SW and dual monitors

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Sam, Jan 5, 2006.

  1. Sam

    Sam Guest

    Anybody using dual monitors with SW? If so how do you have it set up?
    Do you recommend using dual monitors? Are there any negatives to using
    dual monitors with SW? Any comments would be appreciated.


    Sam, Jan 5, 2006
  2. Hi Sam !

    We are using two monitors with SWX.
    There are no problems with a Nvidia FX 500 and
    19" TFT repective 22" TFT.
    Just have a look at the swx homepage for details.
    You can find tests on serveral grafic adaptors
    with dual screen setup.

    The advantage:
    Main screen --> SWX
    second screen --> SAP with BOM
    --> Outlook
    --> Customer drawing
    --> second SWX session
    --> some people use the second screen for the menu bar´s
    so they have plenty of space for the drawing itself.

    We (7 designer) won´t miss our second screen. It´s worth a lot even
    if you just work with Office or SAP.

    Best regards
    Ralf (Germany)
    Die Hartmanns, Jan 5, 2006
  3. Sam

    YouGoFirst Guest

    I have dual monitors running, and I have found that with SW2005 you have to
    be very careful about moving windows around. For example, if I open up
    SW2005 and a part on Monitor 1, then move it to Monitor 2, I can't open up a
    new part without having SW2005 hang. I have not tried it yet with SW2006.
    My problem may be due to the fact that my computer is not using a
    recommended graphics card.

    The biggest disadvantage is going home and using a single monitor, and
    trying to convince the wife that we need to get a dual monitor setup.
    YouGoFirst, Jan 5, 2006
  4. @YouGoFirst

    Sorry, seems to be a hardware problem. We are using dual monitors
    since years with ME10, SWX, Office, SAP etc. No Problems.

    But I feel with you. The mentioned disadvantage is absolutely true :)

    Die Hartmanns, Jan 5, 2006
  5. Sam

    YouGoFirst Guest

    I have dual monitors running, and I have found that with SW2005 you have
    To clarify things further, this is only a problem in SW, not in any other
    YouGoFirst, Jan 5, 2006
  6. Sam

    jjs Guest

    I too use a fx500 with two screens

    AARGHH !!

    This can now be done - I really must read the manual - was it in the
    whats new in 2006? Or is this another one on SW enhancements they
    tell know one about ! :)

    Before, I am sure you could not do this easily as when you started a
    new session of SW the menus had changed position !!

    I've just tried it and they stay where they are put even on a restart.

    Thanks Ralf


    jjs, Jan 5, 2006
  7. Sam

    Sporkman Guest

    I use a 17" LCD screen and 19" CRT screen with a GeForce-something
    (can't remember) and I have essentially NO problems -- not with
    SolidWorks and not with anything else. The advantages are significant,
    in my opinion, but I tend to multitask a lot. I find that using one
    screen for SolidWorks and one screen for my Desktop and most other
    applications is most practical for me. I seldom stretch SolidWorks
    across two screens, but I HAVE done it on occasion. When using multiple
    viewports for demonstration purposes it can be useful. I typically
    DON'T start two sessions of SolidWorks at the same time, and I keep my
    monitors at the same resolution, although that's not actually necessary,
    simply because it's disconcerting to go from one resolution to another.
    The max resolution on my LCD screen is 1280x1024, but I can go up to
    1600x1200 on my CRT. It takes a little thrashing around with the nVidia
    TwinView dual-monitor application to be able to set things up the way
    you want, but once you've done it it's not a big deal to do it again.
    If I have to disconnect my computer to take it somewhere and I only have
    one monitor available where I'm going I simply connect the monitor to my
    primary video connector on the card. It somehow jiggles the Desktop
    around a bit, but that's the only problem that I've encountered with
    it. Once I get back to a dual monitor setup things go back to just the
    way I had them before disconnecting.

    In other words, I recommend it.

    Mark 'Sporky' Stapleton
    Watermark Design, LLC
    Charlotte, NC
    Sporkman, Jan 6, 2006
  8. Sam

    Hartmann Guest

    Hi Jonathan,

    for your information: We use the driver version dated 15.Nov.

    Best regards
    Hartmann, Jan 6, 2006
  9. Sam

    Rich Guest

    I love the dual monitor setup for most programs but SW does little for me to
    make it worthwhile on its own. For instance, I'd love to be able to drag
    the feature manager over onto the second monitor to free up space on the
    primary but this doesn't seem possible. Maybe someone knows different?

    Rich, Jan 6, 2006
  10. Sam

    solid steve Guest

    I also found a perfomance hit with a dual set up, I now have a 24"
    widescreen and a fx3450
    which is nice.

    solid steve, Jan 6, 2006
  11. Sam

    Sam Guest

    Hey Mark, good to hear from you, hope all is well.

    Do you (or anyone else) know if the Task Pane can be moved to another
    monitor separate from the solidworks app? From reading these other
    posts it sounds like the toolbars can be moved and I know that the task
    pane can be undocked and moved about the screen (much like a toolbar)
    so I am assuming that it also can be moved to a second monitor but I do
    not have two monitors so I cannot test that. Can someone give it a try
    and let me know?

    Thanks, Sam
    Sam, Jan 6, 2006
  12. Sam

    Sam Guest

    Thanks Jonathan, that is what I needed to know.

    Sam, Jan 6, 2006
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