Surface trimming continues to be inconsistent in SW03/04!

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Paul Salvador, Dec 21, 2003.

  1. Surface trimming continues to be inconsistent in SW03/SW04!

    (I know I've said this before but I just wasted a day and a half with
    trim problems and/or trim visibility problems)

    For instance, some trims, particularly mutual trims, fail yet the trim
    shows properly in the preview?? A simple check that this is bogus
    failure is to redo the trim ahead of the failed trim and it will solve
    or break down the trim into smaller mutaul/trims (total workarounds).
    Unfortunately, just clearing or editing the selection list does not work
    in most cases, it will continue to fail, there seems to be variables
    internal to the feature edit which can not or will not purge?

    The management or visibility of surfaces continues to be maze and

    Another ongoing issue,... unrelated bodies which are hidden will
    reappear during the trim edit or scrolling through the feature history,
    this is a PITA!
    The hidden body or bodies generally obscure the surfaces in the graphics
    area, this is totally unacceptable and continues to be a problem!

    Again, these are problems with trim edits which continue to be left in
    disrepair and the trim gui's poor visual clues don't help at all with
    the above problems.

    SW Corp is making plenty of cash so,.. why can't they fixed these
    ongoing problems?

    Paul Salvador, Dec 21, 2003
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