SW 2004 and NOVELL

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Steve Davis, Dec 31, 2003.

  1. Steve Davis

    Steve Davis Guest

    We are running a novell network and solidworks 2004. I have some
    complaints of slowwwwwww operation on 1 machine while others complain about
    random locking of files that are not being used by others.

    Any help would be appreciated.
    Steve Davis, Dec 31, 2003
  2. Steve Davis

    Krister L Guest

    I've seen some really bad slowdowns since installing the latest Novell
    version, especially right clicking and opening dialouge boxes takes for
    ever. We're just about to change to a MS server now and I'm really curious
    about seeing what the differance will be. I think the latest novell client
    which worked well was 4.81 or something like that
    The only thing I can say about random locking is that there is a limit in
    Novell...telling how many files can be open at the same time..if You open
    for example a big assy and this value is excceded the exceeding files will
    be supressed......this limit is adjustable and it's only to increase that
    value. Don't now where and how to do it though.
    Try to do a google search for novell in this ng.....there are some stuff to

    Krister L
    Krister L, Dec 31, 2003
  3. Steve Davis

    kellnerp Guest

    Novell is of course unsupported by SW.
    kellnerp, Jan 1, 2004
  4. Steve Davis

    Nick E. Guest

    If anything, change to a linux server.

    Samba runs rings around MS for file serving speeds.

    -nick e.
    Nick E., Jan 2, 2004
  5. Steve Davis

    Krister L Guest

    Yes Nick

    I've heard about it ...but unfortunately I'm not in position to choose ....I
    just have to follow the other. We have no people here with enough knowledge
    or interest in supporting a server like that. We are depending on other
    companies in order to have our server running and supported. My "department"
    with SW is just one small part of the office and as I'm alone here I'm a
    minority group

    Krister L
    Krister L, Jan 2, 2004
  6. Steve Davis

    Bryan Player Guest

    We have been running Novel for sometime. It appears to be great for
    the IS departments with all kind of cool tools, but from my
    perspective, it does nothing good with Solidworks. We have your
    slowww operation and wierd file locking and occasionally the file not
    saved so we can do a save as a different name then save as againg to
    original name and it works. Or even better, one user we have can hit
    save, gets the hour glass then can go back to work but unfortunately
    it saves nothing, but just doesn't tell you. We have been watching
    the server when this happens and the server never receives any request
    to save or any file.

    We run W2k on most of our machines and have these problems, our one
    Win XP machine does not have any of the file access issues. Then
    Novel sites does mention a known problem with file access speed with
    Novel/Win2k but that is only where the Novel/Windows/Solidworks finger
    pointing begins.

    Based on our one data point of a Win XP machine I would suggest using
    XP if you are not now. We have to convince our IS corp dept to
    switch. I hope it will be soon.

    Are you using Win 2k or something else. (I just had given up my Win
    NT which didn't have the slowness problem that the win2k folks had
    complained about for months).
    Bryan Player, Jan 5, 2004
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