surface intersection

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by ferruccio levi, Feb 23, 2006.

  1. I've a surface defined as a set a contiguous 3DFACEs; I'd find the
    intersection of this surface with a plane, as a POLYLINE or a set of line

    How is this possible with AUTOCAD 2000 ?

    Thanks in advance

    Ferruccio Levi
    ferruccio levi, Feb 23, 2006
  2. ferruccio levi

    vmichl Guest

    This is not possible in plain AutoCAD 2000.
    You may try to MIRROR3D your faces around the plane and then examine
    the intersections.

    Vladimir Michl,,
    vmichl, Feb 23, 2006
  3. ferruccio levi

    per.corell Guest

    This feature is avaible with the Calulator functions , there are a
    number of simple matrix calculations made easy that yield the point
    where two lines meet, where a line and a circle meet ,where a face and
    a line meet aso. you just have to look for it.
    per.corell, Feb 24, 2006
  4. ferruccio levi

    per.corell Guest

    As logn as you loaded the Cal functions ;


    Determines the intersection point between a line (p1,p2) and a plane
    passing through three points (p3,p4,p5).
    per.corell, Feb 24, 2006
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