SW 64 bit not going to happen?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by friendlyfreeriders, Jun 29, 2005.

  1. By the looks of things, Solidworks has no plans to go 64 bit, even
    after SW2006 they say "supported as a 32-bit application running in the
    64-bit OS".
    What the heck? So much for the benefits of a 64 bit OS.
    I smell a new product we are going to have to buy to get 64 bit!

    see note 5
    friendlyfreeriders, Jun 29, 2005
  2. friendlyfreeriders

    Rock Guy Guest

    SW 2006 is supported as a 32-bit application on 64-bit systems.
    SolidWorks has already stated it will be releasing a 64 bit version of
    the software at some point later in the year. Read any web article on
    SW 2006 and you will find this info.
    Rock Guy, Jun 29, 2005
  3. friendlyfreeriders

    TOP Guest

    They have two fundamental tasks related to performance. One is to deal
    with true 64 bit operation. The other is to deal with multi-tasking on
    a basic level as opposed to high level like they did on drawings.

    64 bit presents all kinds of problems because all of a sudden pointers
    get bigger. This effects all kinds of things in a program like the
    handles for objects and a lot of data structures. If you look in SW
    help you can't but notice that there is a long string of licences that
    SW uses. All those vendors are going to have to get on board first
    before SW can really go 64 bit IMHO.

    Multi tasking/multicore support probably will have to follow down the
    same lines.

    My best guess is that SW will take a wait and see on 64 bit. If 64/32
    stops the griping about lack of memory for large assemblies and doesn't
    have too many bugs then those that really want to put everything in the
    assembly will still be left out in the cold. The big question is how
    fast will people implement the 64/32 version? If it is too slow SW may
    just say people aren't going for it.

    I was looking at TigerDirect last night and 64 bit mobo/cpu bundles are
    really getting down to affordable prices in the $400 range. People who
    build their own systems could probably justify a mobo upgrade at these
    prices. However, MSoft is apparenlty only going to distribute XP64
    through OEMs. Even so, OEM versions of MSoft OS have not been hard to
    TOP, Jun 29, 2005
  4. Yeah, well I will believe Solidworks is 64 bit just as soon as Cadkey
    is parametric.
    friendlyfreeriders, Jun 29, 2005
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