SW 2008 Review by Deskeng.com

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by kenneth, Aug 13, 2007.

  1. kenneth

    brewertr Guest

    "SolidWorks 2007 Bible " I'd rather see a more intense hands on
    tutorial approach rather than have the tutorials follow at the end of
    the chapters" - Jon Banquer - June 25, 2007

    If we un-banquer this it's Jon saying he doesn't want to know or
    understand the basics he just wants to know what buttons to push.
    brewertr, Aug 19, 2007
  2. kenneth

    jon_banquer Guest

    "No time for videos these days."

    Making a total fool of yourself and proving OneCNC XR2 didn't properly
    support multiple fixture offsets with your video explains your present
    lack of time for video!

    What a fucking joke all that cutting, pasting, renaming, copying and
    editing every fucking tool in the OneCNC Operations Mangler is.

    Here's clue moron:

    Mastercam allows you to edit "Common Parameters" while OneCNC XR2 has
    no such thing. Special posts, passing a limited number of variables...
    all workarounds for a poorly designed and implemented cadcam system
    which is what OneCNC XR2 is at present.

    Tell us again why it's okay not be able to backup in OneCNC XR2 while

    How much do you want to bet that issues I have complained about are
    fixed in OneCNC XR 3? Would have been much cheaper if scumbag Michael
    Reyes of OneCNC U.S. (Ex head of Bobcadcam Florida) could have got me
    fired but that didn't work out so well for the scumbag.

    Pretty similar to how your bullshit video trying to prove OneCNC XR2
    supported multiple fixture offsets blew up in your face because we
    have some posters to alt.machines.cnc that aren't as stupid as those
    on Practical Machinist or CNC Zone.

    It's fucking laughable that OneCNC tries to compare themselves to
    Mastercam. There not even in the same ballpark and MasterCAM X2 still
    needs a ton of work!
    jon_banquer, Aug 19, 2007
  3. kenneth

    brewertr Guest

    Make up your mind Jon, you complain that your censored in other groups
    but now your saying Franco is an idiot because he didn't censor
    responses to your "interview" and your fake posts.


    Franco Folini

    UPDATE -- July 8, 2007 -- I had to close this blog post to further
    comments and to remove the personal attacks between Jon and some other
    newsgroups readers. Before the interview, I made an agreement with Jon
    about the style of the interview and the way to handle it. Jon didn't
    respect our agreement, posting comments under fake names. Jon's
    authentic and fake comments are all posted from the same IP address, I can now see that my trust in Jon was misplaced.
    brewertr, Aug 19, 2007
  4. kenneth

    Wayne Weedon Guest

    <Lot of drivel snipped>

    Not at all Jon, Just wishful thinking on your part.

    My time is best spent making money. We intend to take a month long
    vacation over there next year to see a few friends. so I'm getting ahead
    while I can.

    I also have a life outside of work and usenet, unlike yourself.

    Re chains, no problem at all if your produce clean geometry in the first
    place. Thats a habit I always maintain.

    Wayne Weedon, Aug 19, 2007
  5. kenneth

    brewertr Guest

    Sounds familiar:

    "OneCNC he has delivered on creating a good CADCAM system." - Jon
    Banquer - Aug 23, 2003

    "OneCNC looks good." - Jon Banquer - Aug 31 2003

    "My advice would be to get your feet wet with a bargain basement
    CAD/CAM system such as OneCNC." - Jon Banquer - May 7, 2005

    "OneCNC has a good product" - Jon Banquer - May 11 2005

    "OneCNC needs *major* work!" - Jon Banquer - Jan 14, 2007

    "It seems that OneCNC is so bad" "Since I've had to use this piece of
    crap" - Jon Banquer - June 30, 2007

    "You deserve to get fucked if you think OneCNC can hold a candle to
    any of the packages you named." - Jon Banquer - Aug 19, 2007

    brewertr, Aug 20, 2007
  6. kenneth

    jon_banquer Guest

    "Not at all Jon, Just wishful thinking on your part."

    It's wishful thinking on your part that OneCNC XR2 properly supports
    multiple fixture offsets. OneCNC XR2 doesn't and you got fucking
    busted on your bullshit video trying to prove it does.

    It's the same thing when it comes to OneCNC XR2 not being able to
    backup while chaining geometry to create toolpath. You have to waste
    time editing the geometry and then start chaining all over again or...
    you can start by editing geometry by doing something like blanking it
    to another layer to start with... yet another workaround that's needed
    by OneCNC XR2.

    The more you post the more that you show you have no fucking clue what
    kinds of tools are needed in a cadcam system.
    jon_banquer, Aug 20, 2007
  7. kenneth

    Wayne Weedon Guest

    LOL Indeed. I never claimed it was anything it wasn't, as I have said in
    the past it works for me. Like any piece of software it has it's
    niggles, and I've even had niggles with software as expensive as
    Wildfire2 and IDEAS so whats new?

    Nothing JB says will make me want to use anything else. Why bother
    when it does what I need it to?

    Think I'll just sit back now and watch the fool make himself look even
    more insane.

    Wayne Weedon, Aug 20, 2007
  8. kenneth

    Wayne Weedon Guest

    OK last post on this, time for bed in a minute.

    It was never busted and you know damn well. I think there was more
    critism towards the "other guys" mastercam video. When was the last
    time you offered such a video eh.

    When you set a challange you better be prepared to do the same,
    otherwise it's pointless.

    It must really hurt you bad that someone can make it work for them eh.

    It's funny I had a bit more insight into it recently when the UK Support
    guy got taken ill, and they called me to ask if I'd mind doing phone
    support for a week. I agreed, nt knowing what I'd let myself in for.

    12 calls in just over a week, 3 of which should of been aimed at their
    machine suppliers, and nearly all calls dealt with within 5 minutes over
    the phone. The others via email with modified posts etc. Not too
    shabby and they got a lot of seats running over here.

    Wayne Weedon, Aug 20, 2007
  9. kenneth

    jon_banquer Guest

    "Think I'll just sit back now and watch the fool make himself look
    even more insane."

    Insane are your claims that OneCNC XR2 properly supports multiple
    fixture offset machining.

    Hilarity was watching your video showing you cut, paste, edit, (you
    forgot to rename) for just a few tools trying to make OneCNC XR2
    support multiple fixture offsets.

    Your video has got to be one of the funniest things I have ever seen
    posted. :>) Anyone with a clue (certainly not you) immediately
    realized what a joke OneCNC XR2 was when it came to multiple fixture
    offset support!

    Is it any wonder Practical Machinist poster Seymour Dumore had to run
    right out after buying OneCNC XR2 and get Featurecam. Hopefully others
    will learn from his mistake and my postings on the severe limitations
    of OneCNC XR2.
    jon_banquer, Aug 20, 2007
  10. kenneth

    jon_banquer Guest

    "It was never busted"

    You most certainly were busted! You were busted so fucking bad I'm
    still laughing my ass off at what a fool you are to think that what
    you showed in your video was proper support for multiple fixture
    offset machining.

    You have no idea what the proper tools are that a cadcam system needs
    for multiple fixture offset machining!

    OneCNC XR2 as it stands right now is a fucking mess. Thanks to what I
    posted perhaps OneCNC XR2 will get fixed so it's usable in a
    horizontal machining production environment.

    OneCNC has no right to compare themselves to Mastercam and I don't
    even think Mastercam X2 is a great cadcam system. Mastercam X2 blows
    the doors off OneCNC XR2 in just about every area of possible
    jon_banquer, Aug 20, 2007
  11. kenneth

    Joe788 Guest

    It's very simple.

    You claimed OneCNC couldn't generate multiple fixture offset calls

    In reality, you were just too stupid to click a drop down tab and
    select the fixture offset you wanted. Wayne posted a video, clearly
    showing exactly what you said OneCNC couldn't do.

    After being thoroughly embarrassed, you changed your worthless
    argument to, "It can't do multiple saved named views...."

    You couldn't figure out how to make it work, so you stuck your foot in
    your mouth by claiming it couldn't be done.

    You couldn't even figure out how to select a chain in Mastercam, then
    blamed it on Mastercam for not having good enough documentation!
    You're pathetic!
    Joe788, Aug 20, 2007
  12. kenneth

    TOP Guest


    Somehow SW keeps getting more and more like SE with the stricter
    workflow control. There is a guy at work who is absolutely going to
    hate 2008. He always has every toolbar out. His graphics area is only
    acceptable because of the screen resolution.

    It sounds like 2008 will be another 2005 for me. I may stay away while
    it is still in diapers. I went from 2004 to 2006 at work and then
    2007. 2005 was where they took away performance. We didn't gain
    anything in productivity in all that. I'm from Wisconsin. People from
    Wisconsin in my age group knew that you didn't buy the first model
    year of any American Motors product and you didn't buy one that was
    built on any other day than Wednesday. :)


    TOP, Aug 20, 2007
  13. kenneth

    brewertr Guest

    And your mistakes Jon;

    "OneCNC looks good." - Jon Banquer - Aug 31 2003

    "My advice would be to get your feet wet with a bargain basement
    CAD/CAM system such as OneCNC." - Jon Banquer - May 7, 2005

    "OneCNC has a good product" - Jon Banquer - May 11 2005
    brewertr, Aug 20, 2007
  14. kenneth

    jon_banquer Guest

    Your bullshit is as laughable as Cliffy's, Tom. Is that what happens
    when someone spends as much time as you do "Reverse Stalking" Cliffy?

    A lot of people who use SolidWork use to use Autocad, MDT, Cadkey,

    Unlike you, Tom they were capable of change when the time was right
    for them.

    OneCNC started off with good promise and that promise has faded
    because the owner of OneCNC, Bob Francis has lost his way and thinks
    OneCNC can be marketed as something it's not... equal to Mastercam,
    Gibbs, Featurecam, etc.

    For a long time SolidWorks Corp. was totally lost and pretended they
    didn't have to be a hybrid modeler. They changed the product and it's
    now usable to me.

    That you are incapable of dealing with change is no surprise to me,
    Tom. Your prove this FACT on a daily basis and it's sad to see how far
    you have fallen.

    Life is all about dealing with change. You can't handle change, Tom.
    jon_banquer, Aug 20, 2007
  15. kenneth

    brewertr Guest

    I have no idea what your banquer-blabbing about since you won't quote
    what your responding to, I suppose misdirection is your intent.
    That's not what you said, from 2003-2005 you said;

    "OneCNC looks good." - Jon Banquer - Aug 31 2003

    Nothing about "good promise"

    "then moved on to developing OneCNC he has delivered on creating a
    good CADCAM system." - Jon Banquer - Aug 23, 2003

    Nothing about "good promise" actually you say he delivered a good

    "My advice would be to get your feet wet with a bargain basement
    CAD/CAM system such as OneCNC." - Jon Banquer - May 7, 2005

    Nothing about "good promise" here, your recommending someone buy it.

    "OneCNC has a good product that will get even better under Bob Francis
    direction." - Jon Banquer - May 11 2005

    Nothing about "good promise" here you say they have a good product and
    it will get even better.

    Then a few years later after you ACTUALLY got some
    experience..........well we all know what happened................your
    tune changed 180°

    brewertr, Aug 20, 2007
  16. kenneth

    brewertr Guest

    Again that's not what you said Jon, way back when you said:

    "For the record I like SolidWorks" Jon Banquer April 10, 1998

    "I think SolidWorks will always be better at modeling and assembly
    though. SolidWorks should have ALL the tools you need by April of 99
    or close" -Jon Banquer - Oct 22, 1998

    Then after years of development and improvement SolidWorks all of a
    sudden in your words became crap, (Of course at the time according to
    you, you weren't even using SolidWorks) and this is what you said:

    "The progress away from SolidWorks original flawed solid only concept
    has been much, much to slow." - Jon Banquer - December 13, 2002

    "Many people don't want a limited tool that is just a solid modeler.
    They want a modeler that can model most real world objects. SolidWorks
    still can't do this." - Jon Banquer - Dec 7,2003

    "I'd hate to be using SolidWorks" -Jon Banquer - Jan 15, 2005

    Is it any wonder SaladWorks is now such a POS... and it's only gonna
    get worse. . - Jon Banquer - May 20, 2005

    Then you decided to actually try and learn SolidWorks:

    "my copy of SolidWorks 2007 Bible showed up today." - Jon Banquer -
    May 31, 2007

    "I'm the kind of person who doesn't learn very well reading" - Jon
    Banquer - July 22, 2007

    "I definitely feel I'm getting my $600 bucks worth from the
    SolidProfessor videos I just purchased." - Jon Banquer - June 28, 2007

    "make the video interesting like you did for the razor. Without a
    practical real world example like the razor I find myself losing
    interest quickly." - Jon Banquer- Aug 3, 2007

    "SolidWorks has changed so much since I've been away from it and I
    feel like I'm really far behind." - Jon Banquer - Aug. 8, 2007

    Didn't stop you from making derogatory statements for years SolidWorks
    where you Jon had/have no working knowledge of the program.

    "I dropped out of high school to pursue my dream of making a lot of
    money and never went back" - Jon Banquer - Dec 28, 2002

    brewertr, Aug 20, 2007
  17. kenneth

    prasanna Guest




    prasanna, Aug 20, 2007
  18. kenneth

    prasanna Guest


    prasanna, Aug 20, 2007
  19. kenneth

    Joe788 Guest

    Tom, you know what's funny? You could show Jon direct quotes from
    YESTERDAY, and he'd still just pretend like he doesn't see them or
    that he didn't say them. He's a complete lunatic.

    Not surprising that he can't hold a job.
    Joe788, Aug 20, 2007
  20. kenneth

    brewertr Guest

    What Jon doesn't like is us using his own words to show what he is. It
    has nothing to do with change or us not able to keep up with change.
    The root cause is that Jon had no first hand working knowledge
    programs where Jon gave opinions and represented himself as a expert.

    Even now where Jon posts about SolidWorks and says "I do this", "I do
    that", "design intent" and other buzzwords to represent himself as a
    knowledgeable user. Jon is nothing more than a beginner, at least he
    is NOW after years of giving opinions on SolidWorks he is trying to
    learn it. Jon only has two months worth of reading and watching videos
    which makes Jon a beginner, not intermediate, not advance and
    certainly not an SolidWorks expert.

    brewertr, Aug 20, 2007
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