SW 2005 to 2004

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by egr_dwg, Jan 18, 2005.

  1. egr_dwg

    egr_dwg Guest

    Just recently updated one computer from SolidWorks 2004 to 2005. Now
    no files opened in 2005 will open in 2004. Is there a way to
    retroactively save files in 2005 so they can be opened and modified in
    earlier versions?
    egr_dwg, Jan 18, 2005
  2. egr_dwg

    Bo Guest

    The short answer = NO

    The longer answer = you can save to a dumb solid, Parasolid, and then
    reopen in 2004. That can allow some feature recognition to be done by
    2004, but not sure how much. This is a longer way around and not very

    I hope you have backups, though on tape or a 2nd hard drive in 2004

    Bo, Jan 18, 2005
  3. There is now way to return to earlier versions of solidworks
    they made it like that to force customer to buy
    Philippe Boudreault, Jan 20, 2005
  4. egr_dwg

    Jeff N Guest

    With all the requests for backwards compatibility I'm surprised that A) a
    third party has not tried to capitalize on this by writing a little
    converter program and/or B) SolidWorks itself isn't working on something.
    One might assume that all these requests are making it to the right people
    or maybe theres not enough of them to justify the cost. I just find it
    interesting that we have MDT feature/assembly converters and Pro/E feature
    converters and not SW earlier version converters. Or how about a Save As
    with version as an option (dare I say like AutoCAD does).
    I'm no software expert, but I would think that as long as the feature wasn't
    a new feature of that particular new release that it should be able to
    convert back. And if it was a special feature that it would just show up as
    a dumb solid feature in an older release. I'm sure that there could be some
    scenarios of complexity and this would introduce more needed software
    support though.
    Jeff N, Jan 20, 2005
  5. Baren-Boym announced that they were going to do it, but apparently it is
    harder than they thought, as they've been silent about it for some time. Or
    maybe, horrible cynical thought, SWX leaned on them.
    You've nicely summarized the gist of some ungodly number of posts running
    back at least 6 years.

    Jerry Steiger
    Tripod Data Systems
    "take the garbage out, dear"
    Jerry Steiger, Jan 23, 2005
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