SW and multiple cores

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Jean Marc, Mar 4, 2008.

  1. Jean Marc

    brewertr Guest

    On Sun, 9 Mar 2008 18:10:47 -0700 (PDT), jon_banquer

    Who I'm working with to deliver what truly will be the next generation
    of CAM: www.hsmworks.com
    ]-Jon Banquer-

    I'm committed to working with HSMWorks to doing just that. Shouldn't
    be too hard because their head of US operations and I see things in
    almost the exact same way and because HSMWorks is interested in what I
    have to say and wants to work with me.
    ]- Jon Banquer -


    Jon working @ HSMWorks


    "Squeal like the raped little bitch your crack addicted whore mother
    turned you into." -Jon Banquer- 2007


    "That you continue to be too fucking stupid to figure it out is really
    not my problem, dipshit. Now get on your knees and let your crack
    whore mother do what she does best.... **** you in the ass with a
    strap-on you stupid lying little ****." -Jon Banquer- 2007

    "Figure it out for yourself or have your worthless crack whore mother
    explain it to you while your father is pimping her out" - Jon Banquer-

    "Yeah, I'll get right on spending my time educating a dumb mother
    fucker like you right away. You will get what I choose to give you
    when I choose to give it to you, bitch. -Jon Banquer- 2007

    "Now get back on your knees and let your crack whore mother keep
    fucking you in the ass because that's what both you and her really
    know best." -Jon Banquer- 2007

    "Now do what you do best and go back to playing with your nuts, son."
    - Jon Banquer- 2007

    Customer Service

    "Here is your "apology": **** off and die you worthless, lying fucking
    drunk." -Jon Banquer- 2007

    "Now bend over and keep taking it in the ass you lying little bitch."
    -Jon Banquer-

    "The only thing bottom of the barrel is where these motherfuckers will
    be found by the time I'm done fucking with them." -Jon Banquer-

    Employee Daycare Center

    "Humiliation is you being sodomized by your mother wearing a strap-on.
    Did your father suck off your mother's strap-on before she sodomized
    you?" - Jon Banquer-

    Human Resources

    "You like being bent over and taking it in the ass don't you? " -Jon

    Group Therapy

    "Seems like you wanna talk about you crack addicted whore of a mother
    who fucks you in the ass with her strap-on instead." -Jon Banquer-


    Jon is not affiliated with HSMWorks ApS in any way and that we cannot
    control what people are writing on the web. Anybody can get
    evaluation licenses of HSMWorks and test it themselves. I hope this
    clarifies any doubt.
    ] - HSMWorks ApS -
    brewertr, Mar 10, 2008
  2. Jean Marc

    jon_banquer Guest


    "Jon, I never forgot any of your postings about SDRC I made the wrong
    decision in spite of what you said. There have been a number of times
    that my Wife has told me to be careful in dealing with someone and
    after words says "I told you so". She earned the right to say it as
    well as you have earned the right to say I TOLD YOU SO. I made a
    decision that went against my better judgment and as usual it turned
    out poorly." .... Tom Brewer


    "I do not purchase programs unless I know before hand that they are
    what I want and/ or need."... Tom Brewer who can't follow his own
    advice. See above.


    Tom Brewer thinking he and his pals like Joe788 can play their Usenet
    staking games, lie on a repeated basis and suffer no consequences for
    doing so.


    "I have shot myself in the foot, not an easy thing to do when it is
    in your mouth and your head is in your ass."... Tom Brewer admitting
    what he's often like.


    Someone who has a proven track record of not being able to deal with
    or accept the kind of change that occurs in the cadcam market... now
    that's ignorant or should we say that's Tom Brewer.


    Someone who doesn't live in San Diego yet insists there is no shortage
    of CNC machinists here... now that's ignorant or should we say that's
    Tom Brewer.


    Someone who criticizes someone on SolidWorks but has never helped
    anyone with specific SolidWorks answers. Someone who is not able to
    answer any questions that "Vinny" had on master modeling or skeletal
    modeling. Someone who has never posted any models they have done...
    now that's ignorant or should we say that's Tom Brewer.


    Tom Brewer's failure to understand who Matt Lombard really is.


    Tom Brewer's unable to comprehend what's on the cover of the
    SolidWorks Bible:

    "Whether you're a new, intermediate, ...."


    Someone who can't understand more than a simple "I love it!" or "I
    hate it!" type of comment ... now that's ignorant or should we say
    that's Tom Brewer.


    Tom Brewer implies that because you acknowledge that the $25
    SolidWorks course covers subjects / topics that the $650 SolidWorks
    course didn't that you're now somehow an idiot and got screwed when
    you decided to purchase the $650 SolidWorks course.

    Tom Brewer Writing About SmartCAM:

    "I ended up paying a consultant $40.00 per hour for two weeks."

    "FYI, when I said "Solid modeling" in reference to SmartCam it was
    tongue in cheek. What you could not see is that when I was typing that
    I was laughing to myself. Anyone that uses SmartCam and Solid
    Modeling in the same sentence cannot be taken seriously."

    Recently Tom Brewer said SmartCAM had no user interface problems and
    yet the record shows Tom Brewer thinks SmartCAM does indeed have user
    interface problems:

    "The only real problem that I run into is that the screen can get
    cluttered and it becomes difficult to pick and choose elements in Free
    Form. I just use the utility masking feature to hide what is in the
    way, that cures the problem but it does add work (I tried the snap
    filtering and snap options but for me it was not the best way), I
    have seen other packages that handle picking and choosing in better."


    Tom Brewer thinks he's a SolidWorks expert. A SolidWorks expert is
    someone who knows more and more about less and less until he knows
    absolutely everything about nothing.
    jon_banquer, Mar 10, 2008
  3. Jean Marc

    brewertr Guest

    I'll be reviewing the www.myigetit.com SolidWorks course shortly.
    ] jon_banquer, July 19, 2007

    I will be starting the www.myigetit.com Solidworks course in the next
    week or so.
    ] jon_banquer, July 19, 2007

    So Jon it's been nearly 8 months now, how long does it take you to
    finish an 8-hour or so video course?
    Hopefully SolidWorks 2004 will use ACIS as it's modeling kernel. This
    alone should help to make moving between surfaces and solids much,
    much easier because ACIS has the surfacing tools that Parasolid simply
    does not have.
    ] jon_banquer-

    If I were to guess at this point what system is best it would be UG
    ] - Jon Banquer-

    Well Jon, how can that be since UG has long used the Parasolid kernel?
    He pushes UG as THE CAD/CAM solution. Can't think of worse advice for
    many small job shops
    ] - Jon Banquer -

    If I were to guess at this point what system is best it would be UG
    ] - Jon Banquer-
    The only thing I agree with is, do most of us even need the accuracy
    Parasolid or Acis supports? I don't think so and I'm sure many people
    orprograms feel they do not need to be as accurate.
    ]-Jon Banquer-
    The beautiful thing about working with this 1/2 million dollar
    horizontal machine with 12 pallets is that I spend very little time
    running parts and spend the majority of my time on programming,
    setting up and optimizing the program.
    ] - Jon Banquer - 12 May 2007

    You have a machine designed for high production. You are glad that
    your machine spends little time running parts while you are
    programming, setting up and fixing programming errors (AKA: optimizing
    the program) at the control...........LOL........... only in
    Banquerland could someone be happy about that.

    Oh! Jon, BTW your machine only has 11 pallets, since you can't count
    check the large sticker on the front of your machine, in large letters
    it tells you and everyone else how many pallets your machine has.

    Are you still working for this company?
    How long did your employment last before you "left"?
    Jon, how does a post processor compensate for something that is not
    done in the "CAM program"?
    What is the difference between programming Aerospace parts and
    Non-Aerospace parts?
    Are you saying someone is paying a high school drop out (you), machine
    operator (you) to design & model parts where you have no schooling or
    work experience in engineering, design, drafting or solid modeling
    where you have nearly 2 whole months experience using SolidWorks 2007?
    If so what they save using untrained and unqualified personnel
    designing parts they can use towards product liability insurance. I
    wonder, do they falsify the credentials of the person signing off on
    the design and drawings as well?
    So your "Clients" are hiring a machine operator (you) to design and
    draw up their parts even when you haven't finished your SolidWorks
    video tutorials yet?
    Yes, please do.

    Said yes a few times, where is that list Jon?

    How are you coming along with that list of people / companies with no
    mechanical engineers who have designed their own engines, gearboxes?
    You liked SolidWorks 1998 but called SW 2006 a complete piece of shit.
    So what changed between SW-1998 that you liked and SW-2006 that made
    it a complete piece of shit Jon?
    So what were you basing your opinions these past years, especially
    since you didn't know or use SolidWorks at the time?
    How can that be Jon? I never said anything about "real price paid in
    the market".
    I'm committed to working with HSMWorks to doing just that. Shouldn't
    be too hard because their head of US operations and I see things in
    almost the exact same way and because HSMWorks is interested in what I
    have to say and wants to work with me.
    ] - Jon Banquer -

    Who I'm working with to deliver what truly will be the next generation
    of CAM: www.hsmworks.com
    ]-Jon Banquer-

    Jon Banquer is not affiliated with HSMWorks ApS in any way and that we
    cannot control what people are writing on the web. Anybody can get
    evaluation licenses of HSMWorks and test it themselves. I hope this
    clarifies any doubt.
    ]- HSMWorks ApS -
    So CAD/CAM companies are now competing with credit card companies?


    On Sun, 9 Mar 2008 09:32:15 -0700 (PDT), jon_banquer

    Not just ignorant but Banquer-Ignorant:

    You never chain geometry in Gibbs or SmartCAM. It's not necessary.
    ] - Jon Banquer - May 20, 2005

    Create the elements in any order, and sequence them later, using
    modeling tools such as Chain.
    ] -SmartCAM Manual -


    Ignorant = Banquer

    I hope I provided some good info on Gibbs Machining Markers and the
    FACT that Gibbs doesn't have chaining tools.
    ]-Jon Banquer-

    Now a quickie explanation about the Machining Markers.

    The blue arrow is the direction the tool will go
    (you can choose backward >or forward movement),
    you highlighted one of the three circles, they tell
    the tool to either go on the outside of the geometry, the inside of
    the geometry, OR centered on the geometry. The white round marker is
    where the toolpath starts, and the black round marker is where it
    ends. The square black & white markers are the particular section of
    the geometry chosen to start on. The red line it the toolpath, the
    purple like is the geometry (it is purple, right? I'm color blind and
    it looks like dark blue to me)
    ] BottleBob (a GibbsCAM user)

    "Can you show us how you "chained" that geometry in Gibbscam, Bob?"
    - Jon Banquer-

    Jon did you even read Bob's post, the one you copied above and then
    ask "Can you show us how you "chained" that geometry in Gibbscam,?"

    I can show you how the geometry in GibbsCAM is chained from BottleBob
    posted. Here you go, the program needs to know this as a minimum to

    1) profile start
    2) profile end
    3) direction
    4) offset

    So lets look at machining markers and what BottleBob describes:

    1) start:
    "The white round marker is where the toolpath starts,"

    2) end:
    "the black round marker is where it ends."

    3) direction:
    "blue arrow is the direction"

    4) offset:
    "they tell the tool to either go on the outside of the
    geometry, the inside of the geometry, OR centered on the geometry."

    GibbsCAM does have auto-chaining and if the auto-chaining doesn't give
    you the results you want say something like conventional cut and you
    want climb cut, the chain can be edited.

    If BB clicks on the blue arrow and reverses it he just reversed
    the chain direction. If BB clicks on the white box and drags it to
    another position he just edited the chains start point.
    You can call it "Chaining" (since that is the original widely accepted
    term) or you can call it "Machining Markers", hell you can even
    call it "Santa Clause" if you want as long as it tells the CAM program
    where the profile start, end, direction and offset is. All CAM
    programs have to know that information in order to calculate the
    offset tool path by any other name it's still "chaining".

    Not just ignorant but Banquer-Ignorant:

    I think it depends on how you use the Flex feature <snip> For
    bending things like brackets, hangers, suspension components, etc.
    I think it's great and saves a lot of time.
    ]- Jon Banquer- September 2007

    To answer your question I have never worked in a sheet metal shop. I'm
    not using the SolidWorks Flex Feature for sheet metal parts.
    ] - Jon Banquer- September 2007

    The items you described bending Jon, where you recommend using the
    Flex Feature "brackets, hangers" and other like suspension parts ARE
    sheet metal parts.
    ] -Tom-


    Jon on SolidWorks vs. IronCAD:

    Let me start by saying your and idiot.

    IronCAD has parametric tools, and it allows you to use direct editing
    tools on the geometry as well.

    So does SolidWorks. It proves you don't know either tool well enough
    to open your yap about it.

    IronCAD allows you to create a history based part and then overwrite
    the history, essentially making the part into an imported part,
    throwing away the features, and just keeping the acis/parasolid body.
    You can do the same thing in SW with either an insert part or a
    translation. It's a crutch, Jon. A crutch for stupid people like you.
    You don't need to do that, because in SW you can do direct editing
    right on the history-based model.

    Your problem here starts with the fact that you never define exactly
    what you're talking about, so no one can answer you properly. I
    suspect the reason you don't define what your talking about is because
    you don't have any fucking clue.

    Mixing paradigms like that (parametric and direct editing) should be
    the exception rather than the norm, but you seem to gravitate toward
    the dumbassedest way of doing things. Multiple contexts all over
    again. If there's a bad idea in a box, you'll find it.
    ] -Daisy-


    Jon on SolidWorks multiple-context:

    Jon, you can't be serious! Multiple contexts? That is an absolute last
    resort, even when it answers the problem, you fucktard.

    Plus, if you knew anything about anything you'd know that a mate
    doesn't create external relationships between parts, so that switch
    won't solve the problem anyway. Notice that the beginning user didn't
    do you the favor of telling you what the error message actually said,
    and you fell into the trap of ASSuming you knew what it was. Dumbass.
    If you were any smarter you would know that there was not enough
    information to solve the problem. But that was something that was
    taught in school, so you wouldn't know anything about it.

    Better watch some more videos.

    Did any of those books have the "use for positioning only" switch???
    Why is it you refuse to learn anything? Why is that, Jon? Why are you
    so fukn stupid? Did you drop out of skule bekaz yer reeding
    comprehention was so bad? Did they fire you from that lame ass job
    because your such a poser?

    How about using a flexible subassembly? Why did you fail to think of
    that, Banqueer?

    Or what about making the mate in the top level? Or checking for
    conflicting mates or fixed components? O just about anything 'ceptn
    for that ONE forbidden apple, the multiple context switch, which isn;t
    the ansswer anyway?

    What a fukn joke. Here I am just a hack, and I know better than that.
    Your expertness. pppbbbbtt!!

    Stick to sweeping chips, faggot.

    ] -Daisy-


    Jon on SolidWorks Flex Feature:


    Oh, this is getting good. Say something else stupid and utterly
    ignorant, Jon. I gotta hear more of that.

    This demonstrates beyond doubt that you've never used either one.
    Jeesis, what a dumass.
    ] Dusty


    Jon on SolidWorks:

    Oh, are you gonna go off again about global shape modeling?


    I love machinists doing global deformations of my models before they
    machine them. Or I mean I would if my name were Salvadore Dali.
    Flex is another semi-useless function in the software. You just
    gravitate toward that crap.
    ] - Daisy-


    Jon just being banquer-dumb:

    Yeah, I'm sure you're not, but that's not because they are not there,
    it's because you are so feaking clueless. You don't have very good
    control over what the feature makes. You can be precise when actually
    modeling a part, but Flex just throws all that precision out the
    ] -Daisy-

    Never worked in a sheet metal shop, have you Jon? How the hell are you
    going to manufacture something that was bent by something like that?
    You don't have precise control of the results. Flex can't be used for
    design or manufacturing data.

    Where did you used to work before you got fired?

    ] -Daisy-

    No shit?! I couldn't have told!
    Really? What kind of a part is a bracket? Particularly a bent bracket?
    Is it just a bent part and not sheet metal?
    It's unsuitable because you're at the mercy of the software when it
    comes to the shape in the flexed area. If you had ever used the
    feature, you'd know this without being told.
    I prefer to have the parts correct, not half-assed. Please, tell me
    the name of any shop where you get a job. I want to make sure we save
    time and money by not having you wreck my parts.

    In the history of everything, one person who you don't even know from
    adam posts something positive about your pet projetct, and now it
    becomes gospel.

    What I like is that you'll use this anonymous zander as a role model
    for something you know nothing about, and then you'll bust on
    engineers for creating stupidshit models which can't be made.

    What you dont realize is that the Flex makes it really easy to make
    stupidshit models.

    Here's a novel idea. Why don't you actually use the software to make
    something and tell us what you did?

    Did you lose access to SolidWorks software when you got booted from
    that last shop for crashing another machine?

    I like indent. I don't like flex or multiple contexts although I use
    then when need requires. Which is almost never.

    You're still refusing to post a situation in which you would use
    multiple contexts?

    Credibility slipping jon. Based on using flex for sheet metal parts,
    it probably is best to keep you fucking mouth shut for a change.

    How about Shape, jon? I'll bet you like Shape too, don\t you./ Its as
    big a piece of shit as the rest, which is how I know you'll like it.

    And of course the grand daddy of useless features is Deform. This is
    the one I expected you to glom onto, with the global shape modeling
    and all.

    Anyway, Shape and Deform. Think about them for a while. I know your
    gonna love them.
    ] -Daisy

    Yep like the stopped clock that is right twice a day you were right in
    this one case about the big bad CAD/CAM company. And you had to go all
    the way back to a post in 1998 to find the one instance where you were
    As usual you don't know what you're talking about Jon, big surprise

    SDRC gave Artisan & GenMach free to all SmartCAM users with a current
    SmartCAM Software Maintenance Agreement (which we were) as the
    SmartCAM upgrade path.
    What consequences Jon, your forging more posts and avoiding simple
    direct on topic questions to back up your wild claims?

    Or would that be where you post under aliases and carry on threads
    where you are posting, answering and supporting yourself in the third
    It's called being honest and sincere Jon, you should try it.

    Here is my full post including the part you cut and pasted above.


    The Internet is great but nothing can compete with talking with
    someone face to face. It is easy to write something one way
    and have it read completely the opposite. It is not possible
    to look into someone's face and know it is a joke, that they
    are pulling you leg or what their meaning is.

    Michael I believe you, I have shot myself in the foot, not an easy
    thing to do when it is in your mouth and your head is in your ass.

    I hope you will accept my apology.

    Thank you for responding. I enjoyed reading your email response.
    I do not believe in conspiracies but felt you were misleading us.
    Sorry for any inconvenience I may have caused you.

    I may be oversensitive to SDRC questions. I tried to use the reply
    button to answer those who sent me email from SDRC but kept
    getting it back as undeliverable. I will contact them by phone next

    Thank you for your offer of help. If I can be of help to you I would
    be pleased to as well.

    I have posted my apology in all areas I remember that I originally
    posted to, incase I missed any I am posting here as well.

    The only thing worse to me than making a mistake is to not admit to

    How so Jon? I use CAD/CAM on nearly a daily basis and have for many
    years, I deal with change all the time, I make the tools I have work.
    Why can't you?

    Oh! Maybe because you didn't even know:

    1)amount of pallets on your machine, kept saying 12 when it's 11.
    2)how many tools your machine held or how many offsets it has.
    3)to edit your CAM Post processor to generate good, reliable
    g-code for your machine.
    4)how to get consistently good code to the controller and having
    to constantly edit g-code at the controller.

    You even went so far as to brag about your HMC, a high production
    machine spent little time producing.
    I worked in and hired Machinists in San Diego, you haven't. You only
    know what you heard. I said it is more likely the people you listened
    to had trouble finding machinists willing to work for operator wages.

    I asked you a simple question on what YOU felt the going pay rate for
    a journeyman machinist is but you continually refuse to answer that
    simple question. If you know the subject you know the answer.

    What is the going rate for a journeyman machinist in San Diego?
    What were the people who say they can't find machinist offering?
    Am I required to answer every question on Usenet?

    You responded, lacking knowledge, experience, with all of 1 month or
    less worth of videos under your belt and where you posted enough
    parroted buzzwords, plagiarized comments from others and sales blurbs
    to keep him busy for a while.
    Our company received two seven figure deposit checks recently for
    projects & machines I designed.

    And you Jon? You still making $17 an hour running a cnc?

    Is $17 per hour Journeyman Machinist Wages in San Diego in your
    He's Matt Lombard, right?

    Or is he the guy with little or no patience for Clueless Buzzword
    Kings posing as knowledgeable, expert users where they really have
    little or no knowledge of the material & programs they are discussing?

    Matt Lombard, author SolidWorks 2007 Bible wrote to Jon:

    I prefer a rational discussion between people who really use the
    software. You prove on a regular basis that you can't be rational, and
    you have never said anything that makes me believe you have more than
    a passing familiarity with SolidWorks.

    -posted - Aug 19, 2007-
    The question was "Did you read the Authors notes"?

    It's a simple question Jon, has nothing to do with what's on the
    cover. You obviously don't want to answer that simple question because
    it doesn't support your position and you weren't smart enough to read
    it in the first place.

    Snip from the Authors notes:

    "The SolidWorks Bible is intended primarily for intermediate and
    advanced users, although there is also some material for beginners."
    It wasn't just simple statements you made. It was you loved or hated
    the programs when you didn't know anything about them, then when you
    actually tried to use them you ended up changing your mind.


    "I don't give a shit because OneCNC looks good." - Jon Banquer - Aug
    31 2003

    "OneCNC he has delivered on creating a good CADCAM system." - Jon
    Banquer - Aug 23, 2003

    "OneCNC looks good." - Jon Banquer - Aug 31 2003

    "My advice would be to get your feet wet with a bargain basement
    CAD/CAM system such as OneCNC." - Jon Banquer - May 7, 2005

    "OneCNC has a good product" - Jon Banquer - May 11 2005

    "Companies like OneCNC have proven you can be a successful company
    without really targeting Auto and Aero." - Jon Banquer - July 30,

    "OneCNC needs *major* work!" - Jon Banquer - Jan 14, 2007

    "It seems that OneCNC is so bad" "Since I've had to use this piece of
    crap" - Jon Banquer - June 30, 2007

    "You deserve to get fucked if you think Onecnc can hold a candle to
    any of the packages you named." - Jon Banquer - Aug 19, 2007
    Your the one that said they are comparable, if they are the same as
    you say then you were being smart paying $650.00 when you could have
    gotten the same thing for only $25.00?
    And it was one of the best investments I ever made. Less expensive
    that VAR classroom training and I ended up with one on one training
    for 1/3 the VAR quote.

    Only a high school dropout would think paying for an education and
    quickly getting up and running efficiently with a CAM program is a
    waste of money.

    I dropped out of high school <snip> and never went back

    - Jon Banquer - Dec 28, 2002

    Oh! That explains a lot.......LOL....naturally you would think
    education a waste of time and paying for it a waste of money....LOL
    It was true 1998 when I made the statement.
    Your normal confusion Jon, my post had nothing to do with the SmartCAM
    The post had nothing to do with the GUI. It was about Freeform and
    having thousands if not tens of thousands of machining elements. It
    could be difficult picking one or a small group of elements if they
    were near each other. And in those days it may have been on a 15"

    "it's amazing how much better SmartCAM's UI still is." - Jon Banquer -
    "SmartCAM badly needs a UI makeover" -Jon Banquer -
    "Stupid me. I was wrong again." - Jon Banquer -

    "Stupid, very stupid. " - Jon Banquer -


    Franco Folini

    UPDATE -- July 8, 2007 -- I had to close this blog post to further
    comments and to remove the personal attacks between Jon and some other
    newsgroups readers. Before the interview, I made an agreement with Jon
    about the style of the interview and the way to handle it. Jon didn't
    respect our agreement, posting comments under fake names. Jon's
    authentic and fake comments are all posted from the same IP address, I can now see that my trust in Jon was misplaced.

    "Should keep me from getting any stupid ideas about starting my own
    job shop !!!" - Jon Banquer -

    brewertr, Mar 10, 2008
  4. Jean Marc

    jon_banquer Guest

    Not just ignorant, Brewer-Ignorant where you make mistake after
    mistake after mistake and never learn anything from your mistakes.
    Brewer-Ignorant is when your wife tells you "I TOLD YOU SO" ten times
    a day.


    "Jon, I never forgot any of your postings about SDRC I made the wrong
    decision in spite of what you said. There have been a number of times
    that my Wife has told me to be careful in dealing with someone and
    after words says "I told you so". She earned the right to say it as
    well as you have earned the right to say I TOLD YOU SO. I made a
    decision that went against my better judgment and as usual it turned
    out poorly." .... Tom Brewer


    "I do not purchase programs unless I know before hand that they are
    what I want and/ or need."... Tom Brewer who can't follow his own
    advice. See above.


    Tom Brewer thinking he and his pals like Joe788 can play their Usenet
    staking games, lie on a repeated basis and suffer no consequences for
    doing so.


    "I have shot myself in the foot, not an easy thing to do when it is
    in your mouth and your head is in your ass."... Tom Brewer admitting
    what he's often like.


    Someone who has a proven track record of not being able to deal with
    or accept the kind of change that occurs in the cadcam market... now
    that's ignorant or should we say that's Tom Brewer.


    Someone who doesn't live in San Diego yet insists there is no shortage
    of CNC machinists here... now that's ignorant or should we say that's
    Tom Brewer.


    Someone who criticizes someone on SolidWorks but has never helped
    anyone with specific SolidWorks answers. Someone who is not able to
    answer any questions that "Vinny" had on master modeling or skeletal
    modeling. Someone who has never posted any models they have done...
    now that's ignorant or should we say that's Tom Brewer.


    Tom Brewer's failure to understand who Matt Lombard really is.


    Tom Brewer's unable to comprehend what's on the cover of the
    SolidWorks Bible:

    "Whether you're a new, intermediate, ...."


    Someone who can't understand more than a simple "I love it!" or "I
    hate it!" type of comment ... now that's ignorant or should we say
    that's Tom Brewer.


    Tom Brewer implies that because you acknowledge that the $25
    SolidWorks course covers subjects / topics that the $650 SolidWorks
    course didn't that you're now somehow an idiot and got screwed when
    you decided to purchase the $650 SolidWorks course.

    Tom Brewer Writing About SmartCAM:

    "I ended up paying a consultant $40.00 per hour for two weeks."

    "FYI, when I said "Solid modeling" in reference to SmartCam it was
    tongue in cheek. What you could not see is that when I was typing that
    I was laughing to myself. Anyone that uses SmartCam and Solid
    Modeling in the same sentence cannot be taken seriously."

    Recently Tom Brewer said SmartCAM had no user interface problems and
    yet the record shows Tom Brewer thinks SmartCAM does indeed have user
    interface problems:

    "The only real problem that I run into is that the screen can get
    cluttered and it becomes difficult to pick and choose elements in Free
    Form. I just use the utility masking feature to hide what is in the
    way, that cures the problem but it does add work (I tried the snap
    filtering and snap options but for me it was not the best way), I
    have seen other packages that handle picking and choosing in better."


    Tom Brewer thinks he's a SolidWorks expert. A SolidWorks expert is
    someone who knows more and more about less and less until he knows
    absolutely everything about nothing.
    jon_banquer, Mar 10, 2008
  5. Jean Marc

    Cliff Guest

    "UG has it's own macro language" -
    Dec 8 2000

    "Perhaps your bud Bottleboob can e-mail you my response to your questions on
    macros, VBA, UG AE's, Automatic Feature Recognition, etc ??? " -
    Dec 11 2000

    "Here's one example of how it works: I mention that UG and lots of other CAM
    companies have their own basic macro automation / customization language and ...
    The Bottleboob technique is then to ask me for every little detail about UG's
    macro /customization language, including how it will help in their specific
    case" - Dec 11 2000


    Thank you for your concern about AOL. It is confusing to a simple person
    such as myself when things get delayed and scattered.
    I hope it's fixed soon so that I may respond in a more timely manner.

    I initially asked what I thought was a very simple question that should need
    only a very short answer.
    At least that was what I thought at the time. I guess it's much more
    complicated than I expected. Foolish of me, I know.
    I only asked you about UG's MACRO programming language in the first
    place. I asked you NOTHING about VBA, UG AE's, Automatic Feature
    Recognition, etc
    You added all of that in response to my ONE LINE question. AND you
    answered nothing about my question at all that I could spot.
    NOW I have many, many questions to ask as time goes on. All sorts of
    things you have expertise in as I now see and of which I am now curious.
    I really do like learning new things.
    I can barely restrain myself from asking them all now. It's really hard.

    For the THIRD time here it is again:

    I have tried to reconstruct the information a bit from various posts. I think
    have the basics below.

    As you expanded on my question (without answering it at all) I refer you
    to my original post in THIS thread. Your cross-thread posts are not of much
    From reading your latest (and my questions in response to your post) I
    understand that VBA is what you were referring to as the "MACRO language
    Unigraphics uses. That answers that question.





    I believe VBA is actually the engine that runs VB but to answer your
    question the easy way....yes.

    VBA is a "macro language" that one can use in many, many applications.
    Excel, AlphaCAM, DP Esprit 2000 Plus, Access, Word, AutoCAD, etc...they
    all include VBA with their programs. The VBA integrated development
    enviorment (IDE)is for all practical purposes the SAME as one gets when
    they buy VB.(Less controls with VBA)


    From the next question it is clear that UG's MACRO programming language
    VBA is good for running CNC controls and fixes the probing problems
    you were having.
    I now also understand that Visual Basic is used for "Automatic Feature
    Recognition." It's nice that UG is adding this capability to their MACRO
    language VBA.
    But if it's "Automatic" why would you need to use Visual Basic in UG at





    ABSOLUTELY !!!! Well...not to Bottleboob.

    You have to have an interest in automating your manufacturing and CAM
    process. I have done this with DP Esprit X's macro language. In the
    simplest way I know how to describe what I did, I would use the term
    fake feature recognition of 2D Geometry. If someone really wants to
    understand what I did, I think it would help to understand Automatic
    Feature Recognition first and I don't think very many posters to this
    newsgroup have a clue about what it is.

    One look at the proposed contest of Bootleboob vs. me tells me most
    posters here are clueless when it comes to how to speed up the CAM
    programming process and really don't care. There was also another
    poster who started a thread complaining that his boss said he was too
    slow. Not one poster suggested a CAM program or programming process
    that actually would make CAM programming faster.

    Try www.gsslco.com. If this is of interest to you, I will describe how
    faking feature recognition can speed up the CAM programming process for
    2D geometry. The latter is true even for a prototype shop.

    It's by using Automatic Feature Recognition that I would blow
    the "f"ing doors off Bottleboob in speed of programming most 2 and 1/2
    axis parts.This technology is only available in CAMWorks (Runs inside
    of SolidWorks) It will soon be available in ProCAM which is also made
    by TechSoft. The AFR technology is all done by GSSL in India. GSSL has
    contracts with UG, SDRC, SolidWorks, etc for their Automatic and
    Interactive Feature Recognition Technology.


    From your answer to my next question I now understand that to do a job well
    in the CAE/CAD/CAM arena you feel knowing anything about any system
    in unimportant. And that Sandy is not an expert on the UG MACRO language
    but that I will understand it from reading his old posts.
    It must be nice to be able to earn a living by focusing on a concept while
    remaining ignorant of any of the specific bothersome details as they are
    all the same (oops, similar.)
    Is this why it is best to edit the tape file to make changes to your program?
    And why using machine dependant control MACROs (from UG?) is the
    best way to program?
    As I have heard that APT has MACROs can I just learn APT instead of
    If I use MACROs at my machine control would this be the same thing?

    BTW, back when I was taking a few classes I had a Math class with some
    education Majors in it. I was told not to ask questions. I asked what they
    would do if a student asked them the same questions. I was told they would
    tell the student to wait until they were in college to ask the question.
    I quickly dropped that differential equations class and found another.





    No, but they are ALL similar. You are using a macro language to
    automate the CAM process in some way no matter what CAM system it is.
    It might help you to focus on the CAM automation concept rather than
    the specific language or specfic CAM program.


    You are seemingly correct in that I was not here.
    But you advise that I talk with AEs from UG to find out the name and some
    basic (not VBA) information on their MACRO language VBA. You are also
    telling me below that the way to do this is to go to a trade show. I can learn
    all about Visual Basic by going to a trade show as you have done?
    I don't want to wait for one or spend the money to go just to get some
    product blurbs and sales hype. You were extolling the virtues, please tell
    me a bit.
    Are you trying to "dumb me down" by providing no information about VBA
    as it relates to MACRO programming my CMM in UG?
    I thought this is the sort of thing you complained about others doing.





    No. I don't think we have enough CAM users who appreciate the value of
    UG CAM. I don't think UG guys want to deal with dumbed down Bill Gibbs
    groupies. I doubt they wanted to deal with Bruce Closs, either but I
    guess you were not here to experience that for yourself.





    I have spent hours upon hours talking to UG AE's at places like Eastec.
    Much more interesting than sitting through a Bill Gibbs demo of
    GibbSCAM. The UG AE's that I have met are out of Waltham, Mass and are
    really nice and willing to share anything. Can't say enough good things
    about them.




    NO !!! UG does not market like Bill Gibbs and his VAR's do. They don't have to.




    None. I'm a complete idiot. Read what "No User", Bottleboob and some
    others have posted. It's ALL TRUE !!!!




    One needs to know WHAT it is they want to automate. One needs to have
    a "vision" for how they want to automate THEIR manufacturing processes.
    Some people have NO vision. They just machine parts.
    Have I mentioned Bottleboob's name in this post ???


    Then you tell me to ask a SmartCAM user about UG's MACRO language
    Visual Basic (does MS have a trademark on this?) but then tell me that
    SmartCAM is dead. How am I to find a user of a dead system to tell me
    about UG? Did they also use VBA to program their CMMs with MACROs?



    No, but many SmartCAM users very clearly understand how to automate the
    CAM process. You won't find ANY of these types of SmartCAM users
    downgrading to GibbSCAM even though the development of SmartCAM is dead.




    If SmartCAM was still a going concern and I did not believe so heavily
    in Automatic Feature Recognition, I would learn SmartCAM because I
    believe it was / is still FAR ahead of most CAM programs. The founders
    of SmartCAM had the vision thing....BIG TIME, IN SPADES !!! You don't
    even post with SmartCAM, you generate G-code as you go along. SmartCAM
    was designed as a CAM system for automation and to deal with any kind
    of change at any time. Point Control was so far ahead of it's time
    compared to SURFCAM, MasterCAM, GibbSCAM, DP, etc. It's tragic that
    SDRC killed it.


    Then I decided to again try asking the person that posted this wisdom
    about UG's MACRO language and how great it is. And you have been posting
    here extolling the merits of Unigraphics so you should know what you are
    talking about, right? And complaining about some other programs too so
    it must be a comparative thing, right?



    You are. The answers your getting just probably aren't exactly what you
    expect or want to hear.


    Every little detail, Jon? You have not provided ONE.
    You state "Just like I'm supplying you NO information about VBA,
    Automatic Feature Recognition, UG and how their AE's work and CAM
    automation" and that is quite correct. For which I am thankful as I asked
    for no information on most.
    You only used buzz words, like a new salesman reading the one page
    product brochure. No information at all. Just noise.
    You don't even provide minimal information. Did you lose the product
    advertisement someplace?



    Right. Just like I'm supplying you NO information about VBA, Automatic
    Feature Recognition, UG and how their AE's work and CAM automation in
    this post. and just in case I am it's not good enough. (Another proven
    Bottlboob technique.)


    Spoonfeed? Well, Jon, you read this again, PLEASE, and tell me what
    part of my question you answered here.
    And please don't use that invisable text font again.



    You tell me. I fully expect you to now say I'm STILL unwilling to and
    have not done so.


    As a final request, Jon, I would ask that you post any reply to my questions
    to this thread, not another, so that we can at least guess what it is in reply
    If you would also keep the headers intact that would be nice too.
    And please try to quote entire paragraphs. I know it makes it hard for
    you but does tend to keep the context intact. I have had to reconstruct
    all of this from your scattered, undocumented snips, out of context quotes,
    cross-thread reply posts, the original posts and such. Hope I got it all right.
    I suspect that the real name of whatever you think is a MACRO here has
    escaped you. Perhaps you could find a manual or ask someone that knows
    like those UG AEs you know so well.
    ] - Cliff to clueless on Dec 12 2000
    Cliff, Mar 10, 2008
  6. Jean Marc

    Cliff Guest

    You are catching on, Tom. He has little clue what the buzzwords
    in the ads & from the posts of others are about.
    He just grabs somethinghe liks the "sound" of and runs
    with it for many months as the newest "latest & greatest".

    It gets pretty funny when he gets baited and never knows
    that the exact same thing (sometimes by another name)
    is 20 or more years old. Some of it perhaps from before the
    ignorant one was born.

    He never did take that basic intro to shop math class ..... much
    less pass it.
    Cliff, Mar 10, 2008
  7. Jean Marc

    Cliff Guest

    And he's probaby not even allowed to comment on engineers & engineering
    or education (and the joys of knowing nothing but BS & clueless hype) at his

    Pretty funny.
    Cliff, Mar 10, 2008
  8. Jean Marc

    Cliff Guest

    "People like Foolrich, who think the answer is a developable surface, need not
    waste their time ..." - Sep 30 2001 by jon banquer

    "Global Shape Modeling. One thing is for sure, it's gonna be a hell of a lot
    better than the no control one gets using developable surfaces. I'm still
    laughing my ass off over Cliffy's suggestion. It's like stepping back in time."
    - Jul 29 2001 by jon banquer


    Are APT & IGES still the same thing?
    Does COMPACT-II still "reverse post" G-code to associative Applicon geometry?
    Are developable & nondevelopable surfaces still old-fashioned APT thingies?
    Is Bezier geometry replacing NURBS?
    Do you ever eat at The Kernels's?

    Clueless responded:

    If this is really true, and one has full graphical control over the
    tool in 3 axis and you don't have to create all sorts of workarounds
    to do something that should be straight forward, then I would consider
    this to be very significant technology. Would eliminate the need
    to use APT for full tool control for 3 axis surface work.
    ] - jon banquer on Jul 29 2001

    Cliff, Mar 10, 2008
  9. Jean Marc

    Cliff Guest

    IOW You had no clues so you repost this tripe.
    Cliff, Mar 10, 2008
  10. Jean Marc

    Cliff Guest

    He has no clues.
    Cliff, Mar 10, 2008
  11. Jean Marc

    Cliff Guest

    He's clearly utterly ignorant. And has proudly been so for about a decade
    (BS, lies & hype will suffice for him).
    Cliff, Mar 10, 2008
  12. Jean Marc

    Cliff Guest

    Has he ever even taken a computer class ???? Or an intro to machines
    Oops, sorry .. he'd need to pass other things first. Such as basic shop math,
    triangles, reading comprehension (no pictures), ....

    Do kernels pop when they fall apart?
    Suddenly the tool was on the other side of the part .... he always
    did wonder what is inside a solid ..
    Cliff, Mar 10, 2008
  13. Jean Marc

    Cliff Guest

    Cliff, Mar 10, 2008
  14. Jean Marc

    Cliff Guest

    He never did know what posts do or how CAM systems work.
    Could it be that he's never ever used either one? Just watched
    (cluelessly) demos he got (in good faith from the vendors) based
    on his lies & BS? At best.

    Will he meet Gary & show his claimed demo CD collection? What
    music or videos will they really have on them?
    Cliff, Mar 10, 2008
  15. Jean Marc

    Cliff Guest

    He loves my posts too <VBG>.

    It's just so SIMPLE now to copy from his .... though, sad to say,
    many of the more amusing ones are indeed now missing from
    Google's archives.
    Cliff, Mar 10, 2008
  16. Jean Marc

    Cliff Guest


    * 1. Schizophrenia -- Do You Hear What I Hear?

    * 2. Multiple Personality Disorder --- We Three Kings Disoriented Are

    * 3. Dementia --- I Think I'll be Home for Christmas

    * 4. Narcissistic --- Hark the Herald Angels Sing About Me

    * 5. Manic - Deck the Halls and Walls and House and Lawn and Streets and Stores
    and Office and Town and Cars and Buses and Trucks and Trees and.....

    * 6. Paranoid --- Santa Claus is Coming to Town to Get Me

    * 7. Borderline Personality Disorder --- Thoughts of Roasting on an Open Fire

    * 8. Personality Disorder --- You Better Watch Out, I'm Gonna Cry, I'm Gonna
    Pout, Maybe I'll Tell You Why

    * 9. Attention Deficit Disorder -- Silent night, Holy oooh look at the Froggy -
    can I have a chocolate? Why is the moon so far away?

    * 10. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder --- (To the tune of Jingle Bells) Empty the
    ashtrays, Empty the ashtrays, Empty the ashtrays, Empty the ashtrays, Empty the
    ashtrays, Empty the ashtrays, Empty the ashtrays, Empty the ashtrays, Empty the
    ashtrays, Empty the ashtrays, Empty the ashtrays, Empty the ashtrays, Empty the
    ashtrays, Empty the ashtrays, Empty the ashtrays, Empty the ashtrays, Empty the
    ashtrays, Empty the ashtrays, Empty the ashtrays, Empty the ashtrays, Empty the
    ashtrays, Empty the ashtrays, Empty the ashtrays, Empty the ashtrays, Empty the
    ashtrays, .....
    Cliff, Mar 10, 2008
  17. Jean Marc

    Cliff Guest

    He was probaby filling out a job application & saw it thru an
    open door. Hard to count that high for him as he's being pushed
    out the door still yammering "unfired ! unseemed !!! HIGHBREAD !!!".
    Cliff, Mar 10, 2008
  18. Jean Marc

    brewertr Guest

    I'm a complete idiot. Read what "No User", Bottleboob and some others
    have posted. It's ALL TRUE !!!! - Jon Banquer-
    brewertr, Mar 10, 2008
  19. Jean Marc

    brewertr Guest

    You never chain geometry in Gibbs or SmartCAM. It's not necessary.
    ]- Jon Banquer -

    I hope I provided some good info on Gibbs Machining Markers and the
    FACT that Gibbs doesn't have chaining tools.
    ]-Jon Banquer-

    Can you show us how you "chained" that geometry in Gibbscam, Bob?
    ] - Jon Banquer-

    For someone like Dr. Battleboob, GibbSCAM is the PERFECT
    ] -Jon Banquer-

    Gibbscam IS a virus.
    ] -Jon Banquer-

    You don't even post with SmartCAM, you generate G-code as you go
    ]- Jon Banquer-

    because MS Word was never designed to be a text editor
    ] -Jon Banquer-
    brewertr, Mar 10, 2008
  20. Jean Marc

    jon_banquer Guest

    CORRECTION: Madcow man is a virus

    Now it's correct, Madcowman.

    Jon Banquer
    San Diego, CA
    jon_banquer, Mar 11, 2008
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