Surface Fillets, SldWks 2003, haphazard terminology

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Andrew Troup, Apr 4, 2004.

  1. Andrew Troup

    Andrew Troup Guest

    I'd just about given up trying to fillet surfaces on a yacht hull I'm
    currently modelling, because I kept getting the remarkably cryptic message
    "Laminar edges cannot be filleted".

    Then, just in time, I remembered that this decodes something like:
    <<Edges of surfaces can only be filleted if the surfaces are first
    (Normally in my experience they have already been knitted, so I have seldom
    encountered this problem - at least, not when I had time to find out what it

    The only place laminar edges are mentioned anywhere in On-line Help is in
    relation to hold lines for face fillets. The Surface Fillet help item simply
    says, down the bottom where you never read:
    NOTE: Make sure that the edges you select have two attached faces. You
    should knit adjacent surfaces prior to filleting.
    "Laminar edges; attached faces, knitted surfaces" -- why do we need all
    these different ways of saying the same thing?

    Too often, the error messages in SolidWorks, by confusing use of language,
    create the impression that the software cannot do what you need it to do,
    rather than prompting you how to get this to happen.

    I'd mention this to SolidWorks' Help documentation manager, but (unless a
    certain somewhat defensive gentleperson has moved on) trying this in the
    past has been a frustrating and unproductive experience.
    I thought I should at least mention this in a post here, as a search of
    Google Groups revealed that this question had not previously been raised.
    Andrew Troup, Apr 4, 2004
  2. Andrew Troup

    kellnerp Guest

    One nice thing about the newsgroup is that it tends to distill the things
    you need to know from all the things you could know if you had the time to
    read them, the memory to recall them and the IQ to understand them.
    kellnerp, Apr 4, 2004
  3. Yep, it's a good point.

    They could have added this to the error: "Stitch or use Face Fillet"

    Paul Salvador, Apr 4, 2004
  4. oops,.. "Knit or use Face Fillet"

    Paul Salvador, Apr 4, 2004

  5. I hear you! But at least that message gives you some kind of clue. My
    favorite is "the operation failed dued to geometric condition". That's a big

    Jerry Steiger
    Tripod Data Systems
    "take the garbage out, dear"
    Jerry Steiger, Apr 6, 2004
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