Surviving in the SW group

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Arthur Y-S, Jan 24, 2004.

  1. Arthur Y-S

    Arthur Y-S Guest

    I have been posting here for about 2 years now, and I just recently
    came back from SW world in MA. I got to meet some ppl from the group
    here...Wayne Tiffiny, MIchelli Pillers and some others. It was great
    to put face to ummmm letters I guess.

    One of the topics that came up was posting questions in here, but do
    it at your own risk. I though about it and in some ways had to agree.
    On one hand we are helpful towards each other and helping out solve
    problems that we may be having. Though on the other I have seen ppl
    get sooooo flamed that their bodies could only be identified through
    their dental records.

    Wheres the love ppl...hahhaha I jest. Seriuos though, I must say that
    this is probably the #1 place for me to go to get some answers, fast.
    VAR's, though nice, might not be as equipped, they are still a good
    resource as well.

    Also in case any you dont know, there is a channel on MIRC on the
    EFnet servers called #soldiworks.
    Arthur Y-S, Jan 24, 2004
  2. Arthur Y-S

    Len K. Mar Guest


    Been using SW since 97.

    When I first started visiting this newsgroup it was for the abundance
    of information regarding how to help me do my job.

    It was a great resource! Most of my time was spend sifting through the
    information (there was a lot of it) and cutting/pasting tidbits of
    knowledge into my SW snippet Word document. Modeling methods, URL's to
    great sites, techniques to do things I hadn't thought possible. And
    the sense that I was part of a global community whose members enjoyed
    doing what they did and were willing to share.

    Over the course of the last year I have been spending less time
    reviewing posts on this newsgroup and selectively contributing to
    questions posted here.

    Your post got me thinking as to why.....

    I no longer anticipate logging onto to this group to find new insight
    into the application. Maybe its because I spend most of my time
    wadding through long rants covering the same topic for the umpteenth
    time. Or because the technical response to a valid question or inquiry
    turns into a slug fest between a bunch of individuals whose parents
    forgot to teach them basic manners about how to "agree to disagree" on
    a subject. Or how thoughtfull analysis of a problem and possible
    solutions has given way to cheap shots, snide remarks, and personal
    attacks on SW employees who are doing the same thing we are-- which is
    "the best they can with the resources they are given".

    Do I have all the answer - absolutely not. Am I a SW expert -
    absolutely not - do I have some special insite into this newsgroup
    that other don't - absolutely not.

    But if I am reluctant to visit this newsgroup ( and I consider myself
    fairly thick skinned) what about all the new users out there? Why
    would they want to post anything here?

    And what about all the people I talk to in the local area who are
    oblivious to this newsgroup and are merrily puttering along with SW -
    making money using it and enjoying themselves doing so. Could it be
    they are the 90% of the users the program was designed to satisfy? The
    ones who don't need the extra expense of a surfacing program because
    they will never need one? Or a photo-rendered image? Whos mainstay is
    producing drawings as an output (or a PDF of it) or a structured BOM
    so someone can order the parts.

    Or is it because they are using the right tool for the right job?
    Is ignorance bliss? Or are we forgetting it is just another software
    tool with all the inherent faults that software brings with it?



    Len K. Mar, PEng
    E-data Solutions
    Len K. Mar, Jan 25, 2004
  3. Arthur Y-S

    neil Guest

    well Len you will be pleased to know that in a few days my participation
    here stops - hurray! cheer! -all those fearful and repressed individuals can
    come out from hiding - SW employees can walk upright again....
    in fact I will nominate a date so that you can ring it on the calendar- 1
    hope this brightens your whole year!
    cheers Neil
    neil, Jan 25, 2004
  4. Arthur Y-S

    Sporkman Guest

    So, what's the reason for discontinuing your participation?
    Sporkman, Jan 25, 2004
  5. Arthur Y-S

    Eddy Hicks Guest

    If you're jumping into a new package please tell us what it is. And then
    come back to give us an update on how it goes. Competition is a good thing
    and a we need to know how the other pkgs work. Even if you're "married" to
    SW it makes you a better person to know what else is out there and how it
    works. Please keep us up to date.

    - Eddy
    Eddy Hicks, Jan 25, 2004
  6. Arthur Y-S

    neil Guest

    I will be leaving the ng... I have spent a lot of time here reading and
    trying to be helpful over the past 14 months or so and I wont have the time
    to do that into the future- some other things I want to pick up in life
    before I get too old for as well.
    no not Inventor..(yet?)..this year may well be the last I follow
    subscription though...haven't fully decided but SW is not really delivering
    the new stuff I want and the sp are to be honest,appalling...very hard for a
    one person operation like myself -I am sure I can find more productive uses
    for the money...even thinking I may scale back my CAD to part time/hobby
    status....well I'll see..thanks for asking.
    neil, Jan 25, 2004
  7. Arthur Y-S

    Eddy Hicks Guest


    - Eddy

    Eddy Hicks, Jan 26, 2004
  8. Arthur Y-S

    TheTick Guest

    I like this group. I spend a lot of time trolling It's
    a friendly, helpful place.

    However, you can let your hair down, here. Something you can't always
    do at eng-tips.
    TheTick, Jan 26, 2004
  9. Hello Neil,

    I'm mostly just a lurker, but your's is one of the names I respect on
    this ng.

    Jerry Forcier
    Jerry Forcier, Jan 26, 2004
  10. Arthur Y-S

    Devin Guest

    I sitting here scrolling through hundreds of post and am hard pressed to
    find an abundance of the problem you are talking about.

    Until a few selected people come out of the woodworks this ng seems pretty
    tame and respectful to me compared to most.

    BTW, an IRC channel will never do what this ng can do. You'd have to have
    everybody online at the same time you need something discussed.
    Then try trying to find something in the archive about what you want.

    Thin skins never do well when surrounded by hundreds of different
    personalities from hundreds of different cultures.

    Good Luck
    Devin, Jan 26, 2004
  11. Arthur Y-S

    neil Guest

    well that's nice of you Jerry...
    how are those fancy dishes coming along?
    you guys are so lucky to have opportunities like that - can only dream about
    projects like that myself.
    BTW did you get 2 monitors in the end ?
    neil, Jan 26, 2004
  12. Arthur Y-S

    neil Guest

    dammm... we got mosquitoes here too...I thought the flies were bad : )
    neil, Jan 27, 2004
  13. Arthur Y-S

    Arthur Y-S Guest


    1)I have been in here about 3 years. And I know that you did not go
    through 3 years worth of post. Trust me and others when we say that
    this group can be harsh. It is still the best resource that you can
    ask for, but there are a bad few apples that have over the years not
    made it a plesant experience.

    2) of course the IRC room is not going to replace the group. Never
    said that it would. It is just another possible way for us to
    communicate. Especially for some ppl that dont have NG readers and
    post through google or yahoo. That can take up to 9 hours to post.
    Granted not sayign that there are always ppl in the IRC room, it is
    building, growing and who knows what else.
    Arthur Y-S, Jan 28, 2004
  14. Arthur Y-S

    Devin Guest

    been here over 3, so yeah, in a sense. I still say, the ratio is probably
    better than 1 bad post - 99 good post.

    I'll take that anyday.

    But obviously, some people are jacka$$es and using ng's you must be able to
    look past it. If that's not easy for someone, I suspect they don't socialize
    very well in any manner.
    Devin, Jan 28, 2004
  15. Arthur Y-S

    neil Guest

    Arthur we are a pretty good bunch really....I have actually tried to
    encourage more people to post ..believe it or not....but I have also pasted
    a few too...jon...Rumanian software sellers...Armadillo Hunters...people
    looking for sp and tutorial folders for 'borrowed' SW...and yes lately good
    ol'maddening matt(grrr : ) ).... I have also defended this space for
    students, welcomed newbies and tried to bring some levity here on occasions-
    of course not everyone will share my humour....
    Most of the time people will get at least one answer to their questions - i
    have often gone back to bypassed posts to make sure that happens if I can
    People vent and spleen a bit and sometimes say hasty things but people
    shouldn't shy away from coming here- there is only a small chance of being
    incinerated -if it happens it is almost always is for 'good' reason....
    the content of this news group reflects users experiences well including the
    frustrations - at least you an accurate picture - people shopping for CAD
    know exactly what the situation is - they aren't going to get that talking
    to a sales person
    hope to have many more people show up here soon including you again Arthur
    : )
    neil, Jan 28, 2004
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