Superfind won't load..what am I doing wrong

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Mike Hetherton, Apr 30, 2004.

  1. Good Morning Group,

    When I try to load up the acadx file Superfind onto an Autocad 2004 machine
    I get the following error:
    ; error: no function definition: C:SFIND

    Can someone please tell me what is missing. I am using acadx16.arx.

    Mike Hetherton
    Mike Hetherton, Apr 30, 2004
  2. Mike Hetherton

    Viliam Guest

    Mike its 7:38PM here, and Habs are leading 1:0 (you don't play hockey
    down under, right?) as per the SuperFind, I hope Tony will not "beat me
    up", I think it works only with the 2002 version.
    The AcadX16.arx you have is "beta" only. Target day for release as per
    Tony's words here on the NG is May 1st.

    PS Tony's web site is working OK (in reference to your post above)
    Viliam, Apr 30, 2004
  3. G'day Viliam,

    No hockey isn't huge over here.....AFL is though.... Australian Football
    Leagues.....its not like grid iron or rugby or soccer.
    Well i dunno what it is with these couple of machines of mine but the
    website still won't open so I rang a mate up and got him to open the website
    and then send me the As far as 2002 goes I just tried the old
    acadx.arx on the laptop which is running acad2002 and I got the same error.
    So I'm now stumped.

    Mike Hetherton, Apr 30, 2004
  4. Mike Hetherton

    Viliam Guest


    I am in no way an expert but try this (2002 only):
    1, drag and drop AcadX.arx from Windows explorer on the AutoCAD window
    to register. You should get some confirmation of AcadX loaded
    2, make sure that the SuperFind.dvb, and SuperFind.lsp are inside
    directory which is included in AutoCAD path!
    3, load SuperFind.lsp
    4, issue the SFIND command.

    and as a last thing I hope your installation does include the VBA

    to verify type VBAIDE you should get the VBA loaded.

    For anything more, you will have to wait for Tony's input.

    Viliam, Apr 30, 2004
  5. Thanks for that point by point explanation, I got it to work in 2002....I
    had left the search path out.

    Hope your hockey team wins

    Mike Hetherton, Apr 30, 2004
  6. Mike Hetherton

    Viliam Guest

    Glad I could help.
    And the Montreal Canadiens are history :-(
    There is always > next year!

    Viliam, Apr 30, 2004
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