Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by handrasp, Mar 25, 2005.

  1. handrasp

    handrasp Guest

    Is there any way i can convert any surface modeled object to it SOLID model equivalent?? Pls do help... thanks
    handrasp, Mar 25, 2005
  2. handrasp

    Mac Guest

    From the help files in AutoCAD 2002:
    [Warning! Because each modelling type uses a different method for
    constructing 3D models and editing methods vary in their effect on the
    different model types, it is recommended that you not mix modelling methods.
    Limited conversion between model types is available from solids to surfaces
    and from surfaces to wireframes; however, you cannot convert from wireframes
    to surfaces or from surfaces to solids.]

    I see that you figured out how to make your cone using 2 circles and a ruled

    Mac, Mar 25, 2005
  3. handrasp

    jochen Guest

    I'm working on this problem.
    I create the 3DSOLID laying unter a bunch of 3dfaces, the 3DSOLID laying in
    the direction of the xz-plane and the 3DSOLID laying in the direction of the
    yz-plane. Then I create the resulting 3DSOLID using the INTERFERE-command.
    This orks for SOLIDs which are unique to describe by these 3 views.
    Send me a small problem - so I will test out my program on your example.

    model equivalent?? Pls do help... thanks
    jochen, Mar 25, 2005
  4. handrasp

    OLD-CADaver Guest

    Do a search on these forums for a lisp function called M2S.lsp. It will take a 3DMESH to a 3DSOLID. So far it only works for meshes.
    OLD-CADaver, Mar 25, 2005
  5. handrasp

    Biscuitnt Guest

    under surfaces, you should have a option called surface stitching. that will
    create a solid from the surfaces if thye are tight(closed). If not, emal me
    the file and i will stitch it up for you in mechanical desktop or inventor.

    mail to: david.graves@(remove)


    model equivalent?? Pls do help... thanks
    Biscuitnt, Mar 25, 2005
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