Suggestions on techniques to Reference COM+ object?

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by ngarone, Oct 22, 2004.

  1. ngarone

    ngarone Guest

    I'm developing an application which integrates some COM+ controls (developed in VB.NET) and some AutoCAD VBA macros. My COM+ exe is strongly signed and installed in the GAC so I can use controls in VBA macros. To do this I had to add a reference with the Reference... command.

    The fact is: every time I modify COM+ controls I have to
    1. recreate the tlb and reinstall the exe in the GAC (I use the regasm.exe utility, also if I need to plan a different way for deploying machines)
    2. in the VBA IDE update the reference (The only way I find is removing the reference, apply changes and adding the reference again)

    The question is: how to shorten or simplify this process?
    (at least avoiding the second step...)

    Any help will be appreciated.
    Thanks, Nicola
    ngarone, Oct 22, 2004
  2. Tell VB to quit breaking your interface.

    If you're Visual Basic 6, have a look the project options. On one of the
    tabs is an option to maintain binary compatability with a previously
    compiled version of your executable.

    If this is VB.NET, add the Guid and ClassInterfaceType attributes to
    your class. Be sure to specify ClassInterfaceType.None and encapsulate
    all the public members in a public interface.
    Frank Oquendo, Oct 22, 2004
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