SW 2006 and 2005

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by john gaskell, Apr 7, 2006.

  1. john gaskell

    john gaskell Guest


    The problem I have is that I work on SW2006 and have SW2005 at home. I know
    that 2005 cant read 2006 files.

    Are there any ways that I can read a 2006 model with my 2005 version.

    I know if I convert them to iges or step. But I want to continue to edit the
    model. So editing the designtree is crucial.
    john gaskell, Apr 7, 2006
  2. john gaskell

    alphawave Guest

    Easiest route would be to load 2006 at home

    alphawave, Apr 7, 2006
  3. john gaskell

    TOP Guest

    Wish I had a nickel for every time that question was asked.

    I'll bet this is the number one enhancement request .
    TOP, Apr 7, 2006
  4. Nope.


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    Wayne Tiffany, Apr 7, 2006
  5. john gaskell

    SW Monkey Guest

    Yep. Asked alot. Should have been implemented a long time ago. I
    know SolidWorks is alot more complicated than Excel or Word, but at
    least an older version of Excel/Word allows you to open newer files.
    If the document has a feature that is not supported by the older
    version, then it should tell you its not possible to open. SolidWorks
    doesnt even try to do this. If I make a simple flat sheetmetal part
    with 1 hole in it, why cant I open it in an older version. Im not
    using any fancy features.

    If anything, it should at least give you the option to convert it to a
    solid or other file format (When openinig the file)
    SW Monkey, Apr 7, 2006
  6. john gaskell

    j Guest

    None of the parametric solid modelers will let you save to an older
    version. The only solid modeler that would let you open newer files into
    an older version was Cadkey but it would strip out the solids
    information and leave you with wireframe.

    All the others just tell you its from a newer version and can't be opened.
    j, Apr 7, 2006
  7. john gaskell

    mjlombard Guest

    Barenboym tried to market a product that did just that. They had a
    test version that worked for simple features (read later files into an
    earlier version). Nothing seemed to happen with it, whether there just
    wasn't any financial momentum behind the idea or it was bought off by
    SW Corp and killed. If people aren't willing to buy support and
    upgrades, why would they buy software to do an incomplete job of
    working around the issue? This is, after all, a marketing requirement
    and not a technical limitation as SW insists. If they wanted to do it,
    I'm sure there would be no barrier.

    For me and my business, staying on top of things is a differentiator.
    I welcome the business that people stuck on 2004 send my way.

    mjlombard, Apr 7, 2006
  8. john gaskell

    Jason Guest

    I wonder how an older version of excel will handle opening an excel
    2007 file that has data in extra columns that it now has. Excel now is
    limited to like 256 columns...Excel 2007 is suppoosed to increase that
    to around 1600. Will it strip it off with a warning? Or just fail to
    open that file?

    I'd think that the best we might see in the future is possibly just the
    option to save it back to an older version but with no features. Kind
    of like exporting a parasolid, then reimporting, just fewer steps.

    I don't think people realize the programming effort this requires.
    Imagine all the things a save back function would have to check for.
    Features that didn't exist, options on existing features that didn't
    exist, etc.

    I think a save back option would be way less than perfect, and be such
    a headache to users that they wouldn't bother with it. Solidworks would
    be bombarded with calls about how it doesn't work.

    Hell, I get errors on models that get converted to the new
    version...imagine the nightmare of it saving back.
    Jason, Apr 7, 2006
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