SW 32 or 64 Bit on A MacBook Pro?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by The Pixleys, Dec 29, 2006.

  1. The Pixleys

    The Pixleys Guest

    I believe that the MacBooks are 64Bit machines with OSX 10.4.?. I just
    ordered one with Parallels for XP Pro and also intend to Use BootCamp if SW
    under Parallels isn't fast enough. My big question is which (32 or 64Bit)
    version of SW 2006 do (or can) I install. Not that I would want to but can
    you install a 32 bit SW version on a 64 bit machine?
    The Pixleys, Dec 29, 2006
  2. The Pixleys

    mandiison Guest

    You're more limited by the version of Windows you'd be running. As SW
    runs on Windows, which you're running on OSX, you'd need to make sure
    you've installed a 64 bit version of Windows on 'Parallels' ?? before
    worrying about running 64 bit SW on Windows on Parallels on OSX.

    I had to google Parallels to be sure, but indeed. You're limited to the
    32 bit version of Windows on your OSX via Parallels. Check
    Parallels.com FAQ for more info.

    You can certainly install 32 bit software on a 64 bit machine (I imagine
    a lot of software is 32 bit having no need for the capacities available
    via 64 bit architecture and OS.)

    For example... Parallels is a 32 bit application running on your 64 bit
    Powerbook / OSX.
    mandiison, Dec 29, 2006
  3. The Pixleys

    The Pixleys Guest

    Thanks for the info. It all sounds good...I'll know in 3-7 (UPS ground)
    The Pixleys, Dec 29, 2006
  4. The Pixleys

    Bo Guest

    Been running SWks 2006 on Boot Camp on Mac Book Pro since it came out,
    and I am thrilled, but there are little issues to attend to.

    I often use an external mini-PC keyboard, rather than some key
    workarounds on the Mac, and I use a RadTech BT500 wireless 3 button
    mouse w/scroll wheel on the palm pad area to the right of the mouse

    Didn't try Parallels as the video speed and pixel size supported was
    not good enough in the beginning.

    Bo, Dec 29, 2006
  5. The Pixleys

    The Pixleys Guest

    Rumor has it that Parallels is about to ad 3D support (probably not OpenGL
    for now) for the gaming guys. SW might benefit from this. Also there is
    going to be (or is now in the latest beta) a feature that lets you start XP
    apps. from the Mac bar and just the app. starts with enough of XP running to
    make it go...meaning not needing to go into an XP window for SW.
    The Pixleys, Dec 29, 2006
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