Survey Monkey legit?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Bob, Jul 25, 2005.

  1. Bob

    Bob Guest

    I recently got a request by SW to complete a Survey run by surveymonkey.
    When I clicked on the page the first question asked was for me to tell them
    my serial number.

    Given all the spamming and phonie redirect links going around, I stopped
    there and just deleted the message. Is SW really telling you to give them
    your serial number to an independent party and doing it with a bulk email?

    Doesn't sound like "best practices" since anyone can data mine this
    listserve for addresses. I get phonie bank requests all the time saying, "We
    need to confirm your bank number. Please tell us what it is!" Right.

    Bob, Toronto
    Bob, Jul 25, 2005
  2. Bob

    Jay Guest

    I remember a couple years ago someone made a fake page to get people's CC
    #'s too. I wouldn't bother with that.

    Jay, Jul 25, 2005
  3. Bob

    TOP Guest

    You can go to the SW website to get on most of the survey's they send
    out by email.
    TOP, Jul 25, 2005
  4. Bob

    ck_8990 Guest

    ck_8990, Jul 25, 2005
  5. Bob

    TOP Guest

    TOP, Jul 25, 2005
  6. Bob

    ck_8990 Guest

    That is exactly the point. The survey which asks for your serial
    number is NOT on the SWX page on the subscription section. The surveys
    which are listed on the SWX site do not ask for serial number and never
    ck_8990, Jul 25, 2005
  7. Bob

    TOP Guest

    Working with my VAR to clarify this issue I received the following

    SolidWorks Marketing confirms that this IS a legitimate survey.

    You might want to run this through your VAR to confirm this as well.
    But I'll admit the more I look at it the flakier it looks. Do you
    suppose SW has lost track of serial numbers and VAR correlations?
    TOP, Jul 26, 2005
  8. Bob

    Laz Guest

    why not just give a fake sub number, and any other info you want to keep
    private, if you want to provide feedback ? surely swx needs only statistical

    Incidentally, we recently had a phone call from our credit card co asking
    for a few minutes for customer satisfaction survey, my wife said ok and
    handed the phone to me (so I got stuck with it), it seemed legit because I
    was asked to confirm some info, at the end the girl asked in a by-the-way
    manner, for the number on my card----whoa! I asked her what survey company
    she was with and the phone number there, which google confirmed as correct
    ( I don't have caller ID ). At any rate, I contacted security at my card and
    they had no ongoing surveys I was told. I don't know what happened after
    that. But, the point is, you have to be careful these days.

    Laz, Jul 26, 2005
  9. Bob

    TOP Guest

    If you don't think it is legit why give a fake number or respond at
    all? Maybe marketing is paranoid about individuals stuffing the box if
    they don't do this.

    Anyway my VAR asked SW to be more aware of appearances. I think SW
    should have the email refer to the SW site and we go from there.
    TOP, Jul 26, 2005
  10. Bob

    Laz Guest

    Naturally. I usually don't waste my time- but, there are those that might
    want to submit their opinions, provide feedback in order to make the product
    they use better.

    Laz, Jul 26, 2005
  11. Bob

    Bob Guest

    Thanks for all the investigation.

    I agree, I also don't usually have time to answer these surveys. My point is
    that I paid money for my license which is represented by the serial number.
    If SW is asking me and others to hand it out whenever it is requested, it
    makes my investment less valuable. If SW wants to keep serial numbers out of
    the wrong hands they should stop asking us to casually handout this
    extremely valuable information.
    Bob, Jul 27, 2005
  12. Bob

    TOP Guest

    SW has apparently removed the request for Serial Number. They had a
    legitimate reason to ask it and it was pretty innocuous.
    TOP, Jul 27, 2005
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