surface generated by sweep helical cut selection problem???

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by cheetahon7, Jan 2, 2004.

  1. cheetahon7

    cheetahon7 Guest

    I have modeled a real M12 * 1.75 bolt.
    I have created the threads by a sweep helical cut by using
    the necessary profile of the thread. There is no problem at all
    by sw2003 on modelling a real threaded bolt.

    But when it comes to use the model for an analysis by an other
    I need to select upper surfaces of the seperate ring like features of
    the thread, but sw creates them in such a way that they can only be
    selected as a whole surface.
    If u look at a threaded bolt, U can easily see that in reality they
    are all
    independent surfaces ( the upper surfaces of the thread)
    Splitting curve on them for splitting is nonsense , in nature they
    are splitted, but when it comes to selection , they are a whole.
    For try, I splitted a vertical line on them, it splitted the whole
    structure wrongly, u can select parts of surface, but when u select 2
    of those parts some of on the upper ring while some is on the lower. U
    can not select 2nd or 3rd ring as a whole correctly.

    How can I overcome that problem???
    cheetahon7, Jan 2, 2004
  2. cheetahon7

    Wayne Guest

    In your thread profile that you are sweeping, remove the tangency
    between the fillet at the root of the thread and the flank of the
    thread. This should give you a separate surface for the flank

    Wayne, Jan 3, 2004
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