon Banquer-

    "I feel sorry for your mother or whatever you call that crack whore
    that spit you out." -Jon Banquer-

    "Your mother does anyone. That's what happens when you're a crack
    whore. Proud of her are you?" -Jon Banquer -

    "You have every right to be proud of your crack whore mother. Look how
    long she's been in business."-Jon Banquer-

    "Of course that pails in comparison to your crack whore mother who is
    still open for business 24/7/365. " - Jon Banquer -
    brewertr, Mar 9, 2008
  17. Jean Marc

    jon_banquer Guest

    "Jon, I do an admirable job of discrediting myself without any help
    from you. I know I'm a fucking idiot. To determine my approximate IQ
    start with how many questions I have evaded and subtract one for each
    time I have done so. I am so fucking stupid I amaze myself! "

    Now it's correct, Nuts son.

    Jon Banquer
    San Diego, CA
    jon_banquer, Mar 9, 2008
  18. Jean Marc

    jon_banquer Guest

    Evasion alert!!!! This is yet another blatant Gary Knutson evasion. My
    Now it's correct, Nuts son.

    Jon Banquer
    San Diego, CA
    jon_banquer, Mar 9, 2008
  19. Jean Marc

    larryrozer Guest

    Good for you, Jon
    Now it's correct, Brewer.


    "Jon, I never forgot any of your postings about SDRC I made the wrong
    decision in spite of what you said. There have been a number of times
    that my Wife has told me to be careful in dealing with someone and
    after words says "I told you so". She earned the right to say it as
    well as you have earned the right to say I TOLD YOU SO. I made a
    decision that went against my better judgment and as usual it turned
    out poorly." .... Tom Brewer


    "I do not purchase programs unless I know before hand that they are
    what I want and/ or need."... Tom Brewer who can't follow his own
    advice. See above.


    Tom Brewer thinking he and his pals like Joe788 can play their Usenet
    staking games, lie on a repeated basis and suffer no consequences for
    doing so.


    "I have shot myself in the foot, not an easy thing to do when it is
    in your mouth and your head is in your ass."... Tom Brewer admitting
    what he's often like.


    Someone who has a proven track record of not being able to deal with
    or accept the kind of change that occurs in the cadcam market... now
    that's ignorant or should we say that's Tom Brewer.


    Someone who doesn't live in San Diego yet insists there is no shortage
    of CNC machinists here... now that's ignorant or should we say that's
    Tom Brewer.


    Someone who criticizes someone on SolidWorks but has never helped
    anyone with specific SolidWorks answers. Someone who is not able to
    answer any questions that "Vinny" had on master modeling or skeletal
    modeling. Someone who has never posted any models they have done...
    now that's ignorant or should we say that's Tom Brewer.


    Tom Brewer's failure to understand who Matt Lombard really is.


    Tom Brewer's unable to comprehend what's on the cover of the
    SolidWorks Bible:

    "Whether you're a new, intermediate, ...."


    Someone who can't understand more than a simple "I love it!" or "I
    hate it!" type of comment ... now that's ignorant or should we say
    that's Tom Brewer.


    Tom Brewer implies that because you acknowledge that the $25
    SolidWorks course covers subjects / topics that the $650 SolidWorks
    course didn't that you're now somehow an idiot and got screwed when
    you decided to purchase the $650 SolidWorks course.

    Tom Brewer Writing About SmartCAM:

    "I ended up paying a consultant $40.00 per hour for two weeks."

    "FYI, when I said "Solid modeling" in reference to SmartCam it was
    tongue in cheek. What you could not see is that when I was typing that
    I was laughing to myself. Anyone that uses SmartCam and Solid
    Modeling in the same sentence cannot be taken seriously."

    Recently Tom Brewer said SmartCAM had no user interface problems and
    yet the record shows Tom Brewer thinks SmartCAM does indeed have user
    interface problems:

    "The only real problem that I run into is that the screen can get
    cluttered and it becomes difficult to pick and choose elements in Free
    Form. I just use the utility masking feature to hide what is in the
    way, that cures the problem but it does add work (I tried the snap
    filtering and snap options but for me it was not the best way), I
    have seen other packages that handle picking and choosing in better."


    Tom Brewer thinks he's a SolidWorks expert. A SolidWorks expert is
    someone who knows more and more about less and less until he knows
    absolutely everything about nothing.
    larryrozer, Mar 9, 2008
  20. Jean Marc

    larryrozer Guest


    "Jon, I never forgot any of your postings about SDRC I made the wrong
    decision in spite of what you said. There have been a number of times
    that my Wife has told me to be careful in dealing with someone and
    after words says "I told you so". She earned the right to say it as
    well as you have earned the right to say I TOLD YOU SO. I made a
    decision that went against my better judgment and as usual it turned
    out poorly." .... Tom Brewer


    "I do not purchase programs unless I know before hand that they are
    what I want and/ or need."... Tom Brewer who can't follow his own
    advice. See above.


    Tom Brewer thinking he and his pals like Joe788 can play their Usenet
    staking games, lie on a repeated basis and suffer no consequences for
    doing so.


    "I have shot myself in the foot, not an easy thing to do when it is
    in your mouth and your head is in your ass."... Tom Brewer admitting
    what he's often like.


    Someone who has a proven track record of not being able to deal with
    or accept the kind of change that occurs in the cadcam market... now
    that's ignorant or should we say that's Tom Brewer.


    Someone who doesn't live in San Diego yet insists there is no shortage
    of CNC machinists here... now that's ignorant or should we say that's
    Tom Brewer.


    Someone who criticizes someone on SolidWorks but has never helped
    anyone with specific SolidWorks answers. Someone who is not able to
    answer any questions that "Vinny" had on master modeling or skeletal
    modeling. Someone who has never posted any models they have done...
    now that's ignorant or should we say that's Tom Brewer.


    Tom Brewer's failure to understand who Matt Lombard really is.


    Tom Brewer's unable to comprehend what's on the cover of the
    SolidWorks Bible:

    "Whether you're a new, intermediate, ...."


    Someone who can't understand more than a simple "I love it!" or "I
    hate it!" type of comment ... now that's ignorant or should we say
    that's Tom Brewer.


    Tom Brewer implies that because you acknowledge that the $25
    SolidWorks course covers subjects / topics that the $650 SolidWorks
    course didn't that you're now somehow an idiot and got screwed when
    you decided to purchase the $650 SolidWorks course.

    Tom Brewer Writing About SmartCAM:

    "I ended up paying a consultant $40.00 per hour for two weeks."

    "FYI, when I said "Solid modeling" in reference to SmartCam it was
    tongue in cheek. What you could not see is that when I was typing that
    I was laughing to myself. Anyone that uses SmartCam and Solid
    Modeling in the same sentence cannot be taken seriously."

    Recently Tom Brewer said SmartCAM had no user interface problems and
    yet the record shows Tom Brewer thinks SmartCAM does indeed have user
    interface problems:

    "The only real problem that I run into is that the screen can get
    cluttered and it becomes difficult to pick and choose elements in Free
    Form. I just use the utility masking feature to hide what is in the
    way, that cures the problem but it does add work (I tried the snap
    filtering and snap options but for me it was not the best way), I
    have seen other packages that handle picking and choosing in better."


    Tom Brewer thinks he's a SolidWorks expert. A SolidWorks expert is
    someone who knows more and more about less and less until he knows
    absolutely everything about nothing.
    larryrozer, Mar 9, 2008
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