Surfacing presentation at NHSWUG last night

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Steve, Nov 18, 2004.

  1. Steve

    Steve Guest

    Last night at the New Hampshire Solidworks user group meeting, we had a
    wonderful surfacing presentation by the one and only Keith Pederson of
    Computer Aided Products, that I'm sure many of you have met at one time or
    another, whether it be locally or at SWX world. I personally think Keith to
    be one fo the better presenters I have seen.

    Our small, but growing group of maybe 10 users had present, three reps from
    CAP and two reps from SW, one being Mark Biassotti, who I always thought of
    as one of the surfacing innovators in SW, having seen him present at SWX
    world a couple of times.

    Great presentation of a subject that not all of us get to use at our

    Just wanted to mention this and to thank John Nolin for getting this group

    Steve Pero
    Jaffrey, NH.
    Steve, Nov 18, 2004
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