Sucky Performance1.1. Do Not Load

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Brian, Mar 3, 2005.

  1. Brian

    Brian Guest

    I loaded up SP1.1 from 0 last week and have had nothing but problems.
    Here a few issues to mention if anyone has wondered on wether or not to

    1.)When double-clicking on a feature to bring up driving dimensions
    they won't show up anymore. You have to zoom around to have them

    2.)Extremely long save times compared to SP0.0

    3.)Noticeably chunkier performance.

    4.)Settings wont stay with Document. Decimal places etc...

    I uninstalled everything and reinstalled the initial 2005 again.
    Everything is good. Back to normal.
    Brian, Mar 3, 2005
  2. Brian

    Scott Guest

    A repair on your SW install should help with 2 and 3.

    4) This is a known bug and i think is fixed in SP2

    Scott, Mar 3, 2005
  3. Check out the the thread on regression in 1.1? Might this be your issue?

    I haven't seen that here - sorry.

    Have you checked your "Chunky Slider" to see if that's the issue? You can
    set the slider to determine the level of "chunkiness" that gets performed.
    The purpose is to reduce the amount of graphics processing required to
    improve roating, etc. Go to Tools/Options/System Options/Performance and
    play with the slider for "Level of detail."

    SP1.1 fixed an issue with the BOM units in a drawing not respecting the
    drawing unit settings - you had to go set them in the model file. That's
    the only thing that comes to mind - what exactly are you seeing?

    I have been very pleased with SP1.1 - it fixed several of our issues.

    Wayne Tiffany, Mar 3, 2005
  4. Brian

    neil Guest

    ''Bottom line, my consistent, subjective, long time using, non loyal,
    insensitive and unprofessional opinion (read that as a non kiss ass), SW
    performance sucks!''

    how come you can get away with saying things like that and I get a hard time
    for just being less 'complimentary' than some would wish?.... ;o)
    neil, Mar 3, 2005
  5. Brian

    neil Guest

    just getting a bit of antagonism here and there...anyway...

    I do agree that SW is becoming more pedestrian. There seems to be more and
    more whirring and clunking away in the background all the time, sometimes
    you wonder why it takes sooo long to actually action something.
    Although its not in the same league or purpose a Blender/Yafray install of
    13 mb is an eye opener in what it manages to do in that space and
    quickly...even going back to SW2003 from 2005 I notice a relative crispness.

    Re the UI, I have made noises before about the interface 'makeover' being a
    waste of time... I tend to agree the whole thing is just getting so 'user
    friendly' it's getting dopey but then there are times where you want to
    change setting and you find you have to delete the feature, why? ...there
    are some things like Deform I would rather see stripped out of the program

    As far as 2005 goes I don't have it installed at the moment- too pi**ed off
    with sps - in my experiments I found the new splines (only reason I got 05)
    programming is just too flaky at the moment...maybe by sp3.. I hope so cos
    my subs run out soon.

    Certainly there is an overhead in being a solo SW user that cuts into the
    pocket .... as you say, training/maintenance (and re-maintenance)/unwanted
    help and warning messages/overly frequent rebuilds/code that isn't
    mature/mystery errors and fix ups/keeping up with bug reports/processing
    time etc.etc all lessens productive time...maybe call it dark
    energy...unaccounted for matter taking up large amounts of the cadsters

    I agree the fun factor goes out of it....sort of like a car that isn't end up dreading the next glitch every time you sit in it and
    start to carry a bus timetable with you....sooner or later you decide you
    have spent enough and wasted enough time and you look at a
    replacement...that's about where I am now.
    neil, Mar 4, 2005
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