SW Administrative Image

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Pats Fan, Oct 31, 2006.

  1. Pats Fan

    Pats Fan Guest

    Once an Administrative Image is Installed is this a working copy of SW?
    In other words could I install the Image at my workstation, use SW as
    I normally use it but also manage Updates to the other users? Or is it
    better to install the Image on a server or slave station?
    Pats Fan, Oct 31, 2006
  2. this also depends on your server workstation's OS.
    We are running a linux server ans SW does not like this very much :)
    So I copied the image in a folder on my own workstation and shared the
    folder in our network.
    So I con maintain the updates to the image and advise my colleagues to
    update their software with that image hosted on my PC.

    JW Wilddesign, Oct 31, 2006
  3. Pats Fan

    TOP Guest

    I think the Windows installer technology doesn't like being on a file
    system that doesn't support the fine grained control Windows has on
    permissions. What version of Samba are you running? Is Winbind setup?
    TOP, Oct 31, 2006
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