SW 2006 Administrator Image Install - so I pulled the trigger again...

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by mr.T, Nov 3, 2005.

  1. mr.T

    mr.T Guest

    Just yesterday I attempted to upgrade ours 2005 to 06 and it did not go as
    smooth as I would like to. Therefore I have some questions regarding this
    type of installation:

    1.. Should I uninstall SW on client computer before upgrade? If so why
    can't I uninstall the software after applying service pack? How about the
    server side, dump it and reinstall or upgrade?
    2.. Is there easy way of cleaning the registry since I can not dump the
    old SW using uninstall. I got 3 versions of SW in my Add/Remove Software
    window, and none of them is removable.
    3.. My help files are not working a got the tree view in help window but
    after clicking on any of the options I'm getting " dead page error" (this
    actually started happen some time ago so I can't say that this is
    installation issue, or can I )
    mr.T, Nov 3, 2005
  2. mr.T

    MM Guest

    Mr. T

    Sounds like it's time for a clean slate. Uninstall what you can and delete
    the rest. Remove all solidworks entries from "local machine-software" and
    "current user-software" in the registry .

    Just for the future, "NEVER" do an upgrade install "EVER". They just F#5K
    everything up. Allways install as a new seperate installation. You can then
    uninstall older versions as they're phased out, or no longer needed.


    MM, Nov 3, 2005
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