SW 2004 & Pro/E

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Not Necessarily Me, Aug 27, 2003.

  1. Any good news on importing of Pro/E files in SW 2004?

    This is becoming more and more of an issue with us as all our customer's are
    now going to 'model based' ducumentation instead of drawings. And of course
    most of them use Pro/E...
    Not Necessarily Me, Aug 27, 2003
  2. Not Necessarily Me

    Ray Reynolds Guest

    If indeed "all" of your customers are using ProE, maybe it's time to
    consider moving away from SW. I'm not sure of the type of work your company
    does, but we've had fairly good results using STEP files for transferring
    info. But we don't have a large proportion of customers that are using a
    particular CAD system..
    Ray Reynolds, Aug 27, 2003
  3. Not Necessarily Me

    Jeff N Guest

    As of now, no translator exists for encrypted files. Don't hold your breath
    either. I'm sure this is a complicated issue that may never be resolve.
    Maybe someone can create a freebie that decrypts the files. Either way I
    still don't think you can import feature geometry, though I could be wrong.
    Jeff N, Aug 27, 2003
  4. Not Necessarily Me

    Arthur Y-S Guest

    From what I understand, Paul, though wildfire is coming in at the same
    price, by the time you get the same functionality that you get for the base
    price of SW, you are back up there in the "too much for me" category. Not
    that i am knocking it, just wondering. I must say that the warp tool in
    wildfire is HOT...blows the heels off of the deform tool in SW.
    Arthur Y-S, Aug 28, 2003
  5. Not Necessarily Me

    Jon Ross Guest

    We use Delcam PS-Exchange, but you do not have to buy a license you
    can pay per use for translation. However, de-crypting Pro/E files is
    free, so you de-crypt using PS-Exchange and then use the Pro/E
    importer in SW. Not as simple as direct import but it does get around
    the problem.

    Copied from their site today;

    "PS-Exchange allows you to translate files between a wide variety of
    standard formats, and it also allows you to decrypt Pro/Engineer
    2000i, Pro/Engineer 2000i2 and Pro/Engineer 2001 files which can then
    be imported into your chosen CADCAM package.

    PS-Exchange also allows you to Decrypt Pro/Engineer 2000i and
    Pro/Engineer 2000i2 files which can be imported into SolidWorks using
    'Converter for Pro/Engineer'."

    Wildfire does not appear to be supported yet.

    Jon Ross, Aug 28, 2003
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