SW 2006 Crashes whenever I try to open a second .slddrw

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by guynoir, May 20, 2008.

  1. guynoir

    guynoir Guest

    Any idea what might cause SW to crash when I try to open more than one
    drawing at a time? It didn't used to do this. Thanks

    John Kimmel
    guynoir, May 20, 2008
  2. guynoir

    fcsuper Guest

    It might be a corrupt install that may need re-installation. Or your
    template for your drawings may have a corruption that only pops up
    when you open two files at a time. Or your system just doesn't have
    enough physical or virtual memory to handle the files you are
    opening. Or graphics card issue. Or a miriad of other things. Do
    you have more details?

    Matt Lorono
    fcsuper, May 20, 2008
  3. guynoir

    Guynoir Guest

    Thanks, no other details. I was hoping someone else might have had the
    same problem and knew how to solve it. It seems to work today, maybe
    the computer just needed to rest overnight.


    He that hath wife and children hath given hostages to fortune; for they
    are impediments to great enterprises, either of virtue or mischief.
    Guynoir, May 22, 2008
  4. Sometimes you just need to restart SW or reboot your machine. If you have
    been working for along time or using a lot of memory, SW seems to get flaky.
    If I'm not doing anything that stresses the system, I can go for weeks
    without a reboot. If I'm really pushing it hard, I might have to reboot a
    couple of times a day. Your mileage may vary.

    Jerry Steiger, May 24, 2008
  5. guynoir

    Dave Adams Guest


    I was having frequent crashes using SW2008. I checked my hard drive
    yesterday and found that it was heavily fragmented (I mistakenly
    assumed that our network admin had set up a defrag routine). After
    defragmenting, so far the performance is a lot better and no crashes.
    One of my colleagues told me that when you reboot an XP system,
    Windows writes a ~300Mb file, and after some time you can get a
    fragmented HD even if you don't store data locally.

    Worth a try.

    -Dave Adams-
    Dave Adams, May 28, 2008
  6. guynoir

    Bo Guest

    How long has the OS run since it was installed...years?

    Does the OS get exposed to the Internet all the time?

    Do you have lots of other applications and utilities installed?

    The typical crap and corruption that occurs, sadly makes an OS
    reinstall somewhat necessary every 1-2 years, in order to get back to
    a clean state. If you have a virgin install on a 2nd hard drive and
    can "Ghost" it over to a new or known good hard drive you can save a
    LOT of time.

    Bo, May 28, 2008
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