SW 2005 SP0.1 and Windows XP SP2 Clarification

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Len K. Mar, Jan 24, 2005.

  1. Len K. Mar

    Len K. Mar Guest


    There appears to be some confusion with respect to SW 2005 and XP SP

    Originally, SW stated that 2005 would not be compatible with XP SP2.0
    until SW released SP1.0.

    Given all the problems people were having with XP they did not wait
    until SP1.0 but released the "patch" in SP0.1.

    I had to download several upgrade patches for my Small Business Server
    2003 (in order to be able to disable the Client's firewall which is
    activated by SP2).

    I've been running SW 2005 SP0.1 with XP Pro SP2.0 on two machines fine
    for the last two months.

    I've also got a client who is running fine for the last two months as

    Len K. Mar, Jan 24, 2005
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