SW 2004 Material Database - new materials

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Len K. Mar, Feb 4, 2004.

  1. Len K. Mar

    Len K. Mar Guest


    A client would like to add a new material to the standard SW database
    (apparently nobody uses 5052 Aluminum anymore).

    He reports back that you can modifiy values in the existing database
    but cannot add any.

    To add materials, you have to make a copy of the original database and
    use it instead.

    Is this a bug or was it designed to be done this way?

    If it is a liablity issue, why allow users to modify the original
    material properties?

    Is he missing something or "thats just the way it is".

    Thanks in advance

    Len K. Mar, PEng.
    E-data Solutions
    Len K. Mar, Feb 4, 2004
  2. Len K. Mar

    kenneth b Guest

    he may be missing something. you can't edit sw default material database.
    you can however create your own and edit. rmb on material and edit, there
    is a button for creating/adding databases
    kenneth b, Feb 4, 2004
  3. Len K. Mar

    kenneth b Guest

    the logic may be, how can you edit something that's not set. as far as
    creating, who knows ... maybe they should have separate buttons
    kenneth b, Feb 4, 2004
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