SW and multiple cores

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Jean Marc, Mar 4, 2008.

  1. Jean Marc

    jon_banquer Guest

    I see you're crossposting again like your hero and mentor Cliff
    Huprich. Way to go you ignorant asshole.


    "Jon, I never forgot any of your postings about SDRC I made the wrong
    decision in spite of what you said. There have been a number of times
    that my Wife has told me to be careful in dealing with someone and
    after words says "I told you so". She earned the right to say it as
    well as you have earned the right to say I TOLD YOU SO. I made a
    decision that went against my better judgment and as usual it turned
    out poorly." .... Tom Brewer


    "I do not purchase programs unless I know before hand that they are
    what I want and/ or need."... Tom Brewer who can't follow his own
    advice. See above.


    Tom Brewer thinking he and his pals like Joe788 can play their Usenet
    staking games, lie on a repeated basis and suffer no consequences for
    doing so.


    "I have shot myself in the foot, not an easy thing to do when it is
    in your mouth and your head is in your ass."... Tom Brewer admitting
    what he's often like.


    Someone who has a proven track record of not being able to deal with
    or accept the kind of change that occurs in the cadcam market... now
    that's ignorant or should we say that's Tom Brewer.


    Someone who doesn't live in San Diego yet insists there is no shortage
    of CNC machinists here... now that's ignorant or should we say that's
    Tom Brewer.


    Someone who criticizes someone on SolidWorks but has never helped
    anyone with specific SolidWorks answers. Someone who is not able to
    answer any questions that "Vinny" had on master modeling or skeletal
    modeling. Someone who has never posted any models they have done...
    now that's ignorant or should we say that's Tom Brewer.


    Tom Brewer's failure to understand who Matt Lombard really is.


    Tom Brewer's unable to comprehend what's on the cover of the
    SolidWorks Bible:

    "Whether you're a new, intermediate, ...."


    Someone who can't understand more than a simple "I love it!" or "I
    hate it!" type of comment ... now that's ignorant or should we say
    that's Tom Brewer.


    Tom Brewer implies that because you acknowledge that the $25
    SolidWorks course covers subjects / topics that the $650 SolidWorks
    course didn't that you're now somehow an idiot and got screwed when
    you decided to purchase the $650 SolidWorks course.

    Tom Brewer Writing About SmartCAM:

    "I ended up paying a consultant $40.00 per hour for two weeks."

    "FYI, when I said "Solid modeling" in reference to SmartCam it was
    tongue in cheek. What you could not see is that when I was typing that
    I was laughing to myself. Anyone that uses SmartCam and Solid
    Modeling in the same sentence cannot be taken seriously."

    Recently Tom Brewer said SmartCAM had no user interface problems and
    yet the record shows Tom Brewer thinks SmartCAM does indeed have user
    interface problems:

    "The only real problem that I run into is that the screen can get
    cluttered and it becomes difficult to pick and choose elements in Free
    Form. I just use the utility masking feature to hide what is in the
    way, that cures the problem but it does add work (I tried the snap
    filtering and snap options but for me it was not the best way), I
    have seen other packages that handle picking and choosing in better."


    Tom Brewer thinks he's a SolidWorks expert. A SolidWorks expert is
    someone who knows more and more about less and less until he knows
    absolutely everything about nothing.
    jon_banquer, Mar 11, 2008
  2. Jean Marc

    brewertr Guest

    On Mon, 10 Mar 2008 19:27:04 -0700 (PDT), jon_banquer


    The beautiful thing about working with this
    1/2 million dollar horizontal machine with 12 pallets
    is that I spend very little time running parts
    and spend the majority of my time on programming,
    setting up and optimizing the program.
    ]- Jon Banquer - 12 May 2007

    Some of our posts do need some work. Fixing them is not our shops /
    the owners / my highest priority right now.
    ]- Jon Banquer - July 1, 2007

    "The beautiful thing about working with this 1/2 million dollar
    horizontal machine with 12 pallets is that I spend very little time
    running parts" Well Jon, since you HAD a high production machine not
    PRODUCING, maybe you should have considered fixing the post processor.
    That quick and easy post processor fix would seem to be the highest
    priority vs. manually editing at the control, running your edits
    through NC-Plot where you are now unnecessarily duplicating your
    efforts since your MasterCAM tool library will not import into NC-Plot
    all of this while your $500,000.00 machine sits idle.

    Oh! and don't forget your edits at the control, what happens to
    associativity with the model? (Hint: Out the window)

    By the way Jon, how long did you last at that Job?

    You would be surprised how many people have no fucking clue what they
    are doing.
    ]- Jon Banquer -#1 person without a clue-

    brewertr, Mar 11, 2008
  3. Jean Marc

    Cliff Guest

    He's decided to limit his spew <g>.
    "I'm a SW expert" stuff to AMC & "I'm a machine operator" stuff to CCS
    again I expect.
    Too funny. After nearly a decade of his own xposting of ads.
    Cliff, Mar 11, 2008
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