Sustainability addin

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by manager, Jun 25, 2009.

  1. manager

    manager Guest

  2. manager

    Cliff Guest

    Cliff, Jun 25, 2009
  3. manager

    Cliff Guest

    Interesting. Wonder how & how well it works.

    Is this the same software that has Faux "news" in such a lather?
    World coming to an end, etc?
    "Cap-and-trade is about power and money"
    And then of course. Mr. inconvenient truth himself yes Al Gore. -- venture
    capital firm is heavily invested in a new software company that is making
    software to help companies track their carbon footprint. -- convenient. He and
    his company's. Will make a fortune.

    If they are upset it must be a good thing indeed.

    Loved their note too: "Transcript (may not be 100% accurate)".

    The light at the end of the tunnel is a film crew from Faux
    egging on the rabid mob of wingers trying to burn it down.
    Cliff, Jun 27, 2009
  4. manager

    leonard78sp Guest

    •• It does not matter how it works --
    it is the 21st century version of "snake oil".
    They will profit hugely until about 2020 when
    the fascist governments are forced to
    recognize that we have passed the end of
    the interglacial period

    - -
    There are three types of people that you
    can_not_talk into behaving well. The
    stupid, the religious fanatic, and the evil.

    1-The stupid aren't smart enough to
    follow the logic of what you say. You
    have to tell them what is right in very
    simple terms. If they don't agree, then
    you'll never be able to change their mind.

    2- the religious fanatic
If what you say goes against their
    religious belief, they will cling to that
    religious belief even if it means their

    3- There is no way to reform evil-
    Not in a million years
There is no way to convince the terrorists,
    anthropogenic global warming alarmists,
    serial killers, paedophiles, and predators
    to change their evil ways. They knew what
    they were doing was wrong, but that
    knowledge didn't stop them. It only made
    them more careful in how they went about
    performing their evil acts.
    leonard78sp, Jun 27, 2009
  5. manager

    Cliff Guest

    Next possible ice age more than 10,000 years
    in the future if the cycles hold IIRC.

    What's the temp in 50, 100, 200 & 400 years to be?

    The light at the end of the tunnel is a film crew from Faux
    egging on the rabid mob of wingers trying to burn it down.
    Cliff, Jun 27, 2009
  6. manager

    leonard78sp Guest

    •• You don't count very well. It is now 12,000
    years since the end of the last ice. The
    interglacial is ending.
    •• That stupid question fits you well

    - -
    There are three types of people that you
    can_not_talk into behaving well. The
    stupid, the religious fanatic, and the evil.

    1-The stupid aren't smart enough to
    follow the logic of what you say. You
    have to tell them what is right in very
    simple terms. If they don't agree, then
    you'll never be able to change their mind.

    2- the religious fanatic
If what you say goes against their
    religious belief, they will cling to that
    religious belief even if it means their

    3- There is no way to reform evil-
    Not in a million years
There is no way to convince the terrorists,
    anthropogenic global warming alarmists,
    serial killers, paedophiles, and predators
    to change their evil ways. They knew what
    they were doing was wrong, but that
    knowledge didn't stop them. It only made
    them more careful in how they went about
    performing their evil acts.
    leonard78sp, Jun 28, 2009
  7. manager

    Cliff Guest
    For example, an article in Nature argues that the current interglacial might be
    most analogous to a previous interglacial that lasted 28,000 years. Predicted
    changes in orbital forcing suggest that the next glacial period would begin at
    least 50,000 years from now, even in absence of human-made global warming
    IOW You did not check ...
    Cliff, Jun 28, 2009
  8. manager

    leonard78sp Guest

    •• Wiki is not a reliable source

    •• Nature will print anything, without peer review,
    that that says "global warming". Needless to say,
    I give little or no credence to nature articles.- -
    In real science the burden of proof is always on
    the proposer, never on the sceptics. So far
    neither IPCC nor anyone else has provided one
    iota of valid data for global warming nor have
    they provided data that climate change is being
    effected by commerce and industry, and not by
    natural phenomena.
    leonard78sp, Jun 28, 2009
  9. manager

    fcsuper Guest

    The comment that wikipedia cannot be quoted as a reliable source is an
    irrelevent statement, as wikipedia is not a source, but a reference.
    As a reference, Wikipedia is the most vetted document on Earth.
    Questionable matter is removed or flagged much faster than any other
    reference or source. And since it does not allow original research,
    the validity of statements within Wikipedia is verifiable via the
    sited sources. Generally speaking, it is better to quote the source
    itself, but in superfacial forum conversations (like this one), that
    is a completely unnecessary step.
    The human impact on nature has been shown repeatedly in study after
    vetted study. As with any field, there are some studies that are
    promoted to say something that don't really show it in their data (for
    example, the overhyped saccarin cancer scare in the 1980's). However,
    the overall body of evidence is clear enough for the VAST majority of
    scientists to agree on at least the general points of Climate Change.
    The whole idea that science (as the body of individiuals) makes up
    stuff is nonsensical. Careers and fortunes are made by disrupting
    popular concepts (either by disproving them or replacing them with
    more reliable models). This process is part of the overall vetting
    that goes on within any science.

    As far as skeptics not being required to present evidence, this is
    true to a point. The important portion of any study is the data
    itself. It speaks for itself regardless to the conclusionary
    statements of the study's writer. You can look for errors in the
    data, differences in interpretation of the data, etc and make points
    there that erode the value of the study. However, you cannot just
    say "I don't believe your evidence, so I choose to ignore it" and
    still have people respect your comments. Many high profile Global
    Warming skeptics fall into the catagory of people that do just that
    (similar to what anti-evolution crowd used to do before "Intelligent
    Design" was proposed...of course, ID is a classic example of what
    happens when a group does try to promote a study where the evidence
    doesn't the writer's conclusions).
    fcsuper, Jul 1, 2009
  10. manager

    That70sTick Guest

    That70sTick, Jul 1, 2009
  11. manager

    leonard78sp Guest

    •• So what! The truth in wikipedia depends on who
    last edited the article. Then there is "the cooks
    who spoiled the broth" syndrome. I wanted to
    check the date of an event circa 1900, wiki
    provided 3 articles with 3 dates and 2 men.

    •• Especially when muslims or AGW Alarmists object.

     And since it does not allow original research,
    •• If could spell better people might take your
    argument a trifle better but as it is you are a bad
    •• So far none have cut any ice.

    As with any field, there are some studies that are
    •• Look sucker you are not talking about "climate
    change" of which you know nothing. You mean
    "Global Warming" don't you, except somebody
    told you it was now politically incorrect. Of
    course Global warming is a myth and does not
    exist. On the other hand "Climate Change" is
    functioning as it has for 5 million years or more.
    •• Best you start laughing.
    How many of the scientists have been bought.
    Wait until their funding runs out, then watch
    for an huge sea change.

    Careers and fortunes are made by disrupting
    •• ROTFLMAO - Billions have funded any fool with
    a lab coat to provide justification for anthropogenic
    global warming and all have failed but that has not
    prevented them from forging the results.

    This process is part of the overall vetting
    •• In order to pass peer review the authors of a study
    must present the means and the method and
    evidence that they have received the same result
    at least 95 times of 100.

    Then the reviewer must do the same.
    •• BULLSHIT!!!

    - -
    There are three types of people that you
    can_not_talk into behaving well. The
    stupid, the religious fanatic, and the evil.

    1-The stupid aren't smart enough to
    follow the logic of what you say. You
    have to tell them what is right in very
    simple terms. If they don't agree, then
    you'll never be able to change their mind.

    2- the religious fanatic
If what you say goes against their
    religious belief, they will cling to that
    religious belief even if it means their

    3- There is no way to reform evil-
    Not in a million years
There is no way to convince the terrorists,
    anthropogenic global warming alarmists,
    serial killers, paedophiles, and predators
    to change their evil ways. They knew what
    they were doing was wrong, but that
    knowledge didn't stop them. It only made
    them more careful in how they went about
    performing their evil acts.
    leonard78sp, Jul 1, 2009
  12. manager

    Cliff Guest

    What's interesting are the number of ignorant people that cannot
    even bother learn what the subjects are about.
    They keep spewing the same old dreck & lies over & over again
    and never retract any of it or learn any better.
    And the same ones wil repeat the same stuff .... or go grab more
    stale old long debunked & confused lies & start all over again.
    Even when the BS contradicts it's self.

    Wingers must be breeding but are clearly
    not being educated to think or anything.
    Cliff, Jul 2, 2009
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