SP 2 is up and available. Nice laundry list of fixes. Steve O
They listed that they fixed SPR 336278 "Can not open DLL's created in VB6.0 in SW2007x32" but it still doesn't work. I was REALLY counting on that one too. 0 for 1 so far.
spline comb Unfortunately I think this is most likely a lost cause. Someone has decided a fuzzy caterpillar is what is good for us to see. Most probably it appeals to the GUI artist.... It would be nice if they had paid attention to the feedback they recieved and contrived a fix for the loopy excursion that prompted the review. It seems to be that the only area of concern was at the crossing points and that it was affected mostly by scale. Perhaps they could have had a simple modifier that where the displayed comb crosses at an angle greater than 45 deg say and the slope of the comb is reversed before the previous curvature point the drawing of a continuous line is suspended and a dashed straight line is drawn between the last point on the curves and the crossing point. In this way when the condition for inaccuracy arises it is automatically suspended (autoranging) at the crossing but is correct either side of it...ha I am talking in knots ) I hope you can see what I am saying - maybe I should post a pic on the SW forum?
(blah blah neil..) yeah ok I put a pic and description of my idea in a reply to your latest post at the SW 'sketching' forum
I spent 3 hours yesterday with a large single part weldment and then creating the drawings. It's a simple frame but with a lot of members (he said member . . .) Never crashed with SP2. I did notice that even though my part file was 10. mb, the drawing was only 645 kb. I'm going to have to go redo this weldment in 2006 and re-create the drawing, but I swear I remember my drawings being a lot bigger. Maybe the file size compression is working now. Steve O
Lovely. I need to do some mod's to my custom property tool XMLPropWorks, but can't because if I recompile it it won't load in 2007. Bleah! =========================================================================== Chris