Survey: Who reads help?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by P., Nov 17, 2004.

  1. P.

    P. Guest

    Survey by SurveyMonk. (Fat, bald and shrouded in secrecy.)

    On a scale of 1 to 5 where 5 means you have read every word and 1 means you
    haven't read a bit of it:

    1. I have read all of SW 2004 help.

    2. I have read all of SW 2005 help.

    3. I have read all of SW 2003 help.

    4. At some point I have read all of SW help.

    5. When a new version of SW comes out I read all the What's new.

    6. When a new service pack comes out I read all the help to find out what's

    Whe're almost done now.

    7. I have read all the KnowledgeBase.

    Thanks for participating. We'll post the results as soon as we have all of
    them. Have an extremely nice Fall day.
    P., Nov 17, 2004
  2. P.

    P. Guest

    Thanks, we're off to a good start.

    P., Nov 17, 2004
  3. P.

    CS Guest

    Read as I need. What percentage is that?

    CS, Nov 17, 2004
  4. I have to agree here. I have read a bunch of all of it, but mostly as I
    need to investigate something.

    Wayne Tiffany, Nov 17, 2004
  5. P.

    3d Guest

    1. I have read all of SW 2004 help.
    3d, Nov 17, 2004
  6. P.

    daniel Guest

    daniel, Nov 17, 2004
  7. 4 - A few years bacck I sure made an effort to get through as much as I
    could. There are things that I never, ever do, so I skimmed or skipped
    ithose items.
    5 - I am actually going to make a point of re-reading the whats new for 2004
    and 2005. I think the introduction of new stuff is getting so fast that I
    have gotten behind and need a refresher on what I've laready read.
    4 - I used to make a point of checking it every two weeks, but the
    introduction of new material slowed to a crawl so I stopped bothering with
    it. I jsut scanned everything that was introduced since 2002 to catch up -
    it was only like fifty items in essentially three whole years.
    Edward T Eaton, Nov 18, 2004
  8. 2

    Jerry Steiger
    Tripod Data Systems
    "take the garbage out, dear"
    Jerry Steiger, Nov 19, 2004
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