SW 2008 Review by Deskeng.com

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by kenneth, Aug 13, 2007.

  1. kenneth

    Wayne Weedon Guest

    How much an expert on OneCNC you reckon he is then ;) Or any other
    CadCAM package he decides to knock.

    I'm actually wondering if he maybe only had a 30 day trial of OneCNC.
    Seems he was on their forum for not even that long, and I'm pretty sure
    he wasn't banned.

    But whatever. I'm not going to turn blue in the face over it. It
    continues to work just fine for me.

    Wayne Weedon, Aug 20, 2007
  2. kenneth

    brewertr Guest

    Well Jon actually LIKED OneCNC and made multiple recommendations that
    people buy it because it was in his words a "Good" CAM program. It was
    after he used OneCNC that his opinion changed to flaming it.

    So what if it doesn't "Properly" support multiple work offsets, Jon
    could have programmed one part and created a master program or
    subprogram to call up and run the multiple work offsets, not that hard
    to do. I have used that method to run Hundreds of parts in one fixture
    using G10.

    brewertr, Aug 20, 2007
  3. Joe,
    Congratulations, it appears you were first to identify that a certain
    newsgroup member is again unemployed. The claim is that the company
    "tanked". I suppose that could happen.

    Gary H. Lucas
    Gary H. Lucas, Aug 22, 2007
  4. kenneth

    jon_banquer Guest

    Once again both Joe788 and you are full of shit, Gary.

    Joe788 is the moron who has never used OneCNC XR2 but claims it
    properly supports multiple fixture offset machining. Joe788 is so
    fucking ignorant that he thinks because you can select G54, G55, etc
    that this equates to proper multiple fixture offset support. He's
    never even used OneCNC and like Mr. P.V. must rely on what he is told
    by others.

    Isn't it about time you made one of your usual long whining posts
    where you admit you quit your job? The more you post the more I'm sure
    your brother knows what a worthless **** you are and that's why he's
    got Lucas Electric and you don't.
    jon_banquer, Aug 22, 2007
  5. kenneth

    Joe788 Guest

    As has already been explained 9 million times, I never made any such
    claim about WHAT you consider multiple work coordinate systems. I've
    been using them in Mastercam for the better part of a decade.

    YOU claimed OneCNC couldn't generate multiple fixture offset calls
    without "MASSIVE G-CODE EDITING." Wayne posted a video that proved you
    were 100% wrong, and BottleBob even downloaded the demo to prove you
    were wrong. It was just a little drop down tab that you weren't smart
    enough to find, or humble enough to ask.

    Now that that's handled, are you, or aren't you out of a job? Still
    "operating" that "half million dollar, 12 pallet horizontal machining
    Joe788, Aug 22, 2007
  6. kenneth

    Joe788 Guest

    Gary, where did you hear this? I highly doubt the company tanked. I'd
    have heard about the HPlus300 PC11 for sale already.

    On a different note, any more don't stand in front of the fans updates?
    Joe788, Aug 22, 2007
  7. kenneth

    barn_rubble Guest

    I heard he got fired for stealing. He stole one of the pallets off of
    the 12 pallet horizontal. :)

    barn_rubble, Aug 22, 2007
  8. kenneth

    Cliff Guest

    I think much of what he's posted lately was cribbed from others
    as usual too.

    Buzzword Psychosis.
    Cliff, Aug 22, 2007
  9. kenneth

    Cliff Guest

    But one of his many problems is that he thinks that a CAM
    system local work coordinate system (linked to a view & with
    a NAME or not) IS a fixture offset. And recall his whines
    about passing strings of "variables" to posts FOR "fixture offsets"?
    This tells me he's utterly clueless about several things ....
    Cliff, Aug 22, 2007
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