SW 2004 and NOVELL

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Steve Davis, Jan 17, 2004.

  1. Steve Davis

    Steve Davis Guest

    If anyone is interested in knowing about Novell Server and SW
    read on.

    -Random lock outs of files. Software states that file is in use but it is

    -Saved files do not really save.
    Click Save and after a delay you think the file is saved. OHHHH
    NOOO, guess again. Sometimes it does not. On the bright side, you don't
    get any errors.

    Not sure if this is a Novell and SW issue or just a SW issue.

    Steve Davis, Jan 17, 2004
  2. Steve Davis

    Pete Newbie Guest

    We have this problem with Novell and XP Pro, with SW and MS Office, so I am
    inclined to believe that the problem lies with Novell. Even when opening any
    MS Office document we are told that the file is already open and would you
    like to open as read only , when it is not!

    Even our highly paid support service provider can not find the problem, and
    advised us to change to windows 2003 server.

    Even knowledge can not mend everything!
    Pete Newbie, Jan 17, 2004
  3. Steve Davis

    Krister L Guest

    I never had those problems with random locking files or not beeing able to
    save, but the slowness in opening files or getting access to different
    properties by right klicking really got my nerves vibrating. This thing
    appears to be the same in both W2K and XP....with the latest versions of
    Novell client.
    As it is today we're half way on to a MS server....most drives are moved to
    the new server but we're still connected to the old Novell server. The
    novell client is undinstalled on my W2K machine and replaced by a MS "novell
    client" in order to reach the mail-boxes...it will take another couple of
    weeks to do the whole switch. The thing I've noticed so far is that I'm back
    to normal speed again on my W2K machine when it comes to open files and
    right klicking.

    Krister L
    Krister L, Jan 18, 2004
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