Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Elmo, Aug 20, 2007.

  1. Elmo

    Elmo Guest

    Hello Everyone,

    I checked out the demo link to SW 2008 @ http://www.solidworks.com/pages/launch2008/
    I was curious to see what the improvements on the drawing side are
    just to find a demo, that
    shows 2003 functionality. Rob Rodriguez is right, the best part is the
    intro video (unfortunately).

    I would like to invite everyone out there that is somehow sufficient
    with Solidworks and has tested 2008
    to post two ratings. One rating should reflect your personal skill
    level (1=poor 100=expert) and
    the other should reflect the boost of performance that one might
    anticipate from the new version.
    Here again I would like everyone out there to rate the performance
    boost due to using 2008
    with (1=hardly noticable 100=drastic increase in work performance/
    Just post it in the form skill-50/perf-25. I am curious to see how
    many out there actually see an
    increase in performance due to the new release.

    Don't try to be over critical with the rating, just pick a number that
    kind of reflects the big picture.

    Let's see, if Solidworks prooves itself to significantly improve
    Elmo, Aug 20, 2007
  2. Elmo

    FlowerPot Guest

    skill-80/perf-(-20) (that's negative)

    FlowerPot, Aug 20, 2007
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