SW 2005 API Crash problem

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by R&E, Feb 13, 2005.

  1. R&E

    R&E Guest

    Hi there,

    I have created a simple VBA macro and Delphi API program that batch saves a
    number of Sldprt files (from a chosen directory) to eDrawings (to a chosen

    I am having crash/hang problems - I was wondering if anyone else has any
    problems using the SW API to batch process a large number of files? The
    crashes are not consistent with time or number of parts -so I am thinking it
    could be a memory issue.

    Even just a simple 'open part' and 'close part' for a large number or parts
    (say 600) does not work.

    I have tried the Macro on many different PC's - does anyone have a macro
    that does a batch operation that works? so I can test.

    Thank you
    Emma Curtis
    R&E, Feb 13, 2005
  2. R&E

    pete Guest

    What's the point of solidworks task scheduler then?
    Can this close and open solidworks between each conversion?

    Just an observation, no criticism intended :)
    pete, Feb 14, 2005
  3. I have actually not had too much trouble with memory leaks, although I
    typically use VB and VB.NET. The two batch programs have never had any
    trouble. One of them typically runs for eight hours at a clip. Make sure
    you give your variables and objects as local a scope as possible. That way,
    you can release the resources easily.

    Evan T. Basalik, Feb 22, 2005
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