Sub-assemblies sucks

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by ML, Sep 1, 2006.

  1. ML

    ML Guest

    Hi Gil,

    As far as I know this a normal and typical behaviour in SolidWorks since
    the first version I know (2000). There is no possiblity in an assembly
    with subassemblies to move parts of a subassembly even if these parts
    have degrees of freedom.
    If you want to move parts in the main assembly then you need to go this
    way. An other possible way around would be configurations of the
    subassemblies with different positions of the parts...



    (email: remove the second "_")
    ML, Sep 1, 2006
  2. ML

    Gil Alsberg Guest

    I have a rather simple assembly with 16 parts, 5 of them are axles which are
    parallel to each other.

    I wonder if anybody could share his thoughts on my experience with
    assemblies and mates - especially when those assemblies include

    Here goes my experience:

    A. When creating sub-assemblies within assemblies, there are occasions
    where solidworks stuck sub-assemblies and parts, although they have still
    one way of freedom. this happens with no error message: the sub-assembly is
    just fixed in place while attempting free drag (there are no InPlace mates
    and no FIX condition. they are also not fully-defined).
    Sometimes two or more parts in a sub assembly which are not fully
    defined between them appear in the major assembly as a bunch of parts which
    are "frozen" or glued together although there are degrees of freedom between
    them, and they move only as a whole assembly together.

    B. If I reconstruct the assembly which appears in paragraph A, as a
    simple assembly with no sub-assemblies (one "layer" hierarchy), then
    everything works fine and as expected - peculiar isn't it!

    This is the second time this happens me on an assembly with sub-assemblies,
    and it forces me to abandon completely the sub-assemblies on my assemblies -
    this really sucks when projects starts to be complicated and in relation to
    BOM in drawings and who knows what else!

    BTW, I use SW2006 SP4.1

    Gil Alsberg, Sep 1, 2006

  3. Unless I'm misunderstanding your needs, there's flexible subassemblies,
    and although they have their issues sometimes, they've been improved in
    2006. They've been around since at least SW 2005 from my poor memory.

    With these you can still move individual parts of a sub assembly in a
    top level assembly.

    All you need to do is leave some degrees of freedom in your sub
    assembly free, and designate the sub assembly as flexible in the upper
    assembly. (Right click the sub assembly in the feature manager,
    Component Properties, Solve as, flexible.

    Good luck.

    --Matt Schroeder
    Matt Schroeder, Sep 1, 2006
  4. ML

    adamek Guest

    As far as I know this a normal and typical behaviour in SolidWorks since
    You can move parts of a subassembly within an assembly. You need to go
    to the component properties dialog box and change "Solve As" from
    "Rigid" to "Flexible".
    adamek, Sep 1, 2006
  5. ML

    FlowerPot Guest

    Nothing surprising here, this is basic functionality. Sounds like a
    training issue.
    FlowerPot, Sep 1, 2006
  6. ML

    Gil Alsberg Guest

    Thanks!!! that's exactly what I wanted! a magic sequence of mouse clicks.
    I'm so glad I have this newsgroup for all my solidworks questions.

    Gil Alsberg, Sep 1, 2006
  7. ML

    Gil Alsberg Guest

    Hi Markus,
    Read the reply Matt posted to my question - it might surprise you, as it
    helped me a lot!

    Gil Alsberg, Sep 1, 2006
  8. ML

    Jason Guest

    You should feel fortunate...a lot of cad programs don't have this
    Jason, Sep 1, 2006
  9. ML

    FlowerPot Guest

    it has been around since 2001 or 01+. it was improved significantly in
    05, but it has been there for a while.
    FlowerPot, Sep 1, 2006
  10. ML

    Gil Alsberg Guest

    If Matt is correct, as to the point that this functionality was introduced
    in SW2005, then it is not so obvious as some might think.
    Regarding the training issue: I guess you are right. (although I still
    managed to get CSWP certified before a couple of months, without knowing
    this functionality).

    Gil Alsberg, Sep 1, 2006
  11. ML

    Gil Alsberg Guest

    Indeed, I am feeling fortunate!

    Gil Alsberg, Sep 1, 2006
  12. ML

    Tin Man Guest

    "Flexible Assemblies", they are neat but use with caution. Overuse will
    get you (or at least your SolidWorks assembly) into trouble.

    Tin Man, Sep 2, 2006
  13. ML

    John H Guest

    Which ones??

    John H
    John H, Sep 4, 2006
  14. ML

    John H Guest

    To expand on that.....
    One of the key benefits to splitting a large assembly into sub-assemblies is
    it makes it much easier for SWX to solve the mates, as it can solve them for
    each sub-assy in turn, after which it treats the sub-assys as single
    entities - this is why the original poster found they were moving as a
    single block.

    If you use the "flexible" option, it effectively has to solve the assembly
    as if all the components (and hence all their mates) were added to the top
    It therefore gets complicated = slower = sometimes falls over.

    So I would say it's an invaluable feature at times, but only use it when you
    HAVE to.

    John H
    John H, Sep 4, 2006
  15. ML

    ed1701 Guest

    That was a terrific summation of the value of subassemblies in
    dynamically moving systems (and issues with flexible subassemblies).
    ed1701, Sep 4, 2006
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