Suggestions for better coding?

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Jeff Mishler, Jul 8, 2003.

  1. Jeff Mishler

    Jeff Mishler Guest

    I have a VBA file that I created, one of my first, that works great. However
    I'm not so sure it uses the best coding practices and I'm looking for input
    as to how I could improve what I've done, if anyone is willing to give me
    some constructive criticism.

    Thanks in advance,

    Portion of working .dvb file:

    Private Sub Label_It(startPnt As Variant, endPnt As Variant)

    Dim insBlock As AcadBlockReference
    Dim attRef As Variant
    Dim rotAng As Double
    Dim insPnt As Variant
    Dim lineLen As Double
    Dim util As AcadUtility
    Dim pi As Double
    Dim I As Integer
    Dim below As String
    Dim TextLength As Double

    pi = 4 * (Atn(1))
    rotAng = ThisDrawing.Utility.AngleFromXAxis(startPnt, endPnt)
    lineLen = Distance(startPnt, endPnt)
    insPnt = endPnt
    insPnt(0) = (startPnt(0) + endPnt(0)) / 2#
    insPnt(1) = (startPnt(1) + endPnt(1)) / 2#
    insPnt(2) = (startPnt(2) + endPnt(2)) / 2#
    If rotAng > (pi / 2) + 0.001 And rotAng < (pi * 1.5) + 0.001 Then
    rotAng = rotAng + pi
    End If
    If ThisDrawing.ActiveSpace = acModelSpace Then
    Set insBlock = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.InsertBlock(insPnt, "Mech-38", 1,
    1, 1, rotAng)
    Set insBlock = ThisDrawing.PaperSpace.InsertBlock(insPnt, "Mech-38", 1,
    1, 1, rotAng)
    End If
    attRef = insBlock.GetAttributes
    below = ListBox3.Object
    below = Left(below, ((InStr(1, below, "-")) - 2))
    If SequenceOption.Value = False Then
    below = below & "-" & SeqNum.Value
    End If
    For I = LBound(attRef) To UBound(attRef)
    If attRef(I).TagString = "LINESIZE/MATERIAL" Then
    attRef(I).TextString = ListBox1.Object & "-" & ListBox2.Object
    ElseIf attRef(I).TagString = "PIPE-IDENTIFICATION-NO" Then
    attRef(I).TextString = below
    End If
    Next I
    If LeaderOptYes.Value = True Then
    TextLength = GetTextLength(insBlock)
    If TextLength > lineLen Then
    Dim points(0 To 8) As Double
    Dim LeaderObj As AcadLeader
    Dim StartPoint As Variant
    Dim EndPoint As Variant
    Dim NextPoint As Variant
    Dim counter As Integer
    Dim annoObj As AcadObject
    Dim Line As AcadLine

    Set annObj = Nothing
    StartPoint = insPnt
    xxErr = GETXX_FAILED
    Do Until xxErr = GETXX_SUCCESS Or xxErr = GETXX_ESCAPE
    NextPoint = oGetXX.GetPoint(xxErr, StartPoint, " Next Leader Point:
    If xxErr = GETXX_ESCAPE Then
    Exit Sub
    End If
    xxErr = GETXX_FAILED
    Do Until xxErr = GETXX_SUCCESS Or xxErr = GETXX_ESCAPE
    EndPoint = oGetXX.GetPoint(xxErr, NextPoint, " Leader end point: ")
    If xxErr = GETXX_ESCAPE Then
    Exit Sub
    End If
    For counter = 0 To 2
    points(counter) = StartPoint(counter)
    Next counter
    For counter = 0 To 2
    points(counter + 3) = NextPoint(counter)
    Next counter
    For counter = 0 To 2
    points(counter + 6) = EndPoint(counter)
    Next counter
    If ThisDrawing.Utility.AngleFromXAxis(NextPoint, EndPoint) > (pi / 2) +
    0.001 _
    And ThisDrawing.Utility.AngleFromXAxis(NextPoint, EndPoint) < (pi *
    1.5) + 0.001 Then
    rotAng = rotAng + pi
    End If
    NextPoint = ThisDrawing.Utility.PolarPoint(EndPoint, rotAng, TextLength)
    insPoint = ThisDrawing.Utility.PolarPoint(EndPoint, rotAng, (TextLength
    / 2))
    If ThisDrawing.ActiveSpace = acModelSpace Then
    Set LeaderObj = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddLeader(points, annoObj,
    Set Line = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddLine(EndPoint, NextPoint)
    Line.Color = 8
    insBlock.InsertionPoint = insPoint
    Set LeaderObj = ThisDrawing.PaperSpace.AddLeader(points, annoObj,
    Set Line = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddLine(EndPoint, NextPoint)
    Line.Color = 8
    insBlock.InsertionPoint = insPoint
    End If
    End If
    End If
    End Sub
    Jeff Mishler, Jul 8, 2003
  2. Jeff Mishler

    Jason Wilder Guest

    Overall, looks pretty good, though I admit, I'm no code guru, but I've done
    my share.

    2 things that were told to me that do make sense, though I don't always
    follow them:

    1. Don't be afraid of long variable names; yeah it means a lot of typing,
    but keeps thing clearer down the road

    2. Comment your code like mad! Make comments throughout your code that
    will be there for your future reference and anyone else that follows.
    Should you or someone else look at your code 6 months from now, you won't be
    scratching your head trying to remember why you did it that way or what is
    was intended to do.

    It's good to try to keep it 'clean and organized' too, but that all depends
    on the programmer and they read coding.

    My $.02...
    Jason Wilder, Jul 8, 2003
  3. If ThisDrawing.ActiveSpace = acModelSpace Then
    You might find this helpful:

    Public Function ActiveSpace As AcadBlock
    if ThisDrawing.ActiveSpace = acModelSpace then
    Set ActiveSpace = ThisDrawing.Modelspace
    Set ActiveSpace = ThisDrawing.Paperspace
    end if
    End Function

    Then you can insert the block into the active space using
    little more than this:

    Set insBlock = ActiveSpace.InsertBlock(insPnt....)
    Tony Tanzillo, Jul 8, 2003
  4. Jeff Mishler

    joesu Guest


    I agree with Jason, comments are essential. So, I've made some suggestions in the comments of your code below.


    Option Explicit

    'first, there are too many operations going on inside this routine 'break out some of the functional parts into separate routines

    Private Sub Label_It(startPnt As Variant, endPnt As Variant) Dim insBlock As AcadBlockReference Dim attRef As Variant Dim rotAng As Double Dim insPnt As Variant Dim lineLen As Double Dim util As AcadUtility Dim pi As Double Dim I As Integer Dim below As String Dim TextLength As Double

    'it's clearer to write this as Atn(1) * 4 pi = 4 * (Atn(1)) rotAng = ThisDrawing.Utility.AngleFromXAxis(startPnt, endPnt) lineLen = Distance(startPnt, endPnt) 'this makes no sense, why set insPnt to a value and then change each element insPnt = endPnt insPnt(0) = (startPnt(0) + endPnt(0)) / 2# insPnt(1) = (startPnt(1) + endPnt(1)) / 2# insPnt(2) = (startPnt(2) + endPnt(2)) / 2#

    If rotAng &gt; (pi / 2) + 0.001 And rotAng &lt; (pi * 1.5) + 0.001 Then rotAng = rotAng + pi End If

    'since the constant acModelSpace is 1 you could shorten this to ' If ThisDrawing.ActiveSpace Then If ThisDrawing.ActiveSpace = acModelSpace Then &nbsp;&nbsp;Set insBlock = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.InsertBlock(insPnt, "Mech-38", 1, 1, 1, rotAng)

    Else &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Set insBlock = ThisDrawing.PaperSpace.InsertBlock(insPnt, "Mech-38", 1, 1, 1, rotAng) End If

    attRef = insBlock.GetAttributes 'it's unclear what this is doing for you below = ListBox3.Object 'I'm assuming you're parsing a string here below = Left(below, ((InStr(1, below, "-")) - 2))

    If SequenceOption.Value = False Then &nbsp;below = below &amp; "-" &amp; SeqNum.Value End If

    For I = LBound(attRef) To UBound(attRef) &nbsp;If attRef(I).TagString = "LINESIZE/MATERIAL" Then &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;attRef(I).TextString = ListBox1.Object &amp; "-" &amp; ListBox2.Object &nbsp;&nbsp;ElseIf attRef(I).TagString = "PIPE-IDENTIFICATION-NO" Then &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;attRef(I).TextString = below &nbsp;End If Next I

    If LeaderOptYes.Value = True Then &nbsp;&nbsp;TextLength = GetTextLength(insBlock)

    If TextLength &gt; lineLen Then &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Dim points(0 To 8) As Double &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Dim LeaderObj As AcadLeader &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;'this would be better declared as StartPoint(0 to 2) As Double &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Dim StartPoint As Variant &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;'this would be better declared as EndPoint(0 to 2) As Double &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Dim EndPoint As Variant &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;'this would be better declared as NextPoint(0 to 2) As Double &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Dim NextPoint As Variant &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;'I tend to advocate using Long instead of Integer &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Dim counter As Integer &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;'always be the most explicit with data types as possible &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Dim annoObj As AcadObject &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Dim Line As AcadLine

    'this is an undeclared variable which means you're not using &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;'Option Explicit &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;'this is a very bad practice and should never be used! &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Set annObj = Nothing &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;StartPoint = insPnt &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;xxErr = GETXX_FAILED

    Do Until xxErr = GETXX_SUCCESS Or xxErr = GETXX_ESCAPE &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;NextPoint = oGetXX.GetPoint(xxErr, StartPoint, " Next Leader Point:") &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Loop

    If xxErr = GETXX_ESCAPE Then &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;insBlock.Delete &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Exit Sub &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;End If

    xxErr = GETXX_FAILED

    Do Until xxErr = GETXX_SUCCESS Or xxErr = GETXX_ESCAPE &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;EndPoint = oGetXX.GetPoint(xxErr, NextPoint, " Leader end point: ") &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Loop

    If xxErr = GETXX_ESCAPE Then &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;insBlock.Delete &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Exit Sub &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;End If

    For counter = 0 To 2 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;points(counter) = StartPoint(counter) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Next counter

    For counter = 0 To 2 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;points(counter + 3) = NextPoint(counter) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Next counter

    For counter = 0 To 2 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;points(counter + 6) = EndPoint(counter) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Next counter

    If ThisDrawing.Utility.AngleFromXAxis(NextPoint, EndPoint) &gt; (pi / 2) + 0.001 _ &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;And ThisDrawing.Utility.AngleFromXAxis(NextPoint, EndPoint) &lt; (pi * 1.5) + 0.001 Then &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;rotAng = rotAng + pi &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;End If

    NextPoint = ThisDrawing.Utility.PolarPoint(EndPoint, rotAng, TextLength) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;insPoint = ThisDrawing.Utility.PolarPoint(EndPoint, rotAng, (TextLength / 2))

    If ThisDrawing.ActiveSpace = acModelSpace Then &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Set LeaderObj = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddLeader(points, annoObj, acLineNoArrow) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Set Line = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddLine(EndPoint, NextPoint) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Line.color = 8 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;insBlock.InsertionPoint = insPoint

    Else &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Set LeaderObj = ThisDrawing.PaperSpace.AddLeader(points, annoObj, acLineNoArrow) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;'I think this was suppose to be PaperSpace? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Set Line = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddLine(EndPoint, NextPoint) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Line.color = 8 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;insBlock.InsertionPoint = insPoint &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;End If &nbsp;&nbsp;End If End If End Sub
    joesu, Jul 8, 2003
  5. Jeff Mishler

    Jeff Mishler Guest

    Thanks for the comments!
    As for commenting my code, that's a bad habit I've always had (in my usual
    work as well as coding) and I'm trying desperately to change my ways.

    Jeff Mishler, Jul 8, 2003
  6. on the comment of "too many operations inside one routine" what he is
    If you put say Function Add_Tags(dblVar1 as double, ect...) then you pass
    the variables from the calling function/sub this way if you add more code to
    the program then you would not need to retype allot of code(recycle).
    On the getXX as var. I use the get function as well and declaring them as
    doubles. The reason you should try and avoid Variants is that it take's up
    computer memory and will slow the program down if they are declared
    (string,int,byte ect..) the program will allocate less memory space for that

    hope this helps,
    Andrew Elmore, Jul 8, 2003
  7. Jeff Mishler

    Jeff Mishler Guest

    Thanks for that little tidbit! On testing it I did realize that I wasn't
    accounting for the case of the user working in modelspace through a
    Pviewport. I just changed one line of your code to accomodate that:

    If ThisDrawing.ActiveSpace = acModelSpace OR ThisDrawing.Mspace = True Then

    and all is well.
    Thanks again,
    Jeff Mishler, Jul 8, 2003
  8. Jeff Mishler

    Mark Propst Guest

    and that works for you?
    this works for me:
    Dim ip As Variant
    ip = adoc.Utility.GetPoint(, "Pick point for block insertion: ")

    this gives compile error "Can't assign to array"
    Dim ip(2) As Double

    ip = adoc.Utility.GetPoint(, "Pick point for block insertion: ")

    how are you overcoming the fact that vb can't assign directly to an array?
    Mark Propst, Jul 8, 2003
  9. Here is the actual code from my project. (wrote in



    Me.CabinetXpos = P(0)

    Me.CabinetYpos = P(1)

    Select Case frmCabinet.cmbCabType.SelectedIndex

    Case 0, 2

    Me.CabinetZpos = 0

    Case Else

    'Me.CabinetZpos = P(2)

    Me.CabinetZpos = InputBox("Upper Elevation", "Upper Elevation",

    End Select

    End Sub

    Sub New()

    End Sub

    Private Function InstantiateAutoCAD()

    Try : A2K = GetObject(, "AutoCAD.Application")

    Catch : A2K = CreateObject("AutoCad.Application")

    End Try

    A2K.WindowState = AutoCAD.AcWindowState.acMax

    A2K.Visible = True

    A2Kdwg = A2K.ActiveDocument

    End Function

    Private Function GetUserCords()

    Dim A2K As AutoCAD.AcadApplication

    Dim A2Kdwg As AutoCAD.AcadDocument


    A2K = GetObject(, "AutoCAD.Application")


    A2K = CreateObject("AutoCAD.Application")

    End Try

    A2K.Visible = True

    A2K.WindowState = AutoCAD.AcWindowState.acMax

    A2Kdwg = A2K.Application.ActiveDocument

    A2Kdwg.Utility.InitializeUserInput(1, "Boo")

    Dim strMessage As String = "Swith to AutoCAD and "

    Select Case frmCabinet.cmbCabType.Text

    Case "Upper"

    strMessage += "select the bottom front left corner of the upper cabinet."

    Case Else

    strMessage += "select the bottom front left corner of the " &
    frmCabinet.cmbCabType.Text & " cabinet." & vbCrLf & _

    "NOTE: the ToeKick height will be added to your placement."

    End Select

    MessageBox.Show(strMessage, "Select Start postion", MessageBoxButtons.OK,


    P = A2Kdwg.Utility.GetPoint(, "Select start Point")

    End Function


    Andy Elmore
    Andrew Elmore, Jul 9, 2003
  10. Andrew,

    Your "Dim P" or "Public P" statement (which I've heard can lead to arrest)
    must be feeling shy, because he wasn't anywhere in your post...
    Please show us where P is defined.

    Thank you,


    Apologies for the groaner... it's been a long day... I'm tired.
    James Belshan, Jul 9, 2003
  11. #Region "Shared"

    Shared WallEnd As String

    Shared dsDataSetMaterial As DataSet

    Shared dblBoxHeight As Double

    Shared dblBoxDepth As Double

    Shared dblDadoDepth As Double = 7

    Const vtLaminateThickness As Decimal = 0.8

    Public A2K As AutoCAD.AcadApplication

    Public A2Kdwg As AutoCAD.AcadDocument

    Public P As Object

    Shared blnDrawers As Boolean

    #End Region
    Andrew Elmore, Jul 9, 2003
  12. Mark-
    The problem is that you are dimensioning the array. AutoCAD needs an
    undimensioned array to populate just as if you were using a VB command
    like Split. Use this:

    Dim ip() As Double
    ip = adoc.Utility.GetPoint(, "Pick point for block insertion: ")

    Mike Tuersley
    AutoCAD Clinic
    Rand IMAGINiT Technologies
    Mike Tuersley, Jul 10, 2003
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