surface copy

Discussion in 'Pro/Engineer & Creo Elements/Pro' started by g. bon, Mar 14, 2006.

  1. g. bon

    g. bon Guest


    I'm looking for several hours for copiing surfaces in WF2 (from an other
    part or the same part).

    With proE 2001, it was possible to do [Surface / new (create) / copy] and
    then copy solid surface or composite surface.

    Now the menu help translation tell me to do copy & paste but I can't copy
    entire solid surface of an other (or the same) part for example.

    Can someone could tell me where I can find help about this ?
    g. bon, Mar 14, 2006
  2. g. bon

    Jeff Howard Guest

    I'm looking for several hours for copiing surfaces in WF2 (from an other
    Select the surface / quilt (not the feature),
    Edit, Copy
    Edit, Paste
    (or ctrl+c, ctrl+v)
    Look at your start up browser. There are (I think?) links to a menu mapper and
    WF selection techniques tutorial.
    Jeff Howard, Mar 14, 2006
  3. g. bon

    g. bon Guest

    thanks, but I can't copy the whole volume of a part as it was possible with
    copy / solid surface.

    I was speaking about the menu mapper when I said that they just say "copy
    and paste" but I can't do this with a whole solid part.
    g. bon, Mar 14, 2006
  4. g. bon

    Jeff Howard Guest

    thanks, but I can't copy the whole volume of a part as it was possible with
    Select a surface / quilt, rmb, Solid Surfs.
    Jeff Howard, Mar 14, 2006
  5. g. bon

    Jeff Howard Guest

    Oops, sorry. Select a solid face, rmb, ....

    (Never having used pre-WF, if I'm missing the issue someone please correct me.)
    Jeff Howard, Mar 14, 2006
  6. g. bon

    David Janes Guest

    I think most of this is a technical problem of selection with WF. When you get the
    initial pre-highlight it should be of some big solid protrusion. When you click on
    it and it turns red, all you need to do is move the cursor a little and a surface
    of the solid will prehighlight. Click select that and it should turn a mauvish
    color. Then, RMB 'Solid Surfaces' and you have all the external surfaces of the
    solid selected. Now do ^C/^V and you'll get your whole part surface copy. To prove
    it to yourself, while the copied surface is still highlighted, do 'Edit>Offset'.
    Pro/e will more than likely try to offset in the wrong direction and give you no
    preview geometry. Just hit the reverse arrow and you should see your copied
    surface offset the given amount.
    David Janes, Mar 15, 2006
  7. g. bon

    John Wade Guest

    You may have to go into Tools - Assembly Settings - Reference control -
    geometry and set 'all' and 'all' if you are copying geometry between
    John Wade, Mar 15, 2006
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