Support Path

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by BobBuilder, Dec 23, 2003.

  1. BobBuilder

    BobBuilder Guest


    I got this off anyone know where i actually put my support path?

    (defun addSupportPath (dir pos / tmp c lst)
    (setq tmp ""
    c -1
    (member (strcase dir)
    (setq lst (mapcar 'strcase (strParse (getenv "ACAD") ";")))
    (if (not pos)
    (setq tmp (strcat (getenv "ACAD") ";" dir))
    (mapcar '(lambda (x)
    (setq tmp (if (= (setq c (1+ c)) pos)
    (strcat tmp ";" dir ";" x)
    (strcat tmp ";" x)
    (setenv "ACAD" tmp)


    Bob T.
    BobBuilder, Dec 23, 2003
  2. BobBuilder

    Steve Jones Guest


    Not sure if this is what you mean, but you need to pass 2 arguments to the

    dir - your folder to add
    pos - the position in the support path, ie:

    (addSupportPath "YourFolderName" 1)

    I think passing nil to pos will add the path to the end of the support path

    Steve Jones, Dec 23, 2003
  3. BobBuilder

    BobBuilder Guest

    so i would do:-
    Is this right or am i talking crap!!
    BobBuilder, Dec 23, 2003
  4. BobBuilder

    Steve Jones Guest


    You don't add the arguments directly to the routine, you pass them to it.

    (addSupportPath "C:\Path\mynewpath" 1)

    Steve Jones, Dec 23, 2003
  5. BobBuilder

    BobBuilder Guest

    Sorry mate a bit new at this....

    Ive created a lisp file called addsupportpath.lsp and added (addSupportPath "C:\Path\mynewpath" 1) to my acad.lsp file.

    Is this right cos i get ; error: no function definition: ADDSUPPORTPATH
    BobBuilder, Dec 23, 2003
  6. BobBuilder

    BillZ Guest

    (load "addSupportPath")

    in the line before.

    BillZ, Dec 23, 2003
  7. BobBuilder

    BobBuilder Guest

    soory, not sure what you mean??
    BobBuilder, Dec 23, 2003
  8. BobBuilder

    The real JD Guest

    the addsupportpath lisp has to be loaded before you can use it.

    (load "addsupportpath.lsp")

    (addSupportPath "c:\\myFolder" 2)

    My question is:
    How do you make an "IF" statement so that if the path already exists, to not
    add the support path?
    The real JD, Dec 23, 2003
  9. My question is:
    Rick Francken, Dec 23, 2003
  10. Doesn't the code already account for that?
    Jason Piercey, Dec 23, 2003
  11. BobBuilder

    The real JD Guest

    I don't think so.

    In my support paths i have the following:


    (addSupportPath "L:\LIBRARY\CAD\AUTODESK\2000I\GEN\MENU\CADTOOL2" 5)

    using the lisp. I get the following in my support paths under the CADTOOL2

    "Llibrarycadautodesk[some fancy pound sign]genmenucadtool2"
    The real JD, Dec 23, 2003
  12. Use double slashes instead. \\ or /

    Best Regards, Jimmy B
    CAD and Database Developer Manager at
    Take a look at the trial version of SmartPurger (now for AutoCAD 2004) or
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    More on AutoCAD 2004;

    Jimmy Bergmark, Dec 23, 2003
  13. BobBuilder

    The real JD Guest

    I now have two paths listed in my support directory:


    The real JD, Dec 23, 2003
  14. BobBuilder

    The real JD Guest

    Oh the double slashes worked!
    And I guess it does have checking!
    I only see one instance.

    The real JD, Dec 23, 2003
  15. BobBuilder

    BobBuilder Guest

    still not working and its doing my nut!!!

    if i create a file call ed addsupportpath.lsp which contains:-

    (defun addSupportPath (dir pos / tmp c lst)
    (setq tmp ""
    c -1
    (member (strcase dir)
    (setq lst (mapcar 'strcase (strParse (getenv "ACAD") ";")))
    (if (not pos)
    (setq tmp (strcat (getenv "ACAD") ";" dir))
    (mapcar '(lambda (x)
    (setq tmp (if (= (setq c (1+ c)) pos)
    (strcat tmp ";" dir ";" x)
    (strcat tmp ";" x)
    (setenv "ACAD" tmp)

    Then i add:-

    (load "addsupportpath.lsp")
    (addSupportPath "c:\\myFolder" 2) the end of my acad.lsp file, should it work or am i totally going wrong!!!
    BobBuilder, Jan 7, 2004
  16. BobBuilder

    BillZ Guest

    I would try it at the beggining of my .mnl file.
    The menus that load in the acad.lsp may be overriding the new settings.
    Also delete the old .mnc and .mnr files of any menus loaded at startup.

    BillZ, Jan 7, 2004
  17. BobBuilder

    BobBuilder Guest

    not using an mnl file, loading them from the acad.lsp
    BobBuilder, Jan 7, 2004
  18. BobBuilder

    Dann Brower Guest

    (load "addsupportpath.lsp")
    (C:addSupportPath "c:\\myFolder" 2);needs C: for call to outside lisp file

    going wrong!!!
    Dann Brower, Jan 7, 2004
  19. BobBuilder

    BobBuilder Guest

    i get :-

    ; error: no function definition: C:ADDSUPPORTPATH

    any ideas?
    BobBuilder, Jan 7, 2004
  20. BobBuilder

    Dann Brower Guest

    My bad.
    If it's not called C:addsupportpath in the lisp file then you don't need C:
    to call it.

    Do you get this error when you first start AutoCAD?
    You may need to go to.
    Assist/Options/System.......and CHECK "load acad.lsp with every drawing"
    Dann Brower, Jan 7, 2004
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